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Tag: magicians

Bad news for Simon Cowell as FIVE magicians snub him..

Bad news for Simon Cowell as FIVE magicians snub him..

Simon Cowell is used to getting his own way, but he’s said to be massively disappointed after five magicians he was targeting for Britain’s Got Talent have signed up to a rival show!

The judge wanted the genius fivesome – comprised of Ben Hart, Dee Christopher, Damien O’Brien, Jasz Vegas and Chris Cox – to take part in his talent contest, but they are instead starring in new BBC show Killer Magic.

Hosted by Joe Swash, Killer Magic airs on BBC3 next Tuesday at 10pm. The group will perform five tricks for each other before deciding which stunt wins.
And it seems their decision to snub Cowell and the gang is the latest in a long line of refusals.

Ben said: “BGT rings every year and every year I say, ‘No way’. If they buzz you too early, you are devaluing your product.”

Altogether now: OUCH! (Written by Anna Porter for Best Daily Co. uk )

The Ten Best Close-Up Magicians..

The Ten Best Close-Up Magicians..

By Wayne Kawamoto…. Anytime there’s a list of the “best magicians,” it’s always the stage and television performers who are recognized. But what about close-up? With this in mind and after lots of thought, here’s my list of the top ten close-up magicians.To start, what was my criteria? I attempted to identify close-up magicians who entertain in the real world and not just for other magicians. This mostly rules out the finger flingers who mainly impress other magicians and don’t necessarily entertain the lay public. I wanted truly commercial performers who regularly do the trade shows, corporate events and restaurants – the bread and butter of the close-up world.I easily compiled a list of 20 performers and ultimately whittled it down to my top ten. Here they are, in order, and why each magician is on my list.

Abracadabra: The 10 Best Magicians in the World..

Abracadabra: The 10 Best Magicians in the World..

When you go to a magic show in Las Vegas, the City of Illusions, you’re likely to encounter some of the best magicians in the world. Not only is this city home to famous illusionists, mentalists, and comic magicians, but it’s also the host to several magic conventions.

Some people consider a magician to be a strange career choice, although we encountered several even more bizarre options in our previously published article, the 9 weirdest jobs in the world. But even such odd jobs have their masters, as is the case with magic entertainers. While some left their mark in the magic world as mind-blowing mentalists, others mastered the art of pick-pocketing. Some became famous by building on their theatrics, and others paired up to create a double-action show.Today, the array of magicians has increased significantly, but while some of the names on this list might be familiar from TV shows, there are several world class tricksters that shy away from the limelight. So, from Guinness World Records, to mind games and metal chains, let’s talk about the best magicians in the world.

(Magic News note: This list is actually more about the most popular magicians in the world than the best magicians… Where’s Ricky Jay? Where’s Lennart Green ?  You get my point…)


Penn & Teller: Technology has morphed the magic act

Penn & Teller: Technology has morphed the magic act

From USA Today  –  SAN FRANCISCO — Leave it to Penn and Teller. Ask the fabled magicians about the impact of technology on their craft, and you’ll get answers as wonderfully disparate as the tall and garrulous Penn Jillette and the short and mute-on-camera Teller.

“There’s no doubt the Internet has made magicians better technically,” booms Jillette, 59, in town Tuesday with his partner to be honored at Sketchfest, the annual comedy festival.

He explains that in magic’s early days, secrets were passed down through mentors. “Now, the entry-level price is an Internet connection and a deck of cards,” he says. “You can teach yourself this stuff (through online tutorials), so what we’re seeing in terms of close-up and sleight of hand is breathtaking.”

Teller, 66, focuses his lens on the topic differently…

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