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Tag: magicnews

A Note from Rick…

A Note from Rick…

Thanks a million to all of you who have spent time on MAGIC NEWS during our first couple of months online. I have thoroughly enjoyed tracking down these stories, and I hope at least some of you have enjoyed reading them…

That said.. I want to stress that MAGIC NEWS doesn’t have an agenda. I am not thrilled with the ‘tone’ some of the magic related stories take, but that is the road chosen by the author and the publication itself – not Rick.. I simply pass on links to the stories that are being printed. To avoid being accused of editorializing, I don’t edit… I report.

If you wish to NOT see sordid little parts of your life splashed across the internet.. stay out of the news. Better yet, stay out of trouble and you’ll not see yourself IN the news. I wish I could offer better advice, but I have a feeling, in some cases at least, it would fall on deaf ears.

As Oscar Wilde famously said.. “ The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about…”

Unrelated thought… I’m assuming most of you have noticed the little red Hearts below each post. They are a polite way of indicating you liked that particular post. If you click it you’re not going to have to sign up for something or see it reposted on Facebook.. you are simply indicating to me that you found that article interesting. It only takes a moment and It WILL help establish a sense of direction for MAGIC NEWS…

Look for a wider assortment of magic-related posts in the coming weeks. There are going to be some BIG changes.. as soon as I figure out what they are…   

G’day mates..

Vegas Magician Among Those Married at the Grammy Awards

Vegas Magician Among Those Married at the Grammy Awards

image  Those of you watching the Grammy Awards Sunday night probably saw the ‘mass wedding’ performed by Queen Latifah. There were a wide assortment of males and females, and at least one well-known magician, among those who took their vows.

Seth Grabel, master magician who performs at the Clarion Hotel in Las Vegas, married Tammy Shaw, publisher of the Las Vegas Woman magazine.

Grabel, known for his self-described ‘acrobatic magic’, and his appearances on America’s Got Talent, has been dating Mrs. Grabel for slightly less than a year. The former Miss Shaw publishes Las Vegas Woman, a quarterly print and digital magazine.

According to New York Daily News, Queen Latifah was sworn in as a temporary commissioner by the State of California in order to legally marry the thirty-three couples..

MAGIC NEWS wishes the new Mr. and Mrs. Grabel many happy years of marital bliss.

When News Comes to a Screeching Halt..

When News Comes to a Screeching Halt..

There are good days.. and there are bad days. Certainly, not all news days are the same. Some days I’m faced with selecting the best stories from a hand full of interesting potential posts. Other days I’m faced with no news whatsoever.  So…I’ll take this time to share a little something with you guys, something personal.

First.. what is Magic News? I started Magic News last year as a benefit for readers of the Magic Roadshow Journal of Magic. I published it for several months, posting a month’s worth of news items at a time. Although readers seemed to enjoy it, life got in the way and I didn’t have time to continue publishing Magic News. The Roadshow, which has run for ten years now, came first.

I didn’t give up on the idea though, and now that I am able to cut back on my ‘other’ job, I’ve found time to publish news features in virtual real time. I sit down every night, review my sources, and publish the best news items. Most newspapers utilize RSS to send out ‘feeds’ to news conglomerates like Google and Yahoo, who in turn list these articles in their search results for the benefit of readers, researchers, other news sources, and folks like myself.. who, in turn, share it with readers who then visit the online newspapers to read the entire story. It’s a win – win for all of us..Since these stories tend to appear on the search engines before they appear in print, usually by an hour or so, it’s possible to read some of the features here before they appear in print.. (depending on how quickly I get it online..)

Secondly, I just published the 150th issue of the Magic Roadshow. I really want to find a way to combine the Roadshow with the Magic News. As of right now, I’m still publishing both as separate entities, but somehow, sometime in the not-to-distant future I hope to publish both in small segments, like the Magic News, as opposed to working like a crazy man for days trying to publish a single issue of the Roadshow.. I’ll figure it out one day.. 

And lastly.. who am I..?  Roadshow readers know me, and I know many of them.. thanks to our communications through the years. My name is Rick Carruth, and I’m the guy who tries to put it all together. (That’s my mug shot in the upper right hand corner of the blog.) I’ve been in magic for many years, publish the Magic Roadshow, authored a few books, (see Amazon), and generally enjoy helping and sharing with other magicians. I hope you really enjoy MAGIC NEWS, and I sincerely hope you’ll email me with thoughts, comments, and suggestions. You won’t hurt my feelings.. I promise. You can contact me via this web form:  … or, just email me at     

If you would like to get a look at one of my RSS ‘news feeds’, complete with magic news and scores from every team named ‘the magicians’.. go to: and click the News Feed link in the nav bar. 

Revealed: The magic tricks Paul Daniels used to save his £2.5m home from the floods… and the truth about those 300 groupies..

Revealed: The magic tricks Paul Daniels used to save his £2.5m home from the floods… and the truth about those 300 groupies..

Much can be said for a good article title. This heading in the DailyMail definitely made me want to read more. The Magic News thinks It was time well spent….

“Visiting Paul Daniels in his riverside home  is definitely not for the fainthearted.

‘Park where you can on the lane and wear a  pair of waders,’ Paul tells me beforehand. He might well have added: ‘Or bring a  canoe.’

For the lane is no longer a lane, but a  torrent of fast-flowing water.

The heavens have opened and the rain is  sheeting it down now. This is not fun…

Which is why when Paul, 75, opens his front  door I’m, well, rather taken aback to see him full of the joys of spring. So  much so that if he had a tail he’d be wagging it. 

‘Come in and look,’ he says, with a flourish  of his hand as if presenting an illusion. In a way, he is. For the kitchen into  which we step is dry as a bone…”:

Read more at: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook