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Tag: max maven

Our Magic: Documentary about magic, by magicians..

Our Magic: Documentary about magic, by magicians..

By Ferdinando Buscema for BoingBoing..

What is a magician? For most of the people a magician is a weird dude, wearing some odd attire with pathetic lapel pins or a clownish tie, possibly able to make balloon animals, trying to look cool and interesting with some wacky prop or a cheesy joke. Frequently endowed with an hypertrophic ego and cocky attitude, the archetypical stereotype of the magician looks like the G.O.B. character from the TV series Arrested Development. Sad but true, the perception of a magician in most people’s mind is surrounded by an aura of triviality.

Whatever the state of affairs, there is more to magic than meets the eye. As living legend mentalist Max Maven states, with typical razor-sharp wit: “The image of the magician, sadly, is for most of the public a cliché, that involves something nice for children. Judging magic through that filter is like judging music solely based on how people sing in the shower.”

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