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Tag: new zealand international magicians convention

Paul Daniels leaves lasting impression on Kiwi magician Mick Peck…

Paul Daniels leaves lasting impression on Kiwi magician Mick Peck…


Mick Peck is a professional magician based in Auckland and a member of London’s Magic Circle, the world’s premier magic club.

He was inspired by Paul Daniels to become a magician, and he persuaded Daniels to attend the New Zealand International Magicians Convention in 2010.

Peck shares his memory of the beloved magician who passed after suffering from an inoperable brain tumour. He was 77… 

One of my earliest memories of magic was seeing Paul perform the Magic Kettle on television. A perfectly ordinary looking tea kettle could pour out any drink requested by the audience.  Beer, sherry, whiskey, wine; whatever the audience called out Paul poured from the kettle and gave to the audience.

A smart alec called out “milk”, and in his inimitable style Paul tilted the kettle, milk flowed from the spout and was given away.

Hmm, I thought, maybe this magic schtick was worth looking into.

My first magic set was a Paul Daniels magic set. It caught my eye in a toy store, proclaiming “one hundred professional magic tricks”.

This was my ticket to ride, I thought, and wouldn’t leave the store until my parents had bought it………

Read the interesting and informative article plus, be SURE to watch Paul’s cup and ball video… the best one cup effect in the world at..