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Tag: paul daniels

Paul Daniels claims there are no ‘great all-round magicians’ left..

Paul Daniels claims there are no ‘great all-round magicians’ left..

MAGIC legend Paul Daniels has said there are no “great all-round magicians” at the moment as he prepares to return to Fairfield Halls next month.

The former Every Second Counts host is returning to the halls next month as the King of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland alongside his wife and assistant Debbie McGee as the White Rabbit.

Daniels, 75, spoke to the Advertiser from behind a counter in a shop where he was helping a cashier price items.

He said he has met the current crop of magicians such as David Blaine, Derren Brown and Dynamo but would not judge them properly until he sees them live one stage.

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The day that changed Paul Daniels’ life: The magician, 75, on how he discovered his calling inside a dusty old book on a soggy family holiday in North Yorkshire..

The day that changed Paul Daniels’ life: The magician, 75, on how he discovered his calling inside a dusty old book on a soggy family holiday in North Yorkshire..

When I was 11, in the summer holidays just before I went  to grammar school, I came across a book that would change my life. 

Mum, Dad, my brother Trevor and I were staying in a country holiday cottage for a couple of weeks in North Yorkshire. That summer the weather wasn’t good and I was forced to look at whatever books were lying around the place. 

I was an avid reader and discovered an old tome on Victorian pastimes which covered lots of subjects, and in one chapter, magic tricks. I read it carefully, as it contained an intriguing mathematical magic trick. Laboriously I copied it out by hand, practised it a few times then showed it to my family, who were quite impressed. 

The bug had bitten. When we got home to South Bank, Middlesbrough, I borrowed more books on the subject from the library and my interest grew. I liked entertaining and performing, so from then on at family gatherings I’d do magic tricks. I had my first taste of performing on stage at 14, doing a spot in a revue for the Normanby Road Methodist Chapel.

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Paul Daniels blast government after receiving massive tax bill for caring for his mother..

Paul Daniels blast government after receiving massive tax bill for caring for his mother..

He chose to look after his mother during her final years rather than place her in the unfamiliar surroundings of a care home.

Paul Daniels adapted her house, spending thousands of pounds on it so she could retain her independence.

But yesterday the celebrity magician vented his fury at discovering he faces being penalised by the taxman for doing so…

He says he is facing a capital gains tax bill of £136,000 when he sells his late mother’s home.

As it was registered in Daniels’s name and not his mother’s, he is liable to pay the tax on it as a ‘second home’.

But he says that by caring for his mother himself he has saved the government thousands of pounds – and the essential renovations to the house should be tax deductible.

‘They don’t understand the amount I’ve spent and saved the government by providing for her,’ he said…     Read more at:

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Revealed: The magic tricks Paul Daniels used to save his £2.5m home from the floods… and the truth about those 300 groupies..

Revealed: The magic tricks Paul Daniels used to save his £2.5m home from the floods… and the truth about those 300 groupies..

Much can be said for a good article title. This heading in the DailyMail definitely made me want to read more. The Magic News thinks It was time well spent….

“Visiting Paul Daniels in his riverside home  is definitely not for the fainthearted.

‘Park where you can on the lane and wear a  pair of waders,’ Paul tells me beforehand. He might well have added: ‘Or bring a  canoe.’

For the lane is no longer a lane, but a  torrent of fast-flowing water.

The heavens have opened and the rain is  sheeting it down now. This is not fun…

Which is why when Paul, 75, opens his front  door I’m, well, rather taken aback to see him full of the joys of spring. So  much so that if he had a tail he’d be wagging it. 

‘Come in and look,’ he says, with a flourish  of his hand as if presenting an illusion. In a way, he is. For the kitchen into  which we step is dry as a bone…”:

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