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Tag: pluto

Why magician David Blaine decided to show up for the Pluto mission..

Why magician David Blaine decided to show up for the Pluto mission..

David Blaine: He’s the guy who survived being electrocuted for 72 hours, frozen for 63 hours and submerged in water for 17 minutes. So what makes him a good fit for an appearance at the New Horizons Pluto flyby mission?

Well, who cares? He did it anyway, taking the stage in his signature all-black outfit in the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Lab Tuesday night — just hours before NASA got confirmation that the spacecraft survived its encounter with the Pluto system earlier in the morning.

Space and magic. David Blaine performing at tonight’s New Horizons party. Phone home signal is coming!

The NASA scientists and space enthusiasts gathered let out oohs and aahs as he sent invisible playing cards beneath the wristwatch of an unsuspecting volunteer. His big act of the night was having a woman pick out a puzzle piece at random that fit perfectly into an image of space — right where Pluto is supposed to be.  Read more…