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Magic: What If It Was Real?

Magic: What If It Was Real?

Las Vegas is home to many magicians, most of whom are hard core illusionists. Concentrating on sleight of hand, misdirection, and other tricks of professional conjurers, they ply their trade and compete for bookings. But what if, just maybe, sometimes the magic was real? That is exactly what a small eclectic group, comprised mostly of entertainers who regularly engage in mystifying performances, set out to explore with unmapped territory in an innovative meeting titled PSI Posium.

For three days they met at Sunset Station Hotel and Casino spending many hours listening to presentations, practicing the arts and exchanging ideas and concepts that can be incorporated into public demonstrations. PSI Posium was the brainchild ofAlain Nu (The Man Who Knows) and Jerome Finley (a Showman Shaman) both of whom have personal experiences that seem to defy conventional explanations. In their view stage magic has lost its way placing emphasis on trickery and hosting a general disbelief in the arcane milieu from which they were spawned.

One issue is the nomenclature. The seminar organizers would reject traditional titles such as hypnotist, mentalist, or magician, all of which are encumbered with prosaic baggage from their counterparts. In his performances Alain Nu employs techniques that blur the lines between science and unexplained phenomena and often leaves the audience confounded thus stretching their belief systems. Here Alain demonstrated amazing tricks that caused metal spoons to appear to bend in his hand. But knowing that was an illusion does not negate veridical reports of spontaneous events of true psychokinesis. Rather, the trick provides a model that allows the mind to be open to exceptional experiences. Read more…..