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Tag: punch and judy

Seaside resort BANS classic Punch and Judy show because it ‘trivalises domestic violence ‘..

Seaside resort BANS classic Punch and Judy show because it ‘trivalises domestic violence ‘..

A seaside resort has banned a classic Punch and Judy show – because councillors fear it trivialises domestic violence.


The traditional puppet show was supposed to be part of the Barry Island Beats, Eats and Treats festival in south Wales next month.

But the performance was scrapped after officials and some councillors decided it would be at odds with the county council’s standpoint on domestic violence.

Ian Johnson, of Barry Town Council, which agreed to give £2,500 to support the festival, said: ‘The issue was that it was treading a fine line between entertainment and recognising that some of it was inappropriate.

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** If you aren’t familiar with a Punch and Judy show.. here’s an archived film, about 8 minutes long, that will give you a good idea..