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Chloe Crawford receives “Assistant of the Year Award” from Society of American Magicians

Chloe Crawford receives “Assistant of the Year Award” from Society of American Magicians

February 1, 2015 by

Chloe Crawford, Assistant and Choreographer for MURRAY ‘Celebrity Magician’ at Planet Hollywood, received Assistant of the Year Award for 2014 from the Society of American Magicians in Vancouver, British Columbia this weekend. Chloe and Murray had a busy week filming Masters of Illusion Season 2 in Hollywood at Red Studios then buzzing up to Murray’s hometown Vancouver, BC for the Society of American Magicians annual dinner awards banquet where Chloe received her award. It’s an honor to be a recipient of this award as many past legendary assistants have won it.

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Magician Kenrick ‘ICE’ McDonald Sees The Light In The ‘Dark Arts’

Magician Kenrick ‘ICE’ McDonald Sees The Light In The ‘Dark Arts’

By NPR staff..

Harry Houdini, Harry Blackstone, David Copperfield — all great magicians, and all members of the Society of American Magicians, one of the oldest and most prestigious magical societies in the world.

Last month, the society made history when it inaugurated its first African-American president, Kenrick McDonald — known in the magical world as “ICE.”

McDonald says magic has a long and little-known history in the African-American community. Even so, he says, he still had many obstacles to overcome as a young magician, including reconciling his love for magic with his Christian faith.

McDonald grew up in a religious family. His father bought him his first magic kit, but McDonald’s enthusiasm for tricks soon became a source of family tension. For many years, he says, he was forced to practice in secret — but he was determined to show his family that there was nothing evil about magic.

“I personally knew this was not a dark art. I just liked the way it made people feel,” McDonald says. “It’s that feeling of bringing people back to their childhood.”….

Listen to the interview and/or read the transcript at:  HERE

It’s Official: Magicians Are Artists..

It’s Official: Magicians Are Artists..

Hundreds of magicians will converge on St. Louis during the week of June 30 for Lectures, Magic Shows and to celebrate the 113th US Congress recognizing that Magic is an Art.
It's Official: Magicians Are Artists

St Louis, MO, June 29, 2014 –(– Will the famed St. Louis Arch disappear this week? Probably not, but many other mystical happenings are sure to abound as the Society of American Magicians and the International Brotherhood of Magicians hold their combined international convention at the Renaissance St. Louis Grand Hotel July 1-5. The last time these two organizations held a combined convention was in 2008.

This year, the magicians have something to be proud of. Recently, S.A.M. President Dal Sanders was able to get Congressional recognition for magic as an art. Since the Society’s founding in 1902, one goal of the S.A.M has been to advance and elevate magic as an art. Since the 1960s, the Society has been trying to get Congressional recognition for the “Art of Magic.” While many states and localities have issued Magic Week proclamations recognizing magic as an art, the federal government has not.

In late April, Sanders pulled off quite the trick. With the help of Wylie Mayor Eric Hogue (also a S.A.M. member), Dallas Congressman Pete Sessions put into the Congressional Record a Recognition of the Art of Magic. This recognition is very important according to Sanders. “When considered for grants, magic in the U-S has been seen as a hobby or at best, a craft. This is not the case in other countries. For example, in the late 60s Doug Henning won a grant from the Canadian Council for the Arts to study magic. In Canada, as in many other countries, they recognized magic as an art form. Henning’s grant led to the show that would eventually become the Broadway Hit THE MAGIC SHOW.”

Sanders says this is a first step, but he is encouraged about the future. “Congressman Pete Sessions and his staff, as well as other members of congress have pledged their help in taking the next step. They will help magicians obtain grants from agencies that use federal money. They will help us explore how to draft resolutions that can protect our intellectual property from theft and gratuitous exposure. Congressman Sessions, an Eagle Scout himself, is even willing to approach the Boy Scouts of America to help us establish a Merit Badge.”

About The S.A.M
Founded in 1902, the Society of American Magicians is the world’s oldest magic organization. The Society has grown from 24 people in New York City to thousands of members around the world in 250 chapters or Assemblies. The Society is also the most prestigious in magic, counting most of the biggest names in magic as members: Harry Houdini (who was national president for 9 years), Howard Thurston (another president), Harry Blackstone, Sr., Harry Blackstone, Jr., Orson Wells and David Copperfield.

Full Text of Congressional Record
In Recognition Of The Art OF Magic – Hon. Pete Sessions (Extensions of Remarks – April 28, 2014)

[Page: E586]

Hon. Pete Sessions Of Texas

In The House Of Representatives
Monday, April 28, 2014

Mr. Sessions: Mr. Speaker, I rise today on behalf of one of my constituents, Dal Sanders, National President of The Society of American Magicians, to recognize magic as an art.

The art of magic has been around for centuries and is intended to entertain audiences with the staging of tricks and creating seemingly impossible illusions. Throughout its history, magic has grown to show innovative and creative ways to delight and engage audiences worldwide. It takes a great deal of dedication and a strong work ethic to devote the practice time necessary to master this art.

I would specifically like to take this opportunity to recognize the world’s oldest magic organization, The Society of American Magicians, S A M. Since its founding in 1902, The S.A.M. has attempted to elevate and advance the art of magic by promoting an environment for magicians worldwide to come together and share their passion. The S.A.M. members follow in the footsteps of renowned magicians Harry Houdini and Howard Thurston, who each served as national president of The S.A.M., and Harry Blackstone, Jr., and David Copperfield, who both have served as The S.A.M. ambassadors.

Mr. Speaker, I ask my esteemed colleagues to join me in recognizing the art of magic.

Sheer Illusion: Kenrick ‘ICE’ McDonald To Preside Over The Society of American Magicians (Watch)..

Sheer Illusion: Kenrick ‘ICE’ McDonald To Preside Over The Society of American Magicians (Watch)..

Written by DeBorah B. Pryor for ThisNthat..

*Wow! This is huge. It’s one thing to be recognized by people around the globe because you’ve built a reputation backed by talent, skill and a great work ethic. But it is quite another to be singled out and chosen by The Society of American Magicians (S.A.M.), the 112-year-old organization that at one time had legendary magician Harry Houdini in the role you will now hold.

Talking about filling some big shoes.

As master illusionist Kenrick ‘ICE’ McDonald prepares to step into the role of the organizations’ National President, he also realizes that he is making history as the first African American to do so.

But he is way too busy to gloat over this. …

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