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Tag: scott cuthbertson

Putting the magic into team building, literally..

Putting the magic into team building, literally..

Magicians are often used in corporate entertainment, but does magic have a role in team building? Neuroscientists even claim magic tricks throw light on sales techniques or business negotiations. Dr Nicola Davies looks at how magic can enhance teamwork, patience, focus, risk-taking, and problem-solving.

Magician Scott Cuthbertson is often invited to corporate events. Some of his clients include BP, BAA, British Airways, De La Rue Currency, GlaxoSmithKline, Jongleurs Comedy Club, Lloyds Pharmacies, Novartis, Shell, Shering, UGC Cinemas and UEFA, amongst many others.

Within Cuthbertson’s repertoire are team building games, workshops, and conference and awards night performances. He not only presents his own magic, but he also teaches employees how to do tricks.

When a magician comes in to a workplace and gets people involved in solving or performing magic tricks, they can teach skills including team work and good communication. It can also facilitate the development of creative approaches to problem-solving, and how to work within a limited time-frame. These skills are important in creating adaptable teams. Read more..

Magic can enhance team building and problem solving. Photo: Shutterstock/Syda Productions ..