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Tag: seth kramer

Seth Kramer practices magic that’s good for business..

Seth Kramer practices magic that’s good for business..

Seth Kramer has a way of working his magic on everyone he meets.

On a recent Saturday afternoon, the self-described “corporate magician” got inside a reporter’s head: Think about an acquaintance you haven’t seen in a long time, Kramer said. “Picture the person in your mind, and then print their first name on a piece of paper and fold it in half,” he said. After asking several questions (“Is this someone you worked with?” “Did they move because of a new job?”), he pulled out a card he had in a business folder with that friend’s name on it, as if it had been written days earlier.

That brand of mind boggling, mind reading and sleight of hand has been Kramer’s shtick-in-trade for the more than 30 years. Kramer, 55, of Huntington, has performed at more than 600 events using his brand of illusion to draw in passers-by at trade shows, getting audiences interested in new products — anything from computer software to fertilizer. “There are only maybe about 30 magicians in the country who understand the balance between entertainment and education,” he says. “The challenge is to integrate it kind of seamlessly. You don’t want to hit people over the head with the message, but you want to draw in people.”   Read more…