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Tag: shane gillen

Illusionist Gillen plays mind games with his audience..

Illusionist Gillen plays mind games with his audience..

For a very long time, we thought of a good magician was someone who could make an intricate sausage dog out of balloons or pull a white dove from his inside pocket, but the new generation of magic men are very different, they want to bend your mind rather than your balloons. Dubliner Shane Gillen is a magician who is not afraid to admit he can’t actually make any animals out of thin air. But he can persuade you that your thoughts aren’t quite as private as you might think.

Shane has been earning money from his brand of magic for seven years, since he was 19 and on a J1 visa to San Francisco. He didn’t know that he wanted to become a magician and he didn’t write it down on the career guidance form. No, he enrolled in college for a degree in English, media and cultural studies. –

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