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Tag: the futurist

Behind the Scenes With One of Broadway’s Biggest Magicians

Behind the Scenes With One of Broadway’s Biggest Magicians

By Aimee Heckel for Huff Post Weird News..

The cold blade brushed against my shoulder. The sword snagged my left sleeve. He pushed, but noticed resistance. He quickly pulled me out of the box.

Aha, I thought. That’s why magician’s assistants wear tight clothes.

This is where Adam Trent, one of the world’s biggest, up-and-coming magicians, began. Nearly a decade ago in a small theater in Boulder, Colorado, with a starving writer hoping to make an extra buck as his magician’s assistant.

The magic world is calling him “the futurist,” the next big thing for magic. Others call him “Justin Timberlake meets David Copperfield;” he’s been known to dance on stage, and he’s an admitted boy band wannabe.

Today, Trent, now 29, is taking his magic to Broadway in New York, as part of a group of the first magicians to hit Broadway in nearly two decades. The last magician on Broadway: David Copperfield, at the launch of his career.

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