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Tag: thestar

Hot Docs: James Randi, the original mythbuster..

Hot Docs: James Randi, the original mythbuster..

By Graham Slaughter for

A white-bearded man in a black cloak glides across the lawn. It’s a warm morning at the University of Toronto, and the dark figure moves past the castle-like buildings, measuring each step with a cane. A green feather peeks from his hat.

If you didn’t know better, you might mistake him for a wizard. But that’s the furthest from the truth.

For decades, James Randi, now 85, has been the world’s foremost debunker of anyone who claims supernatural powers — psychics, mystics, faith healers. Before that he was best known as a magician, having appeared on stages worldwide as The Amazing Randi. Some considered him the best escape artist since Harry Houdini…

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Big Mystery over Legend’s Magical Tour

Big Mystery over Legend’s Magical Tour

UK’s The Star reports that Paul Daniels is all set to kick off his farewell tour.. or is he..? This may be, as is the case with some well-known performers, the infamous ‘1st Farewell Tour’…

“Magician Paul Daniels is bowing out with a final ‘farewell to the legend tour… Or so it seemed from his publicity. The irrepressible Yorkshireman said: “No, it’s the first farewell tour. The Stones and Frank and Status Quo, they all did it. I said to Debbie it’s about time we had one of them.”

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