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Why Kids Are Better At Figuring Out Magic Tricks..

Why Kids Are Better At Figuring Out Magic Tricks..

Why Kids Are Better At Figuring Out Magic TricksBy Richard Feloni for Business Insider..  Photo:Flickr/PhotoAtelier

If a magician’s life depended on fooling either an audience of adults or an audience of kids, every magician would rather perform for the adults, says Alex Stone, a lifelong magician and author of “Fooling Houdini.”

In “Think Like A Freak,” the new book from “Freakonomics” authors Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner, Stone explains why the average 8-year-old is much better than even the most brilliant adult at seeing through a magician’s illusions.

The theory is based on the idea that kids operate without a lifetime’s understanding of how the world works, “and magic is all about turning your assumptions and expectations against you,” Stone says. “When you’re pretending to shuffle a deck, they don’t even notice you’re shuffling.”

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