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Healing Hands the Tommy Cooper Way..

Healing Hands the Tommy Cooper Way..

Informative article by Roger Dobson for MailOnline, including the basics of three Tommy Cooper magic tricks to help the ailing…

 For comedy fans, they were just brilliantly entertaining – but the legendary Tommy Cooper’s magic tricks could help patients with damaged hands, a new study has shown.

Practising some of his routines, such as linking two paperclips without touching them and tying a knot one-handed, could help restore hand movement for patients weakened after surgery, arthritis, stroke, nerve damage, fractures and burns.

It could also help children with developmental disorders, who often have problems with co-ordination. Manipulating paperclips and ropes, and making coins and banknotes vanish and reappear, all require sequences of dozens of movements and provide an engaging alternative to normally laborious rehabilitation.

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