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UNTOUCHED – by Ryuhei Nakamura – A Review

UNTOUCHED – by Ryuhei Nakamura – A Review

Untouched by Ryuhei Nakamura – A Review

This is the Ad Copy:

Gain telekinetic abilities that can be used under any circumstance.

A telekinetic routine that can be performed even in unsatisfactory conditions. Nothing will be able to stop you from performing this beast of an illusion! SansMinds is proud to introduce an effect brought to you from the mind of Ryuhei Nakamura, a master of telekinetic magic. He is famous for his ability to perform complex actions with the power of his mind. This is not just a simple push or pull – it is far more!

This is Untouched!

A weapon that will stop any passerby in their tracks! Create a show unique from the rest, with complicated actions normally not seen in other telekinetic routines. Use everyday objects, and make them dance with the power of your mind. This is truly a performance piece that is sure to gather an audience.

Here’s a truly special effect that is gaining immense popularity in the Far East. Don’t miss out on getting a taste of the insane magic scene in Japan.

Grab yourself a copy today!

What’s in the Box?

1 Untouched Instructional DVD
(Please note that this Instructional DVD has English subtitles with Japanese audio.)

My Thoughts:

SansMinds presents UNTOUCHED by Ryuhei Nakamura. I was not familiar with Ryuhei before watching this DVD, but it became obvious he is one of a number of Far East performers with great technical skills. SansMinds chose him to teach this DVD because of his use of invisible thread while performing an entire street routine, consisting of a number of spins, floats and flips with glassware and silverware.. all wrapped in a telekinetic performance. He literally goes down to street level, no table, and performs for his audiences.

I am going to tell you what you’ll find in UNTOUCHED. I am not going to tell you how easy or complicated it is.. as I have never performed thread work to this degree. My personal knowledge is limited to small pieces of thread and a few loops. I do own an ITR (invisible thread reel).. but I have a perpetual fear of failure.. and that’s on me.

First.. Is there an elephant in the room? Sort of.. The entire DVD is recorded with subtitles. I think Ryuhei’s skill level is such that SansMind couldn’t resist the opportunity to get this on video. As so much of the DVD is technical skill, and as so much of that skill can be demonstrated in virtual silence, I personally don’t have a problem with subtitles. The translation is correct and readable.. even for someone like me.. who has a problem with small lettering. They do not ‘hurry’ through the subtitles, and give you ample time to see what you need to see. Again, this is a very ‘visual’ subject.. and the quiet times and careful demonstrations are somewhat more important than the words.

Ryuhei explains his choice of clothing, flooring, and locations. There are good reasons for making good choices.. and he explains it all. He is well known for his outdoor work in broad daylight, which can be quite challenging -if- you are not familiar with the subtle nuances.

Yes, Ryuhei uses ITR’s.. sometimes two for safety sake.. and goes into detail about what to expect from small reels, medium reels and large reels. He covers where and how to place your reel to maximize its use and protect the thread. He gives time to wax, portions and placement.

In his personal performances, and most of his demonstrations, he uses a plastic, long stem glass and a fork. Ryuhei devotes a portion of the DVD to demonstrating his street routine… which he then breaks down, move for move, through much of the video. He wears black clothing and uses white, thick thread to give you a strong visual of exactly where and how he makes each connection and all the appropriate hand movements to sell his telekinetic premise. The DVD is filmed using a table, although he prefers to perform on the floor in real life. This is the crux of the teaching.. and why the subtitles are not a problem.

Part of the demonstration includes metal bending (the fork), which is not covered in this DVD.

About twenty minutes of the DVD is Ryuhei demonstrating how he makes connections with items borrowed from spectators. Ink pens, cola cans, bottles, mint packs, coffee cups and glasses are covered. Glasses are particularly interesting because of their ability to fold and unfold. My favorite is his hookup of a deck of boxed playing cards. He spins the box, opens the flap, and pulls the cards from the case.. and it’s a very convincing visual.. Probably my favorite moment on the DVD.

The final portion of the video is a section on troubleshooting. Ryuhei deals with using multiple reels in case of thread breakage.. and how to deal with tangles. My personal fear has always been breakage, unwarranted I’m sure, as there are several ways to deal with it.

Total run time is about one hour and five minutes. UNTOUCHED is sold as a DVD, and not a download, which is a plus for me. The video quality is good and the sound is good. No complaints.

If you have an interest in thread work or learning thread work from the ground up, this is an ideal DVD. I don’t know where else you can learn an entire thread routine from one source. You’ll learn a number of tricks and tips from UNTOUCHED.. and I’m pleased to recommend it to all you invisible thread guys and girls out there…

$34.95 .. From Murphy’s Magic and their Associates

Review by Rick Carruth for Murphy’s Magic & The Magic Roadshow