TED Talks About Magic – videos

TED Talks About Magic – videos

 TED has earned a spot both in our culture and in our craft. I ran across a page recently that provided links to 14 TED videos.. all related to magic in one form or another. You may have seen the majority of these, but if you’ve missed one or two it’ll be worth your time to visit… Included are:

– And for my next trick, a robot
– The magic of Fibonacci numbers
– A cyber-magic card trick like no other
– The levitating superconductor
– The journey across the high wire
– A magical tale (with augmented reality)
– Augmented reality, techno-magic
– The magic of truth and lies (and iPods)
– Homeopathy, quackery and fraud
– The magic of the placebo
– How I held my breath for 17 minutes
– Close-up card magic with a twist
– Brain magic
– A performance of “Mathemagic”

Plus, look for a short inclusion by David Blaine where he lists his seven favorite TED videos.. most which are not related to magic. I haven’t had time to watch any of David’s selections, but I trust there’s something interesting about each to have been picked as his favorites.


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