The Human Lie Detector..

The Human Lie Detector..

In person, bespectacled, wavy-haired Jay Alexander seems nervous, even a little shy. You wouldn’t guess that he’s performed for rock stars like Bono and the Rolling Stones, done live shows for the CIA, or appeared on Good Morning America and the Today show.

His claim to fame? He can read minds.

Yes, really. Well, sort of. Alexander uses micro expressions — extremely subtle, split-second facial expressions, like swallowing or twitching at the corners of the mouth — to decipher our thoughts, including whether we’re lying or telling the truth. Alexander learned about micro expressions more than 25 years ago when he stumbled onto a book by psychology researcher Paul Ekman, who’s worked with the CIA to read faces and solve crimes. Ekman is the inspiration behind Tim Roth’s character in the Fox series Lie to Me. Fascinated, Alexander devoured other books on the topic and memorized countless micro expressions before taking his studies to the stage. Read more and watch the video at:;_ylt=AwrXoCC8JYtWSGMANRfQtDMD;_ylu=X3oDMTByc3RzMXFjBGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwM0BHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg–

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