The Ten Best Close-Up Magicians..

The Ten Best Close-Up Magicians..

By Wayne Kawamoto…. Anytime there’s a list of the “best magicians,” it’s always the stage and television performers who are recognized. But what about close-up? With this in mind and after lots of thought, here’s my list of the top ten close-up magicians.To start, what was my criteria? I attempted to identify close-up magicians who entertain in the real world and not just for other magicians. This mostly rules out the finger flingers who mainly impress other magicians and don’t necessarily entertain the lay public. I wanted truly commercial performers who regularly do the trade shows, corporate events and restaurants – the bread and butter of the close-up world.I easily compiled a list of 20 performers and ultimately whittled it down to my top ten. Here they are, in order, and why each magician is on my list.

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