FROM card tricks on the bus to delighting millions in Hollywood – it has been a magic time for Andrew Kelly.

A shy youngster, he used to impress classmates en route to Warlingham School with his illusions.

Since then he has entertained audiences at many weddings and corporate events.

But he enjoyed an extraordinary breakthrough last month.

Researchers for American chat show host Ellen DeGeneres were so impressed by Andrew’s magic skills on YouTube they paid for him to fly over and appear on her programme.

His six-minute appearance has since had more than 1.1 million YouTube hits.

Andrew, of Ryelands Close, Caterham, said: “When I was offered the TV appearance, I thought it was a joke at first.

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Young magician wows American chat show host Ellen DeGeneres

FROM card tricks on the bus to delighting millions in Hollywood – it has been a magic time for Andrew Kelly.

A shy youngster, he used to impress classmates en route to Warlingham School with his illusions.

Since then he has entertained audiences at many weddings and corporate events.

But he enjoyed an extraordinary breakthrough last month.

Researchers for American chat show host Ellen DeGeneres were so impressed by Andrew’s magic skills on YouTube they paid for him to fly over and appear on her programme.

His six-minute appearance has since had more than 1.1 million YouTube hits.

Andrew, of Ryelands Close, Caterham, said: “When I was offered the TV appearance, I thought it was a joke at first.

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