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PUSH – A Review

PUSH – A Review

by Sultan Orazaly

The Ad Copy…
PCTC Production presents A signed playing card through a bill! Imagine being able to have your spectator freely select and sign a playing card. Next, you ask to borrow a bill (ANY currency). Then, without ANY switching of the card or bill, you VISIBLY PUSH the signed card through the borrowed bill!!


You will have the ability to penetrate a signed playing card through a borrowed bill and have both totally examinable at the end without switching either of them out. PUSH is the perfect walk-around illusion.

The custom gimmick easily fits inside of your wallet and can be adapted to any Bicycle Playing card within a few seconds.
Use Any Currency
Super Visual
Easy to Perform
100% Examinable


My Review..
I want to commend Sultan Orazaly for the creation of a very slick gimmick/effect. I don’t know which to call it.. but unless you can show me how to use it IN an effect, I’ll stick with gimmick.
I had an idea how it was performed before watching the video. I was about 30% correct.

The law of physics told me the corner of a card couldn’t actually penetrate a bank note.. without there being either a hole in the bill.. which there isn’t, or a heavily gaffed card.. which there wasn’t. Now, I STILL hope to find that one effect one day that uses real magic.. but I doubt I will. PUSH makes it look like real magic -if- you’re willing to work on your handling a bit. Unlike the pen thru bill, which you could pick up after a few minutes, PUSH requires a little manipulation, which is at the heart of magic.

It advertises the card and the bill can be totally examined afterwards. That’s true. The corner of the card is bent, but that certainly doesn’t give away the secret. There seems to be some discussion among magicians as to why the corner would be bent in the first place. Don’t make it a big issue. The spectator certainly won’t be any wiser.. bent corner or not.

Super Visual… Yes. The visual of the corner penetrating the bill is a convincer.

Practical… Very practical for walk-around and that instant when you want to create a ‘wow’ moment. Everything you need is easily concealed in a pocket or the palm of your hand. PUSH is like a strong handshake.. it’s a great way to greet someone and leave a positive impression.

Easy to Perform… Uh, I would say it’s easy to perform AFTER you duly practice the handling. It’s not a knuckle buster, but it’s not straight-out-the-box either. Being honest, the problem isn’t so much the performance as the handling. There is a possibility of fumbling or telegraphing UNTIL you get the basic handing down pat. I can think of a hundred coin moves that are more difficult. Don’t let my words be a deal breaker.

This is one of those effects that delivers what it promises. The visuals are correct, the ad copy is correct, and if you are impressed by what you see.. then buy it. If I had to discuss a negative, it would be that you must perform a bit of DIY to construct the gimmick. Not much.. just a little super glue on a spot or two. I think you can construct everything in three or four minutes, which isn’t really a negative.. maybe it’s more a reflection on my laziness.

Again, if you are looking for a walk-around effect to garner quick attention and open your options, PUSH should do it.

Available from dealers who carry the Murphy’s Magic line of products..

Review by Rick Carruth

17 Secrets of Magicians

17 Secrets of Magicians

Interesting article in Mental Floss by Judy Colbert……

Whether they’re performing a big illusion that makes a tiger disappear or showing off card tricks on a table, magicians spend years perfecting their performances. We spoke to several from across the country (and beyond) to find out how they learn their trade, the type of resource they spend thousands of dollars on, what they hate most at shows, and the one question they really wish you’d stop asking.


Surprise: There’s no Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry out there. “There’s no real training,” says Dave Taylor (a.k.a. Magic Dave) from Southend-on-Sea in England. “It’s all personal experience, lecture notes, DVDs, books, etc. You can go to workshops, but for most things you have to be self-taught.” One big asset, he notes, is a local magic club, which can provide feedback on shows.

Randy Follis, a magician from southwest Missouri, agrees: “The training is mostly independent. Researching books, DVDs, and—if you’re fortunate enough to find them—fellow magicians.” After that, all that’s left is a lot of hard work and practice, practice, practice.


“Most magicians are serious scholars,” says Las Vegas magician Xavier Mortimer. “I don’t know any professional magicians who don’t have their own extensive libraries about our craft.” (One notable example, Harry Houdini, assembled close to 4000 books on magic and spiritualism, now held at the Library of Congress.)

The costs of those books can add up, though: “Most books are small print runs, for a small audience, which can lead to high prices,” Mortimor says. As an example, Denny Haney, who owns the Denny and Lee Magic Shop in Baltimore, Maryland, says that one book he sells—Soirees Fantastique by the French illusionist Christian Fechner—goes for $3000.


Magicians are nothing if not obsessive. Danny Whitson, a comedian and magician from Knoxville, Tennessee, says he spent a year in front of the mirror mastering one particular move. “It sounds insane,” he says, “but a great magician is always learning.”

All that rehearsing can take a toll on loved ones. “You spend most of your time rehearsing a trick over and over again, to the point where it annoys everyone else around you,” Taylor says. “My wife threatened (jokingly) to leave me if I kept playing with a Rubik’s Cube after I spent a solid two weeks learning the ins and outs of a trick.   Read More….

Magic Roadshow #193

Magic Roadshow #193



Hello Friends..

I hope this issue of the Magic Roadshow finds you well. I am so pleased to share this issue with you, and I hope you find something to nudge your love of magic in a positive direction.

Everyone I know has sinus problems. The pollen rules. When I was younger, I could play in it, ride with the windows down, sleep with the windows up, and never so much as think about sneezing. Now, I have to hold up inside for the better part of a month… and still have to take a hand full of medicine each day in order to breathe. The fact that everyone I know has problems perhaps says more about my age.. and the age of my acquaintances.. than the general state of the population.

This issue, in my humble opinion, contains some interesting little bits of magic. It’s hard for me to be impartial, being so close and all.. but I think, I hope, you’ll agree. Be sure to download the PDF that contains the twenty-two additional effects. There are a number of effects from really talented magicians, names you’ll immediately recognize and fully appreciate.

I apologize for problems with the last issue. Despite my WordPress security, a ‘bot of some sort got in my site and jumbled the visual aspects. Although not harmful to readers, it sure did a job on the appearance of my site. After hiring a specialist to dig it out and shoring up my security, I hope all is well. (Google sends ‘bots to my site to index it for their search engine. We site owners give permission to these bots to enter and do their thing, then report back to Google. Sometimes, a rogue bot, pretending to be a legit bot, gets in and hijacks links.. redirecting those links to some spammy site. Occupational hazard.. Expensive security suites eliminate this, but free sites like mine rarely have the expensive stuff. We do now… )
If you are still seeing a jumbled site, you are seeing a cached (saved) view from the previous issue. Clearing your cookies and/or cache should solve your problem.

Questions or comments? Email me at..

This issue contains 20 pages and 9100 words. The Effects PDF contains 37 additional pages and 12700 words. Total pages – 57… Total word count – 21,800

** Download this issue as a PDF  …   MAGIC ROADSHOW 193


Do You Have ESP? – Paul A. Lelekis
More Tricks Without Names – Werner Miller
The Puzzler Card Trick – Effect by Maxwell (Max Holden)
Clever Card Tricks Anyone Can Do – Complete Download
Bluff – A Novel by Michael Kardos – Review by R.Carruth
The BEST Card Control EVER! Magic TUTORIAL
Magic Tips and Tricks – Available at Amazon
False Faro Shuffle – Video Tutorial
Want To Get Gigs As An MC ? – Video Training
A History of Magic and Magicians – Ebook
MAGIC Magazine Archives Now Online – Resource
22 Additional Effects – PDF
– Match Magic – Effect
– Imaginary Dice and Covert Hypnosis – Effect
– Follow the Card.. – Effect
– Card Rising, One More Time
– Card Rising
– Scratch Your Head.. Card Effect
– The No-math, Math Trick .. Card Effect
– Dealing Three
– A Bartender’s Psychic Dice Trick – Effect
– The Three Dice Psychic Guessing Trick
– Four Thought
– Four Thought – Alternative Handlings :
– Take Off Your Shirt – an effect
– Card In Pocket Miracle
– How To Create A New Card Trick
– Another Pick-A-Card Trick … Over The Telephone
– Fix That Card
– Card Transformation
– Transformation Trick A
– Transformation Trick B
– Computational Trickery Over The Telephone
– It’s Time..
Gip’s Backyard Shack of Blues.. Article
How to Whitelist the Roadshow
Magic Trick Reviews… Free to Everyone Facebook Group
Sign Up For The Magic Roadshow….

I have done this—made the sad prince laugh. Made his grieving parents smile. None but me. Think only kings have power? Stand on a stage and hold the hearts of men in your hands. Make them laugh with a gesture, cry with a word. Make them love you. And you will know what power is.” Jennifer Donnelly

“The Universe is full of magic things – patiently waiting on our senses to grow sharper.”
Eden Phillpotts

Disbelieving in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business.”
Tom Robbins


Paul A. Lelekis

Openers & Closers 1, 2 & 3 present many superb tricks that involve the most CRUCIAL parts of your shows….Openers & Closers.

The routine below is from Openers & Closers 2 and demonstrates HOW to “open” your spectators and take command of your “arena”!

Most performers know that you should end your show with a strong “closer”…but the “openers” are just as crucial…if not MORE so!

This presentation is a combination of smaller effects and “bits” that will really open your spectators up for having fun! This routine is suitable for close-up or cabaret…or at a party!

EFFECT: The performer presents a string of smaller “rapid-fire” effects that will let the spectators know that you are there to have fun with them!

METHOD: Have a deck of cards in your hands. You have already noted the bottom card of the deck. We’ll say it is the Jack of Hearts (JH).

Give the deck a casual overhand shuffle, running about 2/3 of the deck into your left hand and then in-jog a card and “throw” the balance on top.

Get left pinkie break above the in-jog and below the JH…hold this break…you will not be using it just yet.

Part 1:

Smile as you approach a female, introduce yourself and ask her name. She will feel a little uncomfortable, but you will soon remedy that. Let’s assume her name is Sue.

“Sue…do you believe in ESP?” She will usually say “No!”, but even if she says “Yes!” your response will be the same…tap your temple with your index finger and say “I knew that!”

This WILL get laughs and giggles…it works every time! “I want to try something with you Sue…but don’t worry…it’s all legal!”

“I want you to think of a number between 1 and 3…quickly!” At this point, snap you fingers as if trying to hurry her.

She will giggle as others will, because the request seems ridiculous!

Part 2:

“O.K. – let’s broaden your scope of choices…THINK of a number between 1 and 4! Think of that number being written up on that wall over there. Can you see it?”

“That number is THREE!” You will be correct about 90% of the time. If she says, “No!” you say “That’s correct!”

“See? This ESP stuff is pretty spooky, huh?!” No matter what she said at this point, you will continue by saying…

Part 3:

“Let’s make this a little bit harder…think of a number between 1 and 10…quickly!” Here, you will snap your fingers again!

“Now think of that number written on that wall over there! Is it the number 7?”

NOTE: The snapping of the fingers will be noticed by your spectators and will become almost a joke in their minds as if you are ‘hurrying’ her!

The chances of her thinking of the number “7”are VERY good! If she does admit to it, say “See? I TOLD you that ESP is real!”

If she DOESN’T think of the number “7” say “Proof POSITIVE that ESP is not real! Ya’ see…I told you so!” (Again, tap your temple!)

Part 4:

At this point, the spectators are quite ‘loosened up’ and they realize that you are having fun with them…BUT…now you will fry them!

Remember that you are still holding the deck of cards with a break BELOW the Jack of Hearts (JH)?

You will now perform a Riffle Peek Force of the JH as follows:

Hold the deck in the left hand with the face of the deck (the bottom of the deck) facing the spectator. You are STILL holding the break.

“Ma’am, what I’m going to do is riffle through the deck like this, and whenever you want, whenever you feel like it, say “Stop!”!

What you are doing as you patter, is slowly riffling through the deck, using your right index or middle finger at the outer right corner of the deck.

You are “conditioning” the spectator for how long it will take you to riffle through the deck.

This is a demonstration of how you will “appear” do it for the spectator…I have found over the years, that many women will say “Stop!” during the above explanation. In fact it happened the other day! This can be quite amusing!

I normally say at this point, “Ma’am…I really appreciate your enthusiasm but I want to give you the chance at stopping me at ANY card…not just the last few cards!”

This will get laughs…but you DON’T want to make her feel foolish – just a little uncomfortable!

O.K. – the stage is set, so to speak. Say “Alright, I’m going to riffle through the cards now…THIS is where you say ‘Stop’ Ma’am!” This will also get giggles.

As you begin to riffle the outer right corner of the deck, watch her mouth very closely…you are going to riffle through the deck, VERY QUICKLY so that she says “Stop!” AFTER you’ve already finished riffling!

This will also get laughs! “I’m sorry Ma’am…I’m just having fun!”

“Go ahead and say ‘Stop’!” Riffle the corner of the deck again and time it so that she says “Stop!” at about your break.

Hold open the break at the JH, TURN YOUR HEAD AWAY, and say “Please remember that card, Ma’am…and anyone else around you, also remember that card!” This is how you include others in the fun!

The above actions are choreographed to help the performer. It will amuse your spectators, but you are “conditioning” your spectator to say “Stop!” at your break! This makes the force, much more natural appearing!

Continue with your presentation at this point:

“O.K. – you should have a card in your mind right now Ma’am…is that correct?” She will say “Yes!”

“Ma’am…I want you to concentrate on that card and get a clear mental picture of that card in your mind.”

Here, is where some more fun happens! Remember, you KNOW that the card she is thinking of is the Jack of Hearts.

I’m getting a mental picture from you Ma’am…the card you are thinking of is BLACK…is it not?”

She will smile…she will be confused on how to answer your “double-edged” question! Usually she’ll say “No!”…but it doesn’t matter!

You still say “Uhhhh…yea! I KNEW that…it’s red!” The spectators will laugh at this “obvious fishing expedition”!

“In fact, the card you are thinking of is…the Jack of Hearts!” The spectators will be quite amazed!

“It IS the Jack of Hearts?! Wow…maybe this ESP stuff must be real!”

The spectators have been laughing at your antics up to this point, but will be very surprised that you “read” their minds!

This ends your, opening routine and you’ve made your spectators relax and have fun! On to more adventure!

NOTE #1: Notice that the performer is ALSO “amazed” that he got it right! This, again, “diffuses” the magic from the performer! He is as surprised that it worked, as the spectators are! Don’t worry about “being a hero” or some “demagogue”…be an entertainer! The spectators will KNOW that you are really clever and that you are just being modest!

NOTE #2: Do NOT let the simplicity of this routine sway you…because of the way you have “worked” your spectators, they will be even MORE amazed that you, somehow, “divined” their selection. This is a very powerful routine! The rest of your show will be a breeze…

Paul recently published his 50th book of magic. What an accomplishment! In addition, Paul is the 2011-2012 winner of The Howard Bamman Trophy for The Linking Ring magazine and he is a consultant, reviewer and writer for The Linking Ring. Paul has had three of his effects published in J. K. Hartman’s latest best-selling book, Card Dodgery. Paul has been “underground” for many years and wishes to share his effects and accumulated knowledge of magic and performing. With 28 years of steady restaurant work, 35 years of bar experience, corporate shows, community shows, many, many 3-day festivals – and of course, hundreds and hundreds of children’s birthday parties Paul has quite a bit of experience to share. Paul’s magic has been featured in many periodicals and magic newsletters around the world. Paul has been honored with seven One-Man Parades in the Linking Ring magazine, 3 Mini-Parades, and he wrote and conducted a Ring Parade for ring 42 in Clearwater…and at the time, ring 42 was the third largest ring in the world with often 200 members in attendance. View all 50 ebooks at:


More Tricks Without Names – The Mathemagical Medley Continues
Werner Miller

** (Werner has provided Roadshow readers with many interesting effects over the past several years. I want to personally say “Thank You!” for all his contributions and for being a major contributor in our personal quest to reach 200 issues. I couldn’t have done it without his assistance… Be sure to visit his page at Lybrary. His free ‘Sampler’ is quite a gift to the magic community….. Rick C.)

Trick #20

Any six cards are dealt face down into three pairs and the pairs arranged side by side in a row.
Ask a spectator to decide on any pair, to note and remember the bottom card, and to place that pair on either of the other two.

Take these four cards and give them a Down/Under Deal announcing that the spectator is expected to duplicate this “random sorting procedure” afterwards. (Done with four cards, a Down/Under Deal does not alter the position of the card second from the top which is, in this case, the one the spectator noted and remembered.) Then turn the remaining pair face up and place the pile containing the spectator’s card on top of the face-up pair. (Fig. 1a)

Give the combined packet to the spectator and encourage him to repeat the sorting procedure just showed by you. (Guide him verbally step by step, if necessary.) Finally spread the cards and call attention to the single card trapped between the two face-up ones. (Fig. 1b)

Slide this card out of the spread and turn it over: It is the spectator’s card!

Alternative Version
Use eight card pairs. The spectator is instructed to note and remember the top card of any pair and to place any other pair on top of it. Then these four cards are dropped onto either of the remaining pairs (so that the resulting 6-card packet contains the spectator’s card third from the top down).

Take this 6-card packet and “randomize” the order of the cards by demonstrating an Under/Down Deal (which leaves the position of the spectator’s card unchanged). Then turn the last pair face up and place the six card you just mixed on top of it. (Fig. 2a)
Now it’s the spectator’s turn: He follows your lead and gives the 8-card packet another Under/Down Deal, and when the cards are spread afterwards (Fig. 2b), a single card is seen caught by the two face-up ones which turns out to be the spectator’s selection.

For more (and more elaborate) math-based magic, including the free ‘Sampler’ by Werner Miller visit:


The Puzzler Card Trick – Effect
Maxwell (Max Holden)

Effect: A spectator is requested to shuffle the pack, then to take the top card and place it face down on the table, first noting the card. If this card is a two, count it as two, and count additional cards on top of it until you reach twelve, then a new packet is started. In case twelve cannot be counted in the last packet, put these cards aside.

Any picture card is counted as ten. Aces count as one…

Performer meanwhile turns his back, and when the spectator is finished dealing out the entire deck, the performer turns and announces the total of all the pips on the bottom cards. When the packets are turned over and added.. the total is shown to be correct.. even if the deck was completely shuffle beforehand.

Secret: The performer secretly notes how many piles are on the table. Suppose there are eight packets dealt on the table, with six cards left over. Subtract four from the number of packets.. this leaves four. Next, multiply by thirteen, which gives fifry-two. Add the six extra cards, and the total is fifry-eight, and this is the total of all the bottom cards of the piles. Again, should there be only five packets, four from five leaves one; one multiflied by thirteen, plus the four extra cards makes the answer seventeen.

Note: For each new packet, the top card of the deck is taken and the value viewed by the spectator. Put this card face down on the table and deal the number of cards necessary to total twelve. Ex.. four plus eight cards totals twelve. Nine plus three cards totals twelve.

Editor’s note.. Since you do not see the bottom card OR know the total number of cards in each stack.. you should not be able to reveal the sum total of all the bottom cards. This is a strong bit of mathemagic on its own. I would think it would be even stronger with the use of a thumb writer.. This is one of those effects that has plenty of potential if you use your imagination.


Download the entire ebook FREE at:


Bluff – A Novel by Michael Kardos
Review by R.Carruth

“Every magician knows the art of hiding truth in plain sight, to pull off an amazing trick. And every cardsharp knows that with sleight of hand, there shouldn’t be any trick to speak of. In his new novel, BLUFF, Michael Kardos takes us deep inside the fraught and fascinating story of a modern magician who plunges herself into the dark underworld of the card cheat.

At twenty-seven, magician Natalie Webb is already a has-been. A card trick prodigy, she took first place at the World of Magic competition at eighteen and never reached such heights again. Shunned by the magic world after a disastrous liaison with an older magician, she now lives alone with her doves and a pile of overdue bills in a New Jersey apartment. In a desperate ploy to make extra cash, she follows up on an offer to write a feature magazine article on the art of cheating cards. While scoping out the story in Atlantic City, she stumbles upon an unlikely poker cheat – a mousey kindergarten teacher named Ellen, Natalie is instantly dazzled by Ellen’s sleight of hand and soon finds herself facing a proposition to help pull off a $1.5 million magic trick that, if done successfully, no one will ever even suspect happened.

If you’re wondering how much of the truth Kardos is hiding in his pages, he likes to say that all the magic in the book is REAL. The novel’s premise of shadowing a professional cardsharp is rooted in a story Kardos once heard from a former studen and magician. Kardos himself, being a magician, deeply researched every detail of the magic and poker so every false deal, top, bottom, and middle, and gambler’s cop, was a real possibility.”

That’s the ad copy. Here’s my copy… BLUFF was a surprisingly well-written novel, detailing the involvement of a young female magician in the world of poker and cardsharps. Being a magician, I read the novel with critical eyes, looking for chinks in the armor. There were so few that pointing it out would be a waste of time. It was obvious BLUFF was written by someone who understood the mindset of a magician and the critical thinking of a professional cardsharp.

Without revealing too much, I was entertained by the magician trying to catch the cardsharp at her own game, insisting that the winning hand in one session could only result from the elusive center deal. Then, listening to the cardsharp explain the real truth and philosophy as only a cardsharp could. That was the moment I able to let go of my preconceived notions of the author ‘probably’ not being qualified to write about this elusive subject.

That was the moment I was able to sit back and enjoy the premise, the characters, and the complex plot. I found myself going with the flow and not being critical of the characters or the story, as magicians are prone to do.

At 276 pages, BLUFF was plenty long to explain the story in detail.. but not too long to lose my interest. I’ve read my share of 800 and 900 page novels, and aside from the glorious writing, I’ve often wished for the novels to end. No so with BLUFF, as I became enamored to the characters and actually felt a twinge of regret as the novel was brought to a climatic end.

Not as the editor of the Magic Roadshow, but as a friend, I recommend BLUFF to all my readers. You’ll consider it time well spent, particularly considering that magic and gambling related novel, good novels, are so few and far between.

( The Mysterious Press, April 3, 2018, hardcover $26.00.. 978-0-8023-2804-1)

$19.07 at Amazon..  Click Here


The BEST Card Control EVER! Magic TUTORIAL

Well, maybe not the BEST ever.. but certainly pretty good. It’s a little angle sensitive, but when performed correctly.. it looks super slick.


Magic Tips and Tricks – Available at Amazon

120+ pages of magic and magic tips for any skill level. I authored this book and I’ve sold many of these books – and look forward to selling many more.. Now priced less than ten dollars..


False Faro Shuffle – Video Tutorial

I can almost do this.. I don’t have the ‘sound’ factor perfected, but with a little practice I suspect I will. This is a good false shuffle for those of us who perform a lot of faro’s. They’re second nature to me because I learned the faro shuffle, although I didn’t know what it was called, before I learned to riffle shuffle.


Want To Get Gigs As An MC ? – Video Training

This is from our friend Timothy Hyde.. the MagicCoach. Each video is full of useful info for anyone wanting to obtain meaningful work as an MC..

“I’ve been publishing a series of Videos for our 5,100 subscribers over the last month some of which may be of interest to you, as a lot of the information can be applied to this industry. Here are two that might be of interest. These are direct links to YouTube.

What should an MC wear?

How to get work as an MC!

47 Places to get Work!

Expanded version on the website

If they are of interest make sure you – click LIKE, Subscribe or Comment. And I have an excellent one coming up next week.

We list 47 different Niche Market Areas where an MC can get work! Several of these have never been shared before in any marketing publications AND many of these are also great niche market areas for magicians. When you watch either of the above videos also hit the Notification button, that’s the little Bell symbol and you’ll be informed when it is published.”


A History of Magic and Magicians – Ebook

All of you are familiar with the articles I’ve published on the history of various magicians. I’ve received many great comments from readers who both enjoyed and appreciated the articles and pictures. Now, David J O’Connor, the author of all the articles, has compiled them into one ebook featuring about 60 different present and past performers. I have the ebook.. and I highly encourage you to spend the ten dollars and buy the entire collection… David says….

“With fraternal greetings from Brisbane. I have just completed an A 177 page manuscript titled ” A History of Magic” that traces the lives and times of a number of early famous magicians and includes some current famous performers.

There are about 60 essays or stories including a number of black and white and coloured photographs that should appeal to fellow magicians who have an interest in magical history. I had initially intended to write it as a book but the cost to have books printed was prohibitive, so am making the manuscript available as an eBook. I have been working on the project for just over 2 years.. It was a labour of love but I enjoyed the challenge of research and writing the stories. Then I decided to write a hardcover book for myself and family but found it just too costly.

I am charging $10 for the eBook download.”

If this is of interest please email me, David John O’Connor, at:


MAGIC Magazine Archives Now Online – Resource

I received this from Stan Allen and MAGIC magazine. I’m sure it will be a great resource..

“From 1991 to 2016, there were 301 issues of MAGIC Magazine published. Now there’s a fully-searchable index of all 301 issues available online for free.

If you’ve ever wondered which issue that particular trick or column or story appeared in, you don’t need to wonder anymore. Everything is indexed and ready to be rediscovered. Simply go to:

If you don’t have a complete file of MAGIC Magazine, consider:

1. Genii magazine offers all 301 issues to read in a digital format while you’re a subscriber.

2. Lybrary sells all 301 issues on a USB drive or as a download.

3. And if you’re like me and enjoy paper, we have three complete sets available, each comes with bonus materials (a copy of the misprinted first issue, original brochure, and Square One, the booklet of tricks and essays originally given out in 1991 and reprinted in 2016). Please be aware that these are the last complete files we have…”


22 Additional Effects – PDF

I’ve enclosed a PDF with 22 effects from past issues of the Magic Roadshow. These effects were graciously compiled by Werner Miller. I know you can’t remember all 22… I can’t… and at one time I hand-typed each one. So there you go…
Just download the PDF and enjoy.
There are 37 pages and 12700+ words in this PDF, and each effect appears in the order listed.

– Match Magic – Effect
– Imaginary Dice and Covert Hypnosis – Effect
– Follow the Card.. – Effect
– Card Rising, One More Time
– Card Rising
– Scratch Your Head.. Card Effect
– The No-math, Math Trick .. Card Effect
– Dealing Three
– A Bartender’s Psychic Dice Trick – Effect
– The Three Dice Psychic Guessing Trick
– Four Thought
– Four Thought – Alternative Handlings :
– Take Off Your Shirt – an effect
– Card In Pocket Miracle
– How To Create A New Card Trick
– Another Pick-A-Card Trick … Over The Telephone
– Fix That Card
– Card Transformation
– Transformation Trick A
– Transformation Trick B
– Computational Trickery Over The Telephone
– It’s Time..


Gip’s Backyard Shack of Blues.. Article

This pilgrimage site for blues-loving musicians may well be the last juke joint in the United States.
Chuck Berry once gave its owner a guitar, and Keith Richards has played there unannounced. So too have Jimmy Page and Robert Plant. Tonight, it’s the Franklin Tully Band out of nearby Birmingham, Alabama, who are regulars on the pocket stage at what might be the last juke joint in the United States: Gip’s Place.

Juke joints were once common throughout the segregated south, informal places – often in someone’s home – where African Americans could gather and enjoy drinking, dancing, music… and maybe a few other things besides.

Gip Gipson has been throwing his backyard Saturday night parties in the tin-roof garage at his home in Bessemer, Alabama, since 1952. As a part-time musician and blues fan, he decided to invite other musicians in to entertain friends and neighbours on the weekend. Now, at the age of 96 (give or take, no one knows) he’s still playing host to anything from a few dozen to a couple hundred blues fans who bring their own booze to help keep Gip on the right side of the law.

Watch the entire video at:


How to Whitelist the Roadshow

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Magic Trick Reviews… Free to Everyone Facebook Group

Please consider joining us at ‘Magic Trick Reviews’ on Facebook. You’ll find a very nice selection of reviews, particularly by our friend, Jim Canaday, who is now reviewing for Big Blind Media as well as Murphy’s Magic. Check it out…



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That does it for this issue. I hope you found something to help your magic along. Remember, if you have something you would like to see published on the Magic Roadshow site.. send it to:

Be Blessed!

Rick Carruth / Editor

Professor – Camelard College of Conjuring of Chemmis, Egypt

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science.”
Albert Einstein


BLUFF – A Magic Novel from Michael Kardos

BLUFF – A Magic Novel from Michael Kardos

Bluff – A Novel by Michael Kardos

“Every magician knows the art of hiding truth in plain sight, to pull off an amazing trick. And every cardsharp knows that with sleight of hand, there shouldn’t be any trick to speak of. In his new novel, BLUFF, Michael Kardos takes us deep inside the fraught and fascinating story of a modern magician who plunges herself into the dark underworld of the card cheat.

At twenty-seven, magician Natalie Webb is already a has-been. A card trick prodigy, she took first place at the World of Magic competition at eighteen and never reached such heights again. Shunned by the magic world after a disastrous liaison with an older magician, she now lives alone with her doves and a pile of overdue bills in a New Jersey apartment. In a desperate ploy to make extra cash, she follows up on an offer to write a feature magazine article on the art of cheating cards. While scoping out the story in Atlantic City, she stumbles upon an unlikely poker cheat – a mousey kindergarten teacher named Ellen, Natalie is instantly dazzled by Ellen’s sleight of hand and soon finds herself facing a proposition to help pull off a $1.5 million magic trick that, if done successfully, no one will ever even suspect happened.

If you’re wondering how much of the truth Kardos is hiding in his pages, he likes to say that all the magic in the book is REAL. The novel’s premise of shadowing a professional cardsharp is rooted in a story Kardos once heard from a former studen and magician. Kardos himself, being a magician, deeply researched every detail of the magic and poker so every false deal, top, bottom, and middle, and gambler’s cop, was a real possibility.”

That’s the ad copy. Here’s my copy… BLUFF was a surprisingly well-written novel, detailing the involvement of a young female magician in the world of poker and cardsharps. Being a magician, I read the novel with critical eyes, looking for chinks in the armor. There were so few that pointing it out would be a waste of time. It was obvious BLUFF was written by someone who understood the mindset of a magician and the critical thinking of a professional cardsharp.

Without revealing too much, I was entertained by the magician trying to catch the cardsharp at her own game, insisting that the winning hand in one session could only result from the elusive center deal. Then, listening to the cardsharp explain the real truth and philosophy as only a cardsharp could. That was the moment I able to let go of my preconceived notions of the author ‘probably’ not being qualified to write about this elusive subject.

That was the moment I was able to sit back and enjoy the premise, the characters, and the complex plot. I found myself going with the flow and not being critical of the characters or the story, as magicians are prone to do.

At 276 pages, BLUFF was plenty long to explain the story in detail.. but not too long to lose my interest. I’ve read my share of 800 and 900 page novels, and aside from the glorious writing, I’ve often wished for the novels to end. No so with BLUFF, as I became enamored to the characters and actually felt a twinge of regret as the novel was brought to a climatic end.

Not as the editor of the Magic Roadshow, but as a friend, I recommend BLUFF to all my readers. You’ll consider it time well spent, particularly considering that magic and gambling related novel, good novels, are so few and far between.

( The Mysterious Press, April 3, 2018, hardcover $26.00.. 978-0-8023-2804-1)

$19.07 at Amazon.. Buy Bluff