Magic Roadshow #181
October 2016
Hello Friends..
Welcome to a new Magic Roadshow Journal of Magic. If this is your first visit.. I hope you find something that makes you want to return next month. Sign up on our homepage to be properly notified when new issues publish.
Here in the states it’s almost Halloween. Ghouls and Goblins galore. I’ve included a couple of features to help with your decorations. Hey, if you don’t scare a kid or two.. what good are you?
Halloween isn’t the only scary day on the horizon. We will most likely have a newly elected president in the US by the time the next Roadshow arrives. I keep politics out of the Roadshow.. this isn’t the proper platform. With that said, I’m 100% in favor of the US electing our first female president… just not this election. I honestly believe this will be the first election where the public will not select a president.. but will vote instead for the candidate they dislike the least. Someone will no doubt win by default…
This is the time of year I begin to think seriously of magic and magical hopes. The days are shorter, the nights cooler, and there is less to occupy my time.. allowing my mind to concentrate on matters that should have demanded my attention all summer. I have a major desire to write, and the cognoscente in me, at least by my own standard, wants to shine. That doesn’t mean I CAN write.. only that I want to… I love the Fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas seasons.. and I try to fill my idle time with important things – like color changes, mental magic, marketing, magic books, and lesser things like what I want to do with the rest of my life…
There is actually a rhyme and reason to this issue. You’ll see subjects that link in some way or another with proceeding subjects, and Halloween features that lead into Ghosts, Nightmares, Delusions and Madness, Mindfreaks, Mental Magic, eventually..The Devil ‘s Picturebook, and tempered with 3 strong Gospel Magic features. We run the gambit..
Folks.. keep in mind that we survive with the help of others. We thrive off content shared with us by magicians from around the world. If you have an effect or article you would like to share with others, send it to the Roadshow! ( Don’t worry.. you retain all rights and can republish it wherever you wish..)
Help us credit.. If you see an effect you think is not in the public domain, and should be credited to a specific magician.. please email me and let me know. What you see here is NOT written in stone, and I can always go back and edit or correct anything on this page. For example.. It was brought to my attention that a video I featured in the Roadshow some time back.. Scam School’s ‘The Easiest Card Trick You Can’t Screw Up”.. is actually Paul Lelekis’ “The Trick That Can’t Be Explained“..(not to be confused with Dai Vernon’s effect with the same name.) I made the necessary corrections on my end, and Scam School was requested to do the same. Although I can’t control other performers, I can certainly control what goes in the Roadshow and whether or not it’s correct. Help me keep up my end!
Questions, Comments, or Contributions: Email Me ( [email protected] )
Download as a PDF magic-roadshow-181… ( 35 pages & 9700 words..)
- It’s All About Words – A Michael M. Breggar’s Effect by Al Albers
- Business Card or Calling Card – Kyle Peron
- Getting Your Entertainment Business Market-Ready – Part 2 – Mindpro
- OSMOSIS II – Paul A Lelekis’ Latest Ebook – A Review
- A Day-Time Nightmare – An Effect from Theo. Annemann
- The Gambler in Person – Theo. Annemann
- Hand Grab Scare and Floating Head Illusion – Tutorial and Video
- A Pepper Ghost Alternative – Tutorial and Video
- Printer Out to Lunch – A Magic Classic Re-done by Michael Lyth
- Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Erdnase – PDF
- Criss Angel Mindfreak – Archives – 92 Episodes
- New Criss Angel A&E Special…
- Mental Magic Reveal and Tutorial – Video
- Snap Changes from Around the World – Video
- Snap Change Tutorials – Video
- Simple,Powerful Peek – Tutorial and Video
- Visual Card Change – Erdnase Color Change Tutorial
- Sleight of Hand 101 | The Duck Change – A Color Change Tutorial
- Sleight of Hand 101 | Psychic (Beginner)
- Magic Performance | Chris Hannibal | TEDxCharlotte
- The Devil ‘ s Picturebook – Auction Catalog (2014)
- Mission Magic – Full Service Gospel Magic for European Magicians
- Duane Laflin Gospel Magic – Video
- Gospel Illusions Made Easy Webinar – Almost 1 Hour Video Tutorial
- How to Make Double Sided Silver Morgan, Peace Dollar Coin Rings – Tools Revealed
- Making The Hooked Coin – Video Tutorial
- Tutorial Library – The Most Comprehensive Free Magic Resource – 52Kards
- One Funny True Story and One Funny Cartoon… from Jim Canaday
- Magic Trick Reviews… Free to Everyone Facebook Group
- More Important Stuff…
“At first they will ask why you’re doing it. Later they’ll ask how you did it..”
“Work while they sleep. Learn while they party. Save while they spend. Live like they dream..”
“Always keep your love life, bank account and next move private..”
“5:00am.. the time legends either get up.. or go to bed..”
“Hustle until your haters ask if you’re hiring…” Steve Maraboli
It’s All About Words – A Michael M. Breggar’s Effect by Al Albers
Effect: The performer removes seven business cards from his wallet and places them on the table – in an oval pattern – so the spectator can read them (each has an epigram). Next, eight cardstock circles, each with an alphabetic letter, are removed from the wallet and arranged in a straight line. It reads: A MYSTERY. A spectator is then invited to play a word game called, “It’s All About Words,” wherein a letter and an epigram are randomly selected. Pointing to the wallet, the performer asks the spectator to open it and remove the prediction that’s inside. One side of the business card matches the letter the spectator chose. The other side matches the epigram.
Background. This effect was inspired by Michael M. Breggar’s “Monopoly-S-P” routine in the August 2016 issue of The Linking Ring.
Magic effects requiring a spectator to make a choice are rarely what they seem. In a nutshell, the spectator’s choice is not as free as he would like to believe. My routine, as does “Monopoly-S-P,” uses the PATEO (Pick Any Two Eliminate One) force and the mathematical “Seven Force.” Although the PATEO force in my routine is a bit long, it has a logical justification. My use of it – a single-elimination spelling bee – is based on a game I played when my children were in elementary school … many (more than I care to remember) years ago.
“It’s All About Words” is one of those effects that can be carried in your shirt pocket and performed on a moment’s notice.
What You Need:
(1) Seven business cards each with an epigram.
(2) Eight, 2-inch cardstock circles with an alphabetic letter affixed on one side.
(3) A duplicate business card.
(1) Choose a letter from the words “A MYSTERY,” and in a large block letter format, print that letter on the back of the duplicate business card.
(2) Arrange the business cards so the force card is second from the top, with the epigrams facing you.
(3) Place the business cards and the cardstock circles in one partition of the wallet.
(4) Place the prediction in the other partition so the alphabetic letter is face-up.
To Perform (Patter is in italics).
“I recently saw two sentences that when taken literally were bizarre. The first was an advertisement sign for an Area Storage Facility that read, ‘FREE TRUCK ON MOVE-IN.’ Most people would realize that the company meant they’ll ‘loan’ the new client a moving truck, not give them a free truck. But that’s not how the sentence comes across. The other sentence was on the back of a dump truck. It said, ‘DO NOT FOLLOW.’ Unfortunately, this is the only two-lane street that leads to my house. What now?
Remove the cards from the wallet and then put the wallet aside. “A few days later, I found some epigrams that made me laugh; perhaps you will too, after you read them.” (See Afterthoughts.) Starting from the bottom left and going counter-clockwise, place the cards on the table so the spectator can read them. ( The BOTTOM LEFT card is the starting point for the count.. and the BOTTOM RIGHT card is the force card..)
After the last card is revealed, say, “It used to be that kids inevitably say the darndest things. It’s a cliché of ‘out of the mouths of babes.’ But kids aren’t the only ones with funny explanations. Television comedy writers churn out some hilarious one-liners, and sometimes so do ordinary folks.
“When my children were first learning how to form words using the letters of the alphabet, we’d play a word game at home that I called, ‘It’s All About Words.’” Remove the eight cardstock circles and place them in a straight line so it reads, A MYSTERY. “I’d mix some letters (point to the phrase) and we’d randomly eliminate all but one. The exercise was to reinforce what they learned in school and to also increase their vocabulary knowledge by thinking of a two- or three-letter word containing the letter that was about to be discarded. As their vocabulary increased, so did the word count.”
Scoop up the eight letters and have the spectator mix them. Say, “Place them face-up on the table in a straight line or in a small circle.”
You’re now ready to execute the PATEO force. The procedure is simple enough for the magician: Don’t offer the prediction letter as an elimination choice to the spectator. However, if the spectator includes it in his two choices, always eliminate the non-force letter. Let’s assume “A” is the force letter.
You start by sliding out two letters and asking the spectator to eliminate one. Say he picks the “Y.” Ask him to say a word that contains a “Y.” The eliminated letter is then placed aside, face-down. The non-chosen letter goes back into the face-up pile.
“Your turn to slide out two letters,” you say to the spectator. This time, the performer eliminates one. Let’s assume it’s the “S.” As you move it from play, say a word that contains an “S.” Once again, the non-chosen letter goes back into the face-up pile.
Continue this back-and-forth process until just two letters (one of which is the force letter) remain. By choice, the spectator gets the last play. Since you don’t know which letter he will choose, you’ll need to use equivoque.
“We’re left with two letters. This time, place your forefinger on one of them.” (If you think it’ll get a laugh, you might consider whistling the “Sunny Day” tune from Sesame Street.)
It he touches the letter “M,” say, “This vocabulary lesson was brought to you by the letter ‘A.’ Discard the ‘M.’” If he touches the “A,” you’d say, and do, the same thing. Yes, it’s a bold move, but the spectator won’t question it.
Pause a moment and then say, “Congratulations; you win a prize … one of these epigrams. To help in the selection process, I brought my lucky dice.” Reach into your pocket, withdraw two invisible dice and place them in front of the spectator. “Roll them a few times so you see they’re not loaded.” Pause a moment and then say, “Different numbers each time, right?” Wait for the spectator’s reply. Continuing, “Roll them one final time; you can roll one or both. We’ll use whatever number or numbers you get.” After the spectator finishes, execute the “Seven Force.”
In our example, the spectator rolled a six using both dice. Place your finger on the “start count here” card and say, “Starting with this card and moving clockwise, use the letter ‘A’ to touch each business card as you count to six. Turn the sixth card facedown.” When he finishes say, “Once again, count six spaces – include the face-down cards – and turn over the sixth card.” Pause again. “Continue this until one face-up card remains. Place the letter on that card.” (The last face-up card is the force card.)
Note: If he claims to have rolled a seven, he’ll automatically land on the force card. At that point, scoop up the other cards, turn them facedown, and place them alongside the cardstock circles.
4Hand the spectator the business card wallet. “There’s a prediction inside; please remove it and tell everyone what it says.” The spectator will be astonished when he sees that the letter he chose matches the letter on the card. Continuing, say, “Turn the card over.” The epigram matches the chosen business card. Point to the card and say, “Thanks for helping; that’s for you.”
If you’re doing walk-around and plan on performing this often, you’ll want to have different prediction cards at the ready.
If you want to forego eliminating business cards one-by-one, use a real die. After it’s confirmed to be normal, have the spectator roll it one final time. Whatever number they stop on, add the bottom (hidden) number to get seven. Have the spectator count to the seventh (force) card. Once they drop the letter onto it, pick up the other six and turn them face-down as you place them off to the side.
Here are the epigrams I use – in no particular order.
Lastly, if you’re entertaining a younger group, you may want to use some of today’s jargon
Al Albers…
Al has been studying the art of magic for over 40 years. A part-time professional magician since 1981, he has entertained thousands of people throughout the United States, and in such diverse locales as Palma de Majorca, Spain; Naples, Italy; Tunis, Tunisia; Barcelona, Spain; Alexandria, Egypt; Kingston, Jamaica; Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; and the U. S. Naval Station Roosevelt Roads, Puerto Rico. Al is also a respected author, having published four mystery novels, Of Ghosts and Magic, House of Tarot Cards, A Pocket Full of Voices, and The Last Goodbye, feature protagonist John Michaels, a retired Master Magician living in Virginia Beach. Visit Al’s website at:
Business Card or Calling Card – Kyle Peron
There are really 2 approaches to take with a business card. There is a branded calling card approach, and there is also a “business” card approach. I have done both for myself, as well as designed both for magic clients of mine. Both are different and do different things for you. The choice is really up to the individual and what he or she wants to get out of the card.
So, one thing you have to determine is if you want your card to be a true “calling card” or more “business” card. There is a difference between the two, and they both can work for you. It really is a matter of personal preference and what you want your card to do for you.
A calling card is mainly a continuation of your brand message and brand identity as carried across all forms of your marketing. It may have your logo identity on it, as well as your various contact information, website, phone number, etc.
A business style card is one that will have this information on it but will actually work as a way to generate business for you. It becomes more of a marketing vehicle and might include using the back of the card in some sort of way to give the person an incentive to take action to call you, go to your website, etc.
Also, business cards do more than convey the information that’s printed on the card. A card that’s ugly, dirty, printed on perforated paper, or full of corrections screams loud and clear that you’re an amateur. No matter how many wonderful services you offer, if your card brands you as unprofessional, you lose business. A clean, creative, professionally printed, and visually attractive card on the other hand, conveys a positive first impression that lingers long after your initial meeting.
Still, a savvy business person knows that adding your unique marketing-oriented text to a business card, in addition to contact information, pays off. One strategy is to add text that gives your unique, specific customer benefits.
For example:
1) Easy to PAY “Credit Cards Accepted”
2) Easy to get AHOLD of “Requests handled within 24hrs.”
3) Easy to get ADVICE or INFO “Use our simple Information form.”
4) “Present or mention this card for a free magic trick.”
5) “Receive your first show at 25% off by requesting a promo kit.”
6) “Log onto for current discount coupons!”
7) “Free upgrade to our deluxe package by mentioning the number on this card.”
8) The back of the card can be a useful calendar.
9) Survey, redeemable for a free gift – could direct them to a web page survey, where they fill it out and get a free gift or discount.
10) Punch card for frequent clients – acts as a referral rewards system.
11) A fun optical illusion, magic trick, or question where they can be directed to your website for more like it or for the answers.
12) A calendar of your upcoming public performances.
13) The card could be a magnet to be used and seen on the fridge by the prospect.
14) Could have a listing of most common measurement conversion chart – gives them a reason to hold onto it for their use.
15) A list of your top 5 tips for a successful event.
Keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with having your card be just a “calling card”. If you have other marketing materials that have a call to action that you use, then a calling card may not be a bad way to go as it is a continuation of your brand identity. However, you could have your business card doing double duty by not only listing your contact information, but by having an effective call to action as well.
No matter which direction you go in, always remember that your business card is a direct representation of what you do, what you are about, and the services you provide. Do not settle for second best or for a card that looks “cheap”. A professional and high-quality card will say a lot about your services long before they even begin to read it. Make your card work for you.
It is hard this day and age to get folks to understand that the first impression you often ever make on a prospect is in the materials you send out to them. If this is the case, why wouldn’t you want these materials to be designed in the best way possible?
Too many folks have PCs and desktop publishing software. It is too easy to create artwork and get them done up that everyone thinks they can do it. What they forget to realize is that graphic design and communications through graphical means is a learned skill, and one that takes a long time to understand and to do well.
As always, I encourage you the readers to let me know your thoughts. So if you have any thoughts on my articles or suggestions or comments, please feel free to e-mail me directly at [email protected]. I would love to hear from you.
Please check out my many ebooks and books at my product site at It would be most appreciated.
Thank you.
Kyle Peron
Magician and Illusionist
Graphic Designer and Illustrator
Getting Your Entertainment Business Market-Ready – Pt 2
In my previous article I discussed creating the foundational elements and initial decisions for your entertainment business. We covered the foundational questions that needed to be determined to start your business.
We also touched on some of the things you may need to start promoting your business. In this article let’s take a look a bit closer at what you need to become market-ready. The reason things are done in the logical and proper order is often in the structure of your business one element may make the other elements become more clearer or concise. The items you need to become market-ready will be based on and determined by the foundational questions you’ve previously determined.
For example, let’s say in the initial foundational questions you determined…
– That you would like to perform 2-3 shows per month
– That you would be targeting a 30 mile radius from your home
– That you prefer to work the kids and family market
– You will offer a stage show and strolling magic, also balloon creations
– That you will be performing under the name “The Magic Of Tyler
– And you have determined your pricing for your stage show, strolling and balloons, including a combination package
Now these decisions can help you in creating the things needed to become market-ready. Since you have decided on the kids and family market you know that your promotional materials, websites, business cards and video should be directed to and focused around this market. You will not need expensive, embossed folders and business cards with much more of a corporate look and feel to them. Instead you can perhaps use colors, a lighter, more fun theme or tone, perhaps photos of smiling kids or kids and parents in your printed materials and website, and other marketing components that are more conducive to this market. You know that “family fun” is a key appeal element. Since you don’t just want your service to be for kids but entire families, this needs to be represented in your photos. video, promotional material and social media. Perhaps creating a USP or descriptive liner specifically identifying and being directed toward families would be most appropriate.
Remember who you are targeting with your materials. It’s not the kids booking your services it’s parents and adults. Can you have a kids activity page on your website? Sure you can if you desire, but I wouldn’t suggest creating your entire website around kids.
You know you do not need an extensive promotional package, but maybe perhaps just a one page folded brochure or a one-sheet along with a website should suffice. Also because of the initial determinations you’ve made you know your 30 minute birthday party show won’t be priced at $3,000. This is not appropriate for the typical kids & family market. The point is the foundational decisions you’ve made can easily begin to direct you and dictate future directions and decisions offering you much more clarity and focus as you continue though your establishing process.
These materials will also allow you to pinpoint your marketing targets making your efforts more efficiently and cost-effective.
In determining your marketing you must first decide how you want interested prospects to respond. Do you want them to visit your website, call you, email you, text you, perhaps fill out an online inquiring form, or do you want them to come to your house, walk through your front door go into your bedroom and shake you awake with their interest? Again, this needs to be predetermined as it will affect how your approach and create your marketing materials.
In today’s very visual world, many consider a video a must for the kids and family market. While you may need to perform several bookings to get such footage, you can begin to outline your video and how you would like it to look, feel and the overall tone, remembering it may be viewed by both kids and their booking parents. What elements are important for the parents to see in your video? What best represents you?
As you can see, determining your foundational decisions can help you to create your marking and romotional material much more clearly defined and targeted for optimal results. So once you have created your desired response action from those interested in your services, and you have your promotional materials ready and in place, you must ask yourself what other things will I need to conduct and operate my business professionally.
Let’s think for a moment….what if the phone were to ring right now! Are you prepared and ready to handle it? Do you know how you would answer the phone? Do you know what you would say? Do you know how you would present your services? Do you know how to answer the inquiring client’s questions and learn about their needs and interests? What if they wanted to book, do you have the forms and documents to confirm their booking?
These are all things you need to have in place before going to market. Remember in the last article I discussed having the very important business operational system in place to properly prepare you for this situation, offer you the best chance of getting the booking and knowing exactly how to confirm such a booking?
This is not the time to allow yourself to become overwhelmed. You need to have the tools and resources in place to use in your business and to allow yourself to succeed. Realizing that most performers get to this point but may not have any idea of the many tools and documents needed to operate their business, last year I released The Entertainer’s Business Toolkit. It contains over 50 of the most important and useful tools that every entertainment business should have in their toolbox of resources. These include lead sheets, cover letters, e-mails, contracts, riders, invoice, marketing materials, promotional material templates, sample/demo video storyboard templates, phone scripts, testimonial generators and so much more! You can find the link to the website for this at the end of this article. These can be part of your business operation system.
I asked you these questions to see if you were truly ready if the phone were to ring right now. So many performers get so wrapped up in just being in a hurry to get to marketing that they overlook these crucial steps and components. There is nothing worse and more unprofessional than when someone inquires about your services and you become frozen like a deer in headlights because you weren’t properly prepared or worse yet, hadn’t even thought about this.
This is where the absolute most important component come into play – your presentation.
Exactly how you present your services to an inquiring client is an art and science in and of itself. Take the time to know and learn what you want to say and how you will deliver this information. Talking the time and effort to do this correctly can be worth literally thousands of dollars to you over time. Break it down – how do you want to start the conversation, how will you present your series, pricing and address their interests and concerns? How will you move to ask for the booking to confirm their date and event? How will you conclude your presentation if they confirm? If they don’t confirm?
By having all of these elements well thought out, predetermined and in place and ready to go, you will find yourself positioned to be able to get more bookings from less inquiries. Let me explain…
Let’s say you skipped all of these foundational steps I have offered, and simply create your show and started marketing. Let’s say you just stated random, general marketing and somehow you generated 20 inquiries. Because you really weren’t prepared and didn’t have a polished presentation in place, you would likely have stuttered and stumbled through your inquiries, maybe getting 1 or 2 bookings at most. That’s between a 5 and 10% closing ratio. However, since you took the time to create the proper foundational steps, created market specific promotional materials, have all of the necessarily tools in place and know exactly how you are going to present your services in a fluent and well thought out manner, out of the same 20 inquiries you might confirm 5 or 6 bookings, perhaps more. That is a 25-30% booking ratio. Can you see the difference here? That can be 5x or greater booking ratio when you have the proper system and tools in place. I know many performers following this foundational system that have over a 70% booking ratio with the proper tools and resources in place.
While there will always be thing you can add, improve or tweak, you now have put in the effort to get your business market-ready. In our next installment we will being marketing.
MIndpro is an professional entertainment business specialist that has been coaching and consulting entertainers in entertainment business, press and media for over 30 years. He has enjoyed success as a full-time entertainer, owner of three entertainment agencies, as an international talent broker, producer and promoter, as well as being a press and media coach and consultant after 20+ years in radio and television. He has helped many start, grow and master the art of entertainment business.
He has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, ABC-TV’s All My Children, CBS, ABC, CNN and FOX News as well as being a frequent guest on many various television and radio shows throughout the country. Throughout his career Mindpro has worked with a virtual who’s who in the world of
entertainment including Tom Jones, Willie Nelson, Phyllis Diller, Don Rickles, Steve Allen, Michael Jordan, Tony Danza, John Stamos, Loretta Lynn, Kenny Rogers, Tom Petty, Billy Joel, The Monkees and The Beach Boys.
His Entertainer’s Success Series of professional business resources for entertainers and entertainment business owners are available at:
“In every show you do, be sure to include at least one moment that makes you uncomfortable and nervous” -DelGaudio and Helder (Journal of Secrets)
OSMOSIS II – Paul A Lelekis’ Latest Ebook – A Review
It seems as if I just reviewed the first Osmosis. Honestly, Paul writes ’em faster than I can review them. That said, it certainly doesn’t mean Osmosis II is lacking in content. I believe there is MORE content in the second edition than in the first.
As I mentioned in the first review, I really liked it, in part because there was such a wide array of effects, helpful tips and information. I like diversity. I like small doses of magic converged with insightful writing. And I like effects I can understand. Those of you who know me from the Magic Roadshow know how I like to create issues full of a little bit of everything. Osmosis II reminds me of a Roadshow – It doesn’t matter your skill level.. there’s something for everyone, from the beginner to the pro.
Paul has the ability to pick effects from some of the giants of magic, add his personal twists, and make it easily performable.. even for a klutz like myself. The first three effects are all good examples. Michael Skinner’s version of Marlo’s Poker Deal, Comedy Card Mis-call, and Paul’s reworking of a Stewart James classic Ace Cutting routine.
Now, when I say Paul makes effects ‘easily performable’, I wasn’t necessarily meaning all his effects are easily performable by everyone. These three are all in the intermediate range and take a little practice.. but that’s only fair as we aren’t talking ‘self-working’ here. Divided among the three effects, if you can perform nice double-lifts, a false cut, hold a little finger break, perform double undercuts to the bottom or top, and carry out a false count (after explicit directions from Paul).. you can perform all three like a BOSS.. The Ace Cutting routine is the more difficult of the three, but considering the spectator shuffled the deck prior to the reveal, is well worth the extra effort.
Paul includes his personal patter, and even a little ‘blue’ humor if you’re so inclined and in the right company, to each effect, along with handling tips that simplify the working and practicality.
‘An Example of Comedy Control’ takes advantage of crowd psychology and helps gain control of a small group of spectators through comedy, making them super-receptive to your magic -without- the use of curse words, firearms, ancient cutting weapons, obnoxious animals, and alcohol. Just a matter of saying the right
thing, and waiting on them to take the bait…
‘Osmosis I’ featured a brilliant bit of professional misdirection. ‘Osmosis II’ doubles down with another extremely useful treatise designed to provide ample cover for all those double undercuts, and other similar sleights, you used in conjunction with the first three effects. Nice…
Paul included another of his favorite coin routines in Jumbo Coin Production. Anyone who has experienced the look of amazement on a spectator’s face when you produce a big-ass coin knows the value of a good giant coin reveal.. I am not a good one to critique coin manipulation.. remember, I’m a klutz, so I’ll have to leave the validity of this effect to those of you who are..
‘Take a Break with some Optical Illusions!’.. One of those sneaky little diversions we renaissance men like to toss amongst our genius..
To quote Paul’s Table of Content, the next feature is… ‘ Hand Stuff – Here is an excerpt from Bill Spooner’s JOURNAL of MAGIC RESEARCH by Bill Wysong giving a list of creams, solids and powders for applying to our dry hands for manipulations… especially with cards!’.. I consider this so vital I ran an article in my last Magic Roadshow about properly preparing your hands for a performance. For years I couldn’t figure how certain magicians had fingertip control over a deck of cards, able to perform effortless second deals and false counts.. until I discovered it wasn’t ALL natural ability…. Welcome to the REAL underground…
Color Changing Knives, Torn and Restored Napkins, Coin Transposition, Money Transportation, An Idea and Routine with an Optical Illusion, Paul Curry’s Swindle Switch, Clippo, and a very detailed section on the Faro Shuffle converge in a section Paul calls:
“An eclectic collection of ideas and tricks for you to apply, peruse, and/or integrate into your shows..”
They are just that… a collection of magical thoughts and studies that cover a wide array of props. I think I mentioned in my last review that these can be the most valuable of all. As magicians, we are always looking for a useful tip or trick.. and often judge a book or dvd by how many ‘tips’ we garnered from it. I have so many ‘resources’, some very expensive, that resulted in absolutely nothing worthwhile, at least as far as my magic is concerned. Osmosis I and II both provided me with several effects/tips I added to my repertoire.. and that is my highest compliment.
The last section of Osmosis II turned from magic to magic history. Knowing the history of cards, or in this case, one particular card, the Jack, gives your magic a dose of authenticity and realism. We all think of the face cards as ‘Royalty’.. but that’s not completely true… Paul says: “The Jack or Knave was NOT a term used to indicate royalty as many think today. These terms were used to indicate a dishonest male, a male servant or a male of humble position in society. These terms are also used to indicate a deceitful male. Jacks or Knaves are also used to describe a thief, murderer, a villain or even a monster! Many will remember the most famous of serial murderers, Jack the Ripper. No one knew who Jack the Ripper was, but the term “Jack” was used to describe him!”… I can honestly say I didn’t know that… The complete history of the JACK is described in a way that makes you want to go out an impress someone right now!
Paul says, “Girls who wear glasses still can’t see your passes!”.. So, to add a definite professionalism to your performances he included videos of his three most-used passes.…the Classic Pass, the Jiggle Pass (my favorite), and Steve Draun’s Midnight Shift. This was a nice way to finish off Osmosis II, with a tutorial of perhaps the most honored of all magic sleights. So many magicians gave up on the pass long ago, and these three videos may be the motivation you need to reevaluate their essential qualities. Who knows.. maybe this time next year you will have mastered the greatest of the most humble of artistic pursuits… the one skill that, once mastered, goes totally unseen. Bummer… But you better believe that other magicians, unlike other artists, both know and appreciate it’s perfection.
OSMOSIS II is 35 pages in length and available exclusively through for $10.00 (Instant download) Available October 15th, 2016.. This is Paul’s 37th ebook, and in my opinion, one of his very best…
Rick Carruth
A Day-Time Nightmare
(Editor’s note: I performed this effect years ago with a newly bought ‘effect & gimmick’. They failed to mention when they sold it to me that it was created around 1929 by Theo Annemann and published in his “The Cabinet of Card Miracles” … Oh well… live and learn…)
In this effect, the spectator apparently sees IN HIS OWN deck, a card which he finds that he has placed in his pocket several minutes before!
A fake card is needed and is made by gluing the FACE of any BLACK CARD to the back of a RED CARD (at one end only) for half an inch. the rear BLACK card is left as is. But the RED (FRONT) card is TRIMMED slightly at its outer loose end. This makes a “short” CARD, that can be found and stopped at in deck by riffling the pack. The beauty of this idea is that this “feked” double card can be ADDED TO ANY BORROWED DECK regardless the back design–and cannot be noticed due to the handling of the deck.
Get your double card on the face of any borrowed deck. Run through cards as if counting them to see if it is a full pack.–but really to locate the single DUPLICATE of the BLACK CARD of your glued pair. Get it on TOP OF DECK.
Have an ordinary envelope examined by the owner of deck, and then have him select a card from his pack. This top card (duplicate) of deck must be “forced” and the performer can use his favorite method. I generally riffle the pack asking to have someone call “STOP” at any point. In cutting, slip TOP CARD to top of LOWER
HALF and selector gets it. Or, deal a row of four cards with this card in secon dplace and force by the “between one and four” counting method.
Cut the deck (bringing double card near center) and turn face up. Hold pack facing him, and riffle the TOP END, telling him to say STOP at any time. Now, as the short card is near CENTER you can always stop at this spot–which stops you BETWEEN THE GLUED PAIR and leaves the BLACK CARD in view and looking at him. Ask him to REMEMBER the card stopped at. Let deck close. Turn cards face down.. Openly deal the cards
out, face up on the table in a pile. Tell him to stop you when he sees the card he noted. HE FINDS IT HAS VANISHED! This is due to the fact that the card he saw is GLUED TO THE BACK OF ANOTHER CARD.
And this, with his own deck, and without a single move or sleight.
Then, ask him to “NAME” his card. He does so and you apparently prove that he has been dreaming. Because when he opens his envelope himself, he finds the VERY CARD HE THINKS HE JUST SAW IN HIS DECK!
One more from Annemann that fits nicely for those of you who perform gambling demonstrations.
The Gambler in Person…
Theo. Annemann
IT is the desire of many magicians to really be as good as an audience considers them. How often, after a card effect or two, the remark is heard, ‘How would you like to play a game with him?’ Due to this thought there often comes a request for the performer to show them how a few good hands should be dealt and it is at this point that the average card man is in deep water.
These two methods for card table demonstrations will no doubt fill the bill for many a person who needs something like it but can’t bother to learn a lot of different sleights and shuffles. In the first routine, the performer has a spectator thoroughly mix any deck and taking same, the performer deals five hands of poker face up. He explains that this is what would happen should the spectator be dealing and he asks that they note which of the five hands would be the winner.
Picking the five hands up, the performer now states that he shall try to deal a few fair hands and he asks which of the five shall get the highest. One is designated and the slowly and fairly deals the hands, the selected hand always being the top or highest of the lot.
This is so extremely simple that it must be worked to realize the good effect. The first dealing of the hands is to build the hand for the next deal. When the hands are on table faces up, the performer must locate a fair hand, and it is important that he only take one card from each of the five out hands. I have yet to see a combination of cards which would not contain a possible hand of likely value. Starting, with a full house (three of a kind and two of a kind) you will be able to build four of a kind with an extra high card, a straight, which
is quite common and easy to get, or an ordinary flush which is probably the easiest of all. As you do this time after time, it gets to be second nature to spot the various cards to make a combination even as you deal them out. You do this dealing in a slow unhurried manner so that they may watch the various hands and see which is the highest the first time.
The picking up is the real secret. The hands are scooped up one at a time and dropped face down on top of deck and it is only necessary that the desired card from each hand be on top
or at the back of this heap. Thus in picking up each hand you pick one, two, three or four cards as the case may be and scoop up the remaining cards with these in hand and drop on deck and so your wanted card is on top.
When all hands have been picked up in this manner, if they were dealt out again, the first hand would contain the cards and be highest but the idea of letting them choose which of the five is to get the good hand this deal makes it appear as if the performer can just deal the cards wherever he pleases. All that is necessary, however, is to add one, two or three cards to the top of deck from bottom which will automatically do the
work. If the third man is to get the hand, add two cards, etc. This is easily done quite openly while you false shuffle or false cut the deck, as you must remember that you are doing this as an exhibition of skill and deft mixing. The psychology here is that if you didn’t shuffle or monkey with the deck at all, the idea of a stack is uppermost in their minds. However, if you shuffle and apparently mix the cards, they assume you are stacking
them in some uncanny fashion and will laud .your skill to the heavens.
From: Hugard’s ‘Encyclopedia of Card Tricks’
Hand Grab Scare and Floating Head Illusion – Tutorial
I can let Halloween go by without at least one good tutorial to brighten your day.. This Hand Grab and Floating Head Illusion is not difficult to build and is the perfect ‘illusion’ for trick ‘o treaters..
The Instructables page not only features the video, but additional pictures and a tutorial to make the project easier. You can download a PDF file or see all the necessary info on the site… To quote from the site…
“I remembered that I had seen a version of this effect in an old magic book: Magic Simplified by Harry Baron (1954). The description is of an illusion where a magician carries a fake head to a table; when he puts it down, it appears to move and talk by itself. But – the crucial thing is that the mirrors face inwards at 90° rather than out to the surrounding area. This means that you don’t need to install a special surround for the effect to work and the audience can get fairly close without discovering the trick…”
A Pepper Ghost Alternative – Tutorial
Create a Hologram type ghost in a doorway with a projector, a thin cloth covering, and special effects, available very inexpensively, from ATMOSfx..
The resources to complete your hologram ghost illusion…
Ghostly Apparitions
Printer Out to Lunch – A Magic Classic Re-done
Michael Lyth
I’m sure most of you are familiar with Out to Lunch, first marketed by Clare Cummings and Bob Ellis In 1947. Although probably originating in publication as early as 1898, it, like many of the more popular magic effects in history, can be credited to a variety of magicians. That said.. Cummings and Ellis’ version is the one we are most familiar with..
Michael has created his own version, based around a couple of products bought on Ebay and a small box instead of a deck of cards. As he and I both like to say.. “Find new magic among the forgotten or older classics..”
Check it out…
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Erdnase – PDF
David Ben
Although I originally published this in the Roadshow several years ago, it’s well worth a read, or a re-read, by anyone interested in the history of Expert at the Card Table.. perhaps the most influential magic book of all times.
Criss Angel Mindfreak – Archives..
For those of you who can’t get enough of Criss Angel, there are now 92 episodes of Mindfreak available on A&E. You can watch any episode from any of the 6 seasons on demand.
New Criss Angel A&E Special…
Illusionist Criss Angel has a new special on the A&E Network October 12th at 9pm Eastern Time. Word has it that he will highlight over 30 illusions, including moving tattoos and levitations.
Celebrity guests include Paris Jackson, Andrew Dice Clay, Gary Oldman, Belinda, and UFC stars Frank Mir, Randy Couture, Paige VanZant and Chuck Liddell.
The special is produced for A&E by Angel Productions Worldwide Incorporated and executive produced by Angel, David Baram and Erich Recker. Executive producers for A&E are Elaine Frontain Bryant and Brad Abramson.
Criss Angel: Mindfreak, a reality series based on Angel’s magic act, ran on A&E from 2005 to 2010.
Mental Magic Reveal and Tutorial – Video
White Arts Magic brings you a very good tutorial that, if you’ll take the 18 minutes to watch, will give you a very strong mental magic effect. I feel like I should credit this effect to someone, but as it’s based on a mathematical principle that’s been around for many years, I don’t know that I can. If any of you can properly credit this to a performer.. please let me know and I’ll add it back to this post..
“Don’t think, ‘Is this a great trick?’ instead think, ‘Is this a great trick that fits my performance character?‘” – Simon Lovell (Son of Simon Says by Simon Lovell)
Snap Changes from around the world – Video
Dozens and dozens of snap changes. There’s something hypnotic about this video…
Snap Change Tutorials
The Snap Change was one of the very first sleights/flourishes I learned. I thought I was something special. Since then, I still watch others performing the snap change, feeling perhaps I’ll discover some minute secret that’ll make mine better.
Simple, powerful Peek
The Peek is still one of the more powerful weapons in all of card magic. Discovering the identity of your spectator’s card with one small move, in less than a second, is perfect. Doing so without drawing attention to it, or raising suspision, is even more perfect…
Johnny Samoa provides a good handling of this Erdnase classic. I think the Erdnase Color Change is perhaps the first color change many magicians learn, and it’s still one of the most impressive to the general public. They are, after all, the ones we are SUPPOSE to be performing for…
Sleight of Hand 101 | The Duck Change – A Color Change Tutorial
Jay Nation demonstrates and teaches a color change that occurs, visually, in mid-air. A card is selected, brought secretly to the top, and with a flick of the fingers changes from one card to the selected card. I’d call this an intermediate level color change.. but well within the range of anyone wanting to devote a night to the handling.
Sleight of Hand 101 | Psychic (Beginner)
Jay Nation teaches a classic one-ahead effect that allows you to perform a bit of mental magic totally impromptu. Let the spectator shuffle the deck and get to work…
Magic Performance | Chris Hannibal | TEDxCharlotte
Chris is one of my favorite performers. His style is all his own, and he is a master storyteller. Many of you will remember our interview with Chris in August 2014 (Magic Roadshow #157). Now, you get a chance to see this wonderful performer on stage in this 21+ minute special performance for TED.
See more Unique Inspirational Theater from Hannibal at:
“Not all magic has to highlight the magician’s skill or magical powers.” – John Guastaferro (One Degree by John Guastaferro)
The Devil ‘ s Picturebook – Auction Catalog (2014)
Featuring Rare Playing Cards, Games, and Artwork; Antiquarian Books; Ephemera and Advertising; Tiles, China, Royal Bayreuth Porcelain; Cheating Devices, Dice, and Chips; Gambling Memorabilia & More..
Session One: Royal Bayreuth, Books & Ephemera… Saturday, May 31st 2014
Session Two: Playing Cards, Gambling Devices & Memorabilia… Sunday, June 1st 2014
This is a PDF of the original 146 page catalog of the Potter & Potter auction from 2014. This is a wonderful PDF to keep on hand to reference these rare gambling devices, playing cards, and assorted memorabilia.. The pictures are unbeatable..
( Thanks to Michael Lyth )
Mission Magic – Full Service Gospel Magic for European Magicians
I gets requests for sellers of gospel magic, and I am sometimes at a loss, depending on the location. Michael Lyth forwarded me info on a very good UK based company called Mission Magic. Most of their magic is self-contained and ready to perform.. and very affordable. Be sure to check out the stage and assemblies magic and the workshops.
“All our Gospel Magic is designed to be easy-to-do and ready-to-go. Perfect for school assemblies, all age services and church events. Entertaining magic with a life changing message.” Mark Foster – Owner Mission Magic
Duane Laflin Gospel Magic – Video
Duane produced a number of videos related to gospel magic, several with specific effects to convey your message. After watching the video, click on the Gospel Magic Channel link beneath the video to see all the other videos.
“In this premier installment of Gospel Magic NOW Duane Laflin discusses the three goals of the series and demonstrates a couple of tricks, available from, which are great to use in giving gospel presentations. As the name suggests…”Watch This First”!!” …. 16+ minute in length..
Gospel Illusions Made Easy Webinar – Almost 1 Hour Video Tutorial
Free Webinar with Brett A. Myers, presented by .. I found this video interesting from either a gospel magic or regular magic angle. The tricks are well-thought out and include detailed tutorials and tips..
How to Make Double Sided Silver Morgan, Peace Dollar Coin Rings – Tools Revealed
This 27+ minute video will show you how to make a nice ring out of a half or silver dollar. I understand not everyone will have all the tools shown, but if you will google ‘how to make a coin ring’ you’ll discover a number of other videos that use work-arounds to tools that may be unavailable.
Making The Hooked Coin – Video Tutorial
Easy way to make a ‘hooked coin’.. This little utility allows you to ditch a coin in a heartbeat, leaving your spectator to wonder where in the world the coin went.. You can hook the coin on you, or if you’re really ambitious, on the spectator. The video is a little over 7 minutes.
Tutorial Library – The most comprehensive free resource for learning card magic on the internet. – 52Kards
52Kards call this the most comprehensive free resource on the internet. I’ll leave it up to you to decide. But, I will say this for certain.. it’s one of the best free resources available. I counted about 130 different video tutorials.. from beginner to advanced.. and each is thorough and well produced. Here are a few of the video tutorials… some are effects and others are moves.. but ALL are good..
Card Shooting Technique
The Jumping Card
One Handed Spin Cut
Gryphon Roll
Back Palm Card Vanish
Kalushes Cut
LePaul Spread
Vallarino’s Free Card Production
Larry Jennings False Cut
Instant Snappy Color Change
Crystal Clean Card Control
Sponge Ball Vanish
The Bluff Pass
Tabled Running Cuts
Go to:
( They do ask for you email, but it’s worth it..)
“When you get in trouble with an audience, do something with a kid, an animal, or a grandma.” – Thurlow Spurr (Find The Stuff That’s You by Chris Carey)
George Phillips, an elderly man from Walled Lake, Michigan, was going up to bed, when his wife told him that he’d left the light on in the garden shed, which she could see from the bedroom window. George opened the back door to go turnoff the light, but saw that there were people in the shed stealing things.
He phoned the police, who asked “Is someone in your house?”
He said “No,” but some people are breaking into my garden shed and stealing from me.”
Then the police dispatcher said “All patrols are busy, you should lock your doors and an officer will be along when one is available”
George said, “Okay.” He hung up the phone and counted to 30. Then he phoned the police again.
“Hello, I just called you a few seconds ago because there were people stealing things from my shed. Well, you don’t have to worry about them now because I just shot and killed them both; the dogs are eating them right now,” and he hung up.
Within five minutes, six Police Cars, a SWAT Team, a Helicopter, two Fire Trucks, a Paramedic and an Ambulance showed up at the Phillips’ residence, and caught the burglars red-handed.
One of the Policemen said to George, “I thought you said that you’d shot them!”
George said, “I thought you said there was nobody available!”
(True Story)
Moral of the story… Don’t mess with old people….
Created by our friend.. Jim Canaday
Magic Trick Reviews… Free to Everyone Facebook Group
Please consider joining us at ‘Magic Trick Reviews’ on Facebook. You’ll find a very nice selection of reviews, particularly by our friend, Jim Canaday, who is now reviewing for Big Blind Media as well as Murphy’s Magic. Check it out…
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Dozens upon dozens of magic trick tutorial videos…
Even MORE magic trick, card trick, street magic and videos..
That does it for this issue. I hope you found something to help your magic along. Remember, if you have something you would like to share with the magic community, send it to: [email protected]
“Vive Tus Sueños – Live Your Dreams “
Rick Carruth / Editor
Senior Professor – Camelard College of Conjuring of Chemmis, Egypt
“Magic’s Only Worldwide Honor Society”