Obituary: Roy Walton, much-loved Card Magician

Obituary: Roy Walton, much-loved Card Magician

By Jerry Sadowitz for The Herald..
There is such perfection in some work that anything falling short of that benchmark stands out as a glaring fault. Such was the card magic of Roy Image result for roy walton magicWalton, who has died at 87 after a brief battle with cancer. His creative output was the gold standard, matched by a quite phenomenal technical skill, knowledge and understanding of the subject. A typical Roy Walton trick is so perfect that to alter it in any way usually diminishes its impact.
He contributed his first published trick, ABC, in the Phoenix magic magazine in 1949, and after contributing to other magazines such as The Pentagram and The Pallbearer’s Review (two issues of which were devoted entirely to his magic), he published his first book, The Devil’s Playthings, in 1969. It became an instant classic, as did his commercially released tricks such as Card Warp, and Cascade, which have never been off the market and have featured in the shows of many leading magicians throughout the world.  Read more..
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