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The Timeless Project – A Review

The Timeless Project – A Review

The Timeless Project
Russ Stevens, Bill Thompson & Gary Jones

The Timeless Project is a very sophisticated multi-effect deck(s) that takes card magic to a higher level. First.. let’s read the creator’s ad copy, then, we’ll go from there.

“Welcome to The Timeless Project featuring five amazing routines utilizing the hidden secrets of the RSVP deck of cards of the same name. Join your hosts Gary Jones and Russ Stevens as they show you five brand new routines that are unique to this very special deck of cards. All are easy to do and pack a killer punch!

Contents Include:

Second Hand – The magician asks the spectator to merely think of any time — there is no force, it’s never written down or said to anyone. The magician now takes the Timeless Deck (that has been on the table in full view throughout) and spreads the cards, showing that there is one card reversed in the entire deck. For the first time, the spectator names their time. When the card is turned over, that card has their time printed on it! This is a reputation-making routine that really is worth the price of the whole project.

Miracle Clock – A spectator again thinks of their favorite time of the day. Without telling anyone or writing it down, the magician is again able to know the exact time they’re thinking of and reveals it in an unusual and amazing way.

Duel Time – Two cards are selected by two spectators. The magician now takes the first card and shows the face to be holding a timepiece in their hand. He places the card onto the spectator’s hand and asks them to slam their hand down onto the card. When it’s turned over, the clock face is now broken! Taking the card, the magician shakes the card and magically restores it back to its original condition. The second card is turned over and shows a card holding a clock set at ten o’clock. The magician takes the card and moves it slowly in front of the spectator, where it seems to visibly change to another time (this can be a prediction if desired). Utilizing the special printing ideas on some of the Timeless cards, this is a really cool effect.

Just a Second – The magician shows a selected card to be holding a time and the card is placed face down on the table. The magician now shows his wrist watch and asks the spectator to pull the pin out and set the watch to any time. He tells them that their time will match the time on the face down card sitting on the table throughout. The watch is turned over to reveal an hour and the card turned over… the times don’t match! Taking the card, the magician asks the spectator to turn an invisible winder at the side of the card, as if moving the hands on the printed face. When it’s turned over, the time on the card now matches the time on the watch. Truly amazing stuff!

The instructional DVD is in full HD (1920x1080p), runs for 50 minutes and is worldwide playback. Please note that due the manufacturing of the special deck included, this is a very limited run and that the DVD is a DVDR.”

My review…

The Timeless Project is a masterwork from RSVP Magic. The name comes from clocks printed on each court card, very fashionably I might add, and the effects that are possible using the concept of time and cards. I wish I could explain the complete concept.. but that would be a bit unfair. I will say this… all the court cards are printed with a clock.. all 12 of the court cards. Each court card has a clock with a different time and each court card is aligned in a specific order, easily remembered. This serves as the basis for some very extravagant magic.

I am generally not a big fan of radical changes to my standard Bicycle design. I don’t mind changes to the backs, but the faces are sort of sacred, in my humble opinion. The Timeless Project is the off-shoot of the Timeless Deck, developed several years ago by Russ Stevens and based on a premise by the late Bill Thompson, and one of the few exceptions I’ll allow… design wise. Like my friend Jim Canaday said.. the cards are ..” very reminiscent of both comic book art and steam punk.” I am a big fan of steam punk, and if you’re going to change my beloved Bikes.. change ’em to an intelligent steam punk design. The design of the clocks are integrated into the faces to create a very pleasing look.

The Timeless Deck was first sold several years ago by RSVP. They sold out completely, and for the past four years were not reissued. They are only being reissued now to be sold in conjunction with the Timeless Project, which itself is in very limited production. I don’t fully understand the concept of ‘limited edition’ and ‘limited production’.. if there is a large demand.. but I’m sure there’s a very good reason.

Each Timeless Project comes with two Timeless decks.. one normal and one gaffed. The normal deck is actually a very slick-handling deck. Although not a linen finish, I could perform nice faros straight out the pack. Folks on the Cafe and in other reviews raved about the quality. That doesn’t carry a lot of weight with me.. but my personal handling of the deck does. I REALLY like it..

Both decks are USPCC, smooth cut, and exactly what you would expect from an effect of this price. You’ll also get a 50 minute DVD taught by Gary Jones.. again very indicative of the cost of the project. Russ Stevens and Gary Jones are to be congratulated.

You read the creator’s description of several effects, and I want to add something to the descriptions to give you a hint or two.

Miracle Clock… uses a popular method with the ancient clock routine to arrive at a selection which is revealed in a method best described as ” The Clock Routine On Steroids”. What’s important is that two different classics of magic are used, using methods you are already very familiar with… to create a new ending not even YOU saw coming..

Duel Time… Uses the normal Timeless deck, along with a couple of additional cards supplied with the deck. There is a minor sleight or two used to make everything work.. (think ‘double lift’.)
This is a very visual effect that makes two spectators wish they’d paid much closer attention..

Just a Second… Again uses the normal Timeless deck. You also use your watch, which may or may not be a special watch, it’s all explained.. Another minor sleight is used, along with a duplicate card, to befuddle any spectator.

The Second Hand… This is a very unique effect, brazen almost, that uses a method I’ve never seen used in all of magic.. to arrive at a time thought of by the spectator. Unlike all it’s cousins, you DO NOT get the spectator to verbally reveal their secret in order to know where to dig in the deck to find their thought-of card. This effect is one slick magician fooler. I use the method taught for the public.. and a variation of my own to fool those know-it-all magic guys. Oh, I wish I could tell you the secret, and I wish I got a commission for every Timeless Project sold from this point on… but I don’t get either. I DO get the satisfaction of recommending this superlative combination of effects, worth far more than its price -if- you will take time to study the DVD and learn these carefully chosen effects.

Although not important to the effects, the Timeless Project DVD has the best intro of any magic related DVD I’ve ever watched. A photo by Filipino photographer and digital graphics artist Norvz Austria and music inspired by Evanescence create a visual I’ve watched many times. Now my sensitive side is showing… and I appreciate that the designers thought there were folks like myself who would, and could, appreciate their efforts.

Everything you need (almost ) is here. One effect does require a special deck many of you will undoubtably already own. If you don’t own one, you can make one.. not a big deal. Another effect will require a watch with a second hand or display. Celebrate that you can buy an effect like this for $45.00. Having seen what some magicians attempt to sell as ‘miracles’, ‘revolutionary magic’, ‘groundbreaking’ etc. I think I have a good point of reference. Buy the Timeless Project and truly enjoy magic again. I’m excited to attach my name to a product with so many possibilities.

$45.00.. Available from shops selling the Murphy’s Magic line of quality products.

OMEN – Chris Congreave – A Review

OMEN – Chris Congreave – A Review

OMEN, by Chris Congreave, is a multi-faceted effect that achieves a goal.. and then presents a kicker that is the true stunner.. One spectator is asked to think of a card.. and name it. A second spectator is asked to cut to a card in a tabled deck, and following a fair reveal of the second spectator’s card, there is a second reveal that makes the first reveal… well… just the first reveal.

The Ad Copy reads like this:

“Chris Congreave’s Omen is a self-working powerhouse of playing card mentalism with three jaw-dropping moments of magic. Omen is perfect to perform on 1-2 spectators.

Two Person Presentation – Two spectators are invited to take part in your demonstration of the strange!

Spectator number one names any playing card (let’s say they name the 9 of Spades). They are told to keep that card in their mind.

A second spectator is asked to freely cut a deck (which has been on view from the start) and remember the card they cut to.

Now for reveal number one. You pick up the deck, look at your spectator and without asking any questions, find the selected card.

Now for reveal number two. With an empty hand, you reach into your pocket and remove a matching card! So now not only have you found their card, but you have also proved you predicted which card they would freely cut to! Sounds good, right? But I know what you’re saying. What about the thought-of-card card? Well, let me just say your final reveal is a show stopper!

Omen comes complete with:

Special Omen deck

Full DVD instructions

This is what I would call an ‘intelligent trick’. It required a lot of thinking to develop and is not something you’ll perform straight out the box. There is a fair amount of prep before you’re ready to perform, but once the prep is done.. you’ll have something you can impressively perform for anyone, including your magic friends.

If there is a downside, as pointed out in other reviews, you must ‘mark’ the cards in preparation for the second reveal. This will take some time and must be performed exactly as taught.. or the effect won’t work. There’s always a trade-off to this bit of DIY… if the developers had to take the time and expense to do it themselves, the cost would be somewhat more. So it’s a two-edged sword… do some work, but save some money.

This effect is not immediately repeatable. It’s one of those effect’s you put away in your arsenal.. and wait on the right moment, with the right two spectators. I am not a fan of ‘reputation maker’, as I think that’s something you accomplish over a period of time.. but OMEN is definitely an ‘attention getter’, and will leave your spectators with something unique to talk about when you’re finished.

You will notice the performer uses a black envelope in the video to achieve a reveal. This effect is taught with the use of four small envelopes -or- a wallet. Neither is provided, but I think you’ll work through it. You’ll figure out on your own that neither envelopes or wallets are truly needed, but do add a little something to the routine.

Otherwise, you receive everything you need to perform straight up, aside from marking the cards. The deck is a custom deck, designed to enable you to instantly know the second spectator’s cut-to card. It can be shown to be a random selection of cards.. but cannot be examined. Although the first spectator reveals their thought-of card to you at the beginning, if you time OMEN properly, half the spectators will not remember they told you their card. This adds considerable to the mystery. You also receive a detailed DVD that explains the handling in great detail. You will probably have to watch it more than once, but it’s time well spent.

The best way to get a good grasp on the mechanics is to watch the video at Murphy’s Magic. This will lay out the performance for you and give you a very good understanding of HOW the effect develops.

I recommend OMEN to all my magic friends. It’s unique enough to stand out from anything else you’re probably doing.. and unexpected enough to surprise those who are accustomed to typical card and mental magic effects.

$40.00  Available from dealers who carry the Murphy’s Magic line of products.

Review by Rick Carruth

PUSH – A Review

PUSH – A Review

by Sultan Orazaly

The Ad Copy…
PCTC Production presents A signed playing card through a bill! Imagine being able to have your spectator freely select and sign a playing card. Next, you ask to borrow a bill (ANY currency). Then, without ANY switching of the card or bill, you VISIBLY PUSH the signed card through the borrowed bill!!


You will have the ability to penetrate a signed playing card through a borrowed bill and have both totally examinable at the end without switching either of them out. PUSH is the perfect walk-around illusion.

The custom gimmick easily fits inside of your wallet and can be adapted to any Bicycle Playing card within a few seconds.
Use Any Currency
Super Visual
Easy to Perform
100% Examinable


My Review..
I want to commend Sultan Orazaly for the creation of a very slick gimmick/effect. I don’t know which to call it.. but unless you can show me how to use it IN an effect, I’ll stick with gimmick.
I had an idea how it was performed before watching the video. I was about 30% correct.

The law of physics told me the corner of a card couldn’t actually penetrate a bank note.. without there being either a hole in the bill.. which there isn’t, or a heavily gaffed card.. which there wasn’t. Now, I STILL hope to find that one effect one day that uses real magic.. but I doubt I will. PUSH makes it look like real magic -if- you’re willing to work on your handling a bit. Unlike the pen thru bill, which you could pick up after a few minutes, PUSH requires a little manipulation, which is at the heart of magic.

It advertises the card and the bill can be totally examined afterwards. That’s true. The corner of the card is bent, but that certainly doesn’t give away the secret. There seems to be some discussion among magicians as to why the corner would be bent in the first place. Don’t make it a big issue. The spectator certainly won’t be any wiser.. bent corner or not.

Super Visual… Yes. The visual of the corner penetrating the bill is a convincer.

Practical… Very practical for walk-around and that instant when you want to create a ‘wow’ moment. Everything you need is easily concealed in a pocket or the palm of your hand. PUSH is like a strong handshake.. it’s a great way to greet someone and leave a positive impression.

Easy to Perform… Uh, I would say it’s easy to perform AFTER you duly practice the handling. It’s not a knuckle buster, but it’s not straight-out-the-box either. Being honest, the problem isn’t so much the performance as the handling. There is a possibility of fumbling or telegraphing UNTIL you get the basic handing down pat. I can think of a hundred coin moves that are more difficult. Don’t let my words be a deal breaker.

This is one of those effects that delivers what it promises. The visuals are correct, the ad copy is correct, and if you are impressed by what you see.. then buy it. If I had to discuss a negative, it would be that you must perform a bit of DIY to construct the gimmick. Not much.. just a little super glue on a spot or two. I think you can construct everything in three or four minutes, which isn’t really a negative.. maybe it’s more a reflection on my laziness.

Again, if you are looking for a walk-around effect to garner quick attention and open your options, PUSH should do it.

Available from dealers who carry the Murphy’s Magic line of products..

Review by Rick Carruth

The ZODIAC – A Review

The ZODIAC – A Review

The Zodiac
$25.00 at  Murphy’s Magic

Reviewed by Rick Carruth

First, lets read the ad copy for THE ZODIAC to get an idea of what the effect claims to do:

“With this little innocent-looking book, which fits perfectly in your pocket, you’ll be able to perform a complete mental act. You will divine instantly the sign, day, and month of birth of any spectator. You’ll also be able to divine the spectator’s aura, their personality trait, and the spectator’s lucky card. You will know everything immediately, without touching or coming near the book and without any fishing or questions. THE SPECTATOR NEVER WRITES ANYTHING. You’ll also be able to divine a freely chosen word from the book. This book allows you to do a complete routine with divinations, predictions, coincidences, ACAAN (Any Card At Any Number), calendar card, etc.”

“The spectator never writes anything, You never touch the book, Always ready and repeats instantly,  You never ask any questions or fish for information, no anagrams, new method and self-contained,
A complete mental routine, It includes a specially designed pocket book, written instructions, and a video download.”

That seems like a LOT of features for any magic product. I have the book, I’ve read the instructions and watched the online video. One thing I did notice is The Zodiac video states from the beginning that it is based on a product they (Vernet) released twelve or thirteen years ago called “Astrological Sign” by Eduardo Kozuch and Vernet Magic. I think Devin Knight also used a version in his dictionary test called “Word Sight”.

That may give you an idea of the very basic methodology, but it certainly will NOT reveal the guts of The Zodiac. This is a new, simplified method of performing the earlier effects. If you are familiar with Astrological Sign, you know that, although it performed as advertised, it was not easy to learn all the nuances to make it convincing. Vernet has released an effect similar to Astrological Sign, but definitely different enough to NOT be called a re-release.

Many of the basic reveals in The Zodiac are easi

ly learned. You can pick up on star signs, earth signs, and related playing cards in very short order. The method is really simple. To get into the specifics of your spectator’s personal traits is going to require some memorization. Obviously, if Vernet is offering you a complete mentalism act-in-a-pocket it’s going to require more than simply opening a package. I will say.. the effort is worth it. Just like a great stacked deck, the effort is paid back many times over.

Folks love to hear someone tell them about themselves. Knowing facts, star signs, traits and features are reputation makers.. IF you can pull it off.. and The Zodiac certainly gives you a great launching point. I have to say I agree with the sales copy, as diverse as it may sound. All you need to perform most of the feats is your vision. Memorize the finer points and you DO have a complete act. I would not say you’re ready to go onstage.. but I would say you’re ready for walk around and parlour performances. You can get a solid six to eight minutes from Zodiac and keep your audience thoroughly involved.

There are both written and video instructions. The written instructions are not deep, and are more like note sheets for learning the basics.. The online video includes a performance and how to

discover all the basic information. It run about 20 minutes.

If you have an interest in mentalism and enjoy engaging your spectator, I recommend The Zodiac…
$25.00 From dealers who sell the Murphy’s Magic line of products..