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The Vault – The Ogawa Opener by Shoot Ogawa – A Review

The Vault – The Ogawa Opener by Shoot Ogawa – A Review

The Vault – The Ogawa Opener by Shoot Ogawa A Review
Video Download

The Ad Copy:

Magic Moment With Shoot Ogawa

Ogawa Opener: One of Shoot’s professional routines that he uses to this day. Magician freely shuffles a deck of cards and then asks the spectator to tell him when to stop as he riffles through the deck with his finger. The magician honestly stops at the spectator’s chosen location and then splits the deck into two different piles. The magician then magically reveals

four aces in the blink of an eye. This is pure eye candy and a self working effect with little sleight of hand required. This is a great opener into any card routine and one that any magician would use for the rest of their lives from the living room to the board room. It will elevate your magic overnight.


SHOOT OGAWA was born in Tokyo, Japan, where he discovered his love for magic at the age of 10. By the time he was 17, he had traveled to the United States and won the First Place award for Stage Magic at the St. Louis Magic Jubilee.

Since that time, Shoot has performed on television in all 7 continents; won the Magic Castle’s ‘Close-Up Magician of the Year’ twice, making him the youngest person ever to win that title; named the most popular Japanese entertainer in America; awarded the Magic Castle’s ‘Parlour Magician of the Year’ two times; and awarded the Magic Castle’s ‘Stage Magician of the Year’ twice.

Shoot Ogawa performs all over the world every year and audiences delight in his flawless presentation of  magic.

My Thoughts:

This is a very quick magic trick. It is a four Ace production that occurs immediately after a spectator selects a location in a thumb-riffled deck. I have seen all kinds of Ace productions, some I can perform, and some I can’t. Thanks to Shoot.. this is one I can add to the ‘can perform’ list!

No lie… you can perform this after about ten minutes of practice. Nothing gets an audience’s attention quite like an Ace production.. and I’m sure that’s why someone of Shoot’s status would open his routine with this flourish.

Rather than offer a long-winded description.. I encourage you to click the link and watch a real-time performance of The Ogawa Opener. Watching will give you a precise idea of what you’re getting for ten bucks. Again, I appreciate performers who charge a modest fee for a one-off effect. This is so affordable that, if you enjoy Ace productions, you can’t afford NOT to buy it.

Production wise.. everything is typical Murphy’s Magic quality. I can’t say I’ve ever bought a Murphy’s product that was poorly produced. The video and sound are both quite adequate. No, they didn’t go overboard for a ten dollar effect.. but I wouldn’t expect them to do so. You will have NO problem learning and understanding The Ogawa Opener.

The tutorial is approx. 16 minutes in length, and begins with a singular performance. Shoot then goes into detail to teach the specifics. Immediately after, he is joined by three participants, who are taught the handling in real time.. and you can see just how long it takes to actually learn. Everything is followed by an eight minute cartoon featuring Bugs Bunny and Ala Bahma. I kid you not…

Again, watch the video and see if this is something you would like to add to your repertoire. If so.. buy it now. It’s an instant download, and you can be performing this is fifteen minutes. No gaffs. No alterations. No real sleights.. although there IS a flourish used to produce one of the cards. (This is where the ten minutes of practice comes in..) Regardless of your skill level, you CAN do this.!

$10.00 .. From Murphy’s Magic and their Associates.

Reviewed by Rick Carruth for Murphy’s Magic and The Magic Roadshow.

The Vault – Presage by Ethan Zack & Michael Blau – A Review

The Vault – Presage by Ethan Zack & Michael Blau – A Review

The Vault – Presage by Ethan Zack & Michael Blau – A Review
Instant Download..

The Ad Copy:

PRESAGE: noun: A sign or warning that portends or foreshadows a future event.

Presage is a devious tool allowing you to predict a thought of word or card. From the minds of Michael Blau & Ethan Zack, two up and comers in the magic world comes a device which can be used in a plethora of commercial & casual routines. Whether you’re a seasoned performer or a hobbyist, Presage is easy to use and guarantees a maximum reaction every time! With bonus performances and tips by Chris Ramsay and detailed explanation on the simple gimmick construction, you’ll be performing this minutes after learning the method.

No thumb writing
No switches
No sleight-of-hand required
Great for an opener or closer for strolling
Can be used to predict words, numbers, cards etc…

Be two steps ahead of your spectators at all times so you can concentrate on what matters… being a badass.

My Thoughts:

PRESAGE by Ethan Zack & Michael Blau has been around for a little while.. but it’s one of those effects that didn’t get as much press as it should in the beginning, and I think it’s time for a revisit.

First, the magi asks the spectator to name a card.. any card. When the card is named there is a comedic moment.. and the magi says “..lets just do it this way”, and thumbs or fans through the deck, asking the spectator to select another card. Once done, the selection is lost back in the deck.

There is a small coin envelope attached with a rubber band to the card box and the magi may, or may not, tell the spec this envelope will play a roll in the effect… eventually.

The magi takes the card box, which also happens to have a couple of post-it notes attached to the back side, and writes a prediction on the note. The magi asked the spec to name his card.. and turns the card box to show the identity of the spectator’s card written on the post-it.

That gets a smile. But we want more than a smile… right?

Almost as an after thought, the magi asks the spectator.. “..oh, remember that card you named when we started this effect.. What was it?”

The spectator say.. ” It was the__ of___”

The magi removes the coin envelope, opens it and slides out a business card/paper with the identity of the FIRST card scribbled on it.

This is when you get your REAL reaction…

A portion of the video is Chris Ramsay.. performing Presage in real time for a spectator. He emphasizes the comedy side of the performance and leaves the tutorial to Ethan and Michael.

This is an effect anyone with the know-how can perform. It does require a certain amount of setup. You’ll need an Exacto knife, a size one coin envelope (or the equivalent), a few sticky notes and a rubber band. A few minutes later.. you’ll be performing Presage.

Watching the video will give you a good idea of the handling.. and whether or not it’s for you. I will say.. it’s definitely for me. It’s easy to perform and sets your spectator up for whatever you want to perform next. Considering the cost.. $9.95.. it’s quite a fair cost.

The guys do a good job of teaching and explaining. The video quality is good, sound is good, and the total length is 23:30.

There are additional tips provided and a second method of performing Presage designed for performers with advanced skills.. as in being familiar enough with one of the primary stacks you know the position of a card after seeing the proceeding card. The only skill you need to know to perform Presage is the ability to force a card, Hindu force or otherwise.

There is a certain amount of setup.. so you cannot immediately perform this effect again. You will need about 30 seconds to yourself. Not a big deal….

Those of you who perform walk-around will enjoy performing Presage. It’s a nice cross between a bit of mental magic and an opportunity to make your spectator smile.

$9.95 .. From Murphy’s Magic and their Associates.

Reviewed by Rick Carruth for Murphy’s Magic and The Magic Roadshow.

The Vault- BONELESS by Sultan Orazaly – A Review

The Vault- BONELESS by Sultan Orazaly – A Review

The Vault – Boneless by Sultan Orazaly – A Review
Video Download

The Ad Copy says:
The section of penetration of objects through matter in magic is one of the most popular. Visual penetrations through matter are few and they can rarely be shown live.

BONELESS is a visual insight that is great for live performances and social media. Never before has such a visual effect been so easy to implement.

My thoughts:

I have a soft spot for visual magic. If it happens quick.. and if it looks impossible.. I like to carry it on my person.

If you’ll visit the link at the bottom and watch the video.. you’ll get a good idea of the illusion created by Boneless. Watching the video is a much better way of getting an idea of what to expect. Basically, the magi begins by holding a card in front of his middle and forefinger.. and the card instantly seems to penetrate the fingers and reappear on the back side of the fingers. It’s a very nice illusion.. and not hard to accomplish as the gimmicked card does most the work. Once you have a gimmick created, you could perform Boneless in minutes.

This type magic isn’t for everyone. It’s not what you could call an effect, and it’s hard to find a place for it in a routine. Yet, it gets your spectator’s attention and draws attention to whatever else you may have in a pocket.

Sultan Orazaly has a number of effects on the market.. including Hallucination, Regeneration, ICM, Korobox, Nomad Coin and Elastic Bill. Most are quick effects like Boneless.

There’s an upside.. and a downside.. to effects like this. If you want to open the package and perform it immediately.. you’re out of luck. Since Boneless is an instant download and requires a gimmicked card, there’s a certain amount of DIY involved. Some folks enjoy creating a gaff. It helps to be able to recreate a gaff should yours wear out or break. I’m sure the cost of Boneless would be at least twice as much if the gimmick was pre-made.

On a scale of one to ten, I’d say making a gimmicked card is a 3.8 on the difficulty scale. It’s not too hard.. and is the essence of the trick. Everything is taught in an included video packet… one for performance (2 minutes), one for explanation (7 minutes) and one for construction of the gimmick (10 minutes). None of the videos include vocal instruction, but opt for written video instruction and performance video. You will have a full knowledge of everything you need to know after watching the videos. Nothing out of the ordinary is needed to construct the gimmick. No trips to the hardware store. 😉

Again, watching the performance video shows you precisely what to expect. There were NO surprises.. and if the gimmicked card is constructed as shown, you should have a quick ‘little something’ to create instant interest in what comes next..

I recommend BONELESS for the cost. $9.95 is a small price for a strong gimmick that’s a one-time cost. Learn the secret.. and make all the gimmicks you want….

$9.95 .. From Murphy’s Magic and their Associates..

Reviewed by Rick Carruth for Murphy’s Magic & The Magic Roadshow

The Vault – Illusory – by Ziv – A Review

The Vault – Illusory – by Ziv – A Review

The Vault – Illusory by Ziv – A Review
Video Download

They won’t believe their eyes! Illusory is an incredible new system that makes vanishes and appearances look like a special effect only seen in movies!

Level up your social media channels with effects that look truly impossible!

Make playing cards and other objects vanish into thin air and at whatever speed you choose. Illusory is under your control at all times.

Easy to perform.

Easy to make.

Limited only by your imagination.

My Thoughts:

This is different.. When I first watched the demo video I was sure it was simply black art. Cards are disappearing and reappearing against a dark background, and I’ve been around too long.

I’m not familiar with Ziv.. but he seems like a dedicated young man, willing to step out with a new method of performing old magic. He has, I assume, created this effect himself using something other than black art. Without giving away too much.. black art IS a factor in the vanishes.. but not actually the central point.

Playing cards, held in front of ones chest, vanish and reappear at the control of the magician. This is a very simple method, but not a common method. Something some might consider ‘high tech’ is used to facilitate the vanish. It’s actually a product normally used for another purpose.. but is being repurposed to achieve the magic.
That’s all I can tell you.. without giving away too much.

I have to admit, in all fairness to my readers, I have not performed ILLUSORY for a social media audience… which seems to be the target market. I did not perform this beforehand because I did not have the secret sauce. I AM familiar with the secret sauce.. and have no doubt that, under the right conditions, it WILL work. The ‘stuff’ needed for a successful performance can be purchased on sites like Amazon for around $17.00 for enough material to create a number of gimmicks… and the gimmicks can be used over and over. So, your initial purchase will last for a long time.

I’m confident enough in my knowledge of the secret material I was willing to go ahead and write the review. I have used this material for it’s intended purpose, and I know it works as promised. That said… no promises in the world of magic.

The video is filmed on an iPhone. It is also filmed with sub-titles, with English being the language in print. Generally, I am not a fan of sub-titles, but the secret to this effect was revealed rather quickly and I didn’t have a problem following the instructions.. which were just over 6 minutes. Truly, it’s all about the secret. Handling and secondary instructions are clear watching the promo.

I think it’s safe to say you’re paying for a secret. Watch the video and see if it’s for you.

$15.00 .. Download at Murphy’s Magic and through their Associates.

Review by Rick Carruth for The Magic Roadshow and Murphy’s Magic