
I AM ARRR – The Other Brothers and Abstract Effects – A Review

I AM ARRR – The Other Brothers and Abstract Effects – A Review

I AM ARRR – The Other Brothers and Abstract Effects – A Review

(Gimmicks and Online Instructions)

I am ARRR.. available to the public on Nov.14th. Here is the Ad Copy…

From the creative minds of The Other Brothers comes an effect that is five years in the making – one of the very first concepts ever developed by the imaginative duo. Produced by Abstract Effects, “I AM ARRR” is a unique and surprising pendulum which provides you an opportunity to perform incredible mentalism with a shocking reveal!

For years, pendulums have been used by mentalists and psychics to create real magic, but now there is one that will not only allow you to tap into the power of the pendulum, but with this clever secret the spectator can actually find their own selected card. If that’s not powerful enough, the pendulum will reveal their selection in its shadow!

The Other Brothers teach you a mentalism effect using the materials provided in “I AM ARRR” that will send shivers through your spectators and it all ends with a reveal like none other.

“I AM ARR” is perfect for intimate, small group settings and can be done impromptu as it is a simple, yet powerful tool. Prove once and for all to your friends and families that magic is real with “I AM ARRR!”

“Killer. Insane method and so CLEAN. Love this”

-Justin Flom

“It’s absolutely brilliant! Both the premise and the method”

– Shimshi

My thoughts:

No equivoque no switches..  25 min  the move  pendulum has card built in…

Two of my favorite magicians, the Other Brothers, are among the most creative thinkers in all of magic.. and that’s not just my opinion. Sales is indicative of success, and the Other Brothers sales have been through the roof for several years. TAKEN, SNAPPED, BARE MINI, BARE, CONTRA, HANDS DOWN, VERY FAIR.. among other great effects, have kept the Other Brothers at the very top of every list of best sellers. On November 14th, of the illustrious 2020, they will release I AM ARRR.. that’s ARRR like words from a grizzled sea captain or a pirate of old.

As you probably gathered from the ad copy.. this is a selection of a chosen card, using a pendulum with a kick. I think you could best describe this as a combination of effects many of us have used through the years… but certainly not using the methods seen in I AM ARRR. I have the highest regard for original thinking, and that’s why I’m going to recommend this effect to all my friends and readers.

Great effects work best one of two ways: You either have a set of instructions that are so well formed you are compelled to perform the effect exactly as taught. All the work has been tackled beforehand.. and all you have to do is shine. Unfortunately, if every good magician takes on the same effect.. it gets old.. fast. And then you have effects like I AM ARRR, which give you a general location to start.. and finish.. and let the individual skills of the performer turn the effect into something quite special.. and quite original. I can see many different magicians performing this many different ways. The pendulum aspect gives this a supernatural underpinning .. and I know how magicians and mentalists love to run with anything psychic.

A card is ‘almost’ freely selected by a spectator. Only the magician knows the truth. A deck is divided into two halves. This is not an ordinary deck. It is a gimmicked deck provided with the effect. The dividing can be performed a number of ways, and a couple of ways are taught on the 25 minute online instructional video. One way is for the free wheeler.. and another for the slightly more squeamish. The beginner is respected, and nothing beyond the beginner level is ‘necessary’. The Brothers teach what they call ‘the Move’ for magicians who are slightly more confident as an added convincer dividing the deck. Then, a pendulum is introduced, and the SPECTATOR is allowed to do the dirty work of eliminating stacks of cards using the swing of the pendulum until only a couple of cards are left. Finally, one card is left… and it is the selected card. Finally, one last little deal with the pendulum reveals the chosen card was predetermined before the effect began. It’s a real kicker.. can’t say much more..

There are a number of ways to achieve the outcome. You will have the freedom to customize the handling to suit your skill level. I like that.. as I know not all magicians are comfortable handling cards. Regardless of your skill level, you CAN perform I AM ARRR.

There are NO magnets, NO equivoque, NO switches, NO sleights.. although one ‘sleight’ is taught as one of the possible handling methods. If you can perform a waterfall.. you can perform this sleight. Again, it’s not necessary.

I can see the pendulum being used for other effects as well. It is gimmicked.. but not gimmicked in a mechanical way. As all magicians/mentalists know.. hand-held pendulums can appear to oscillate on their own, without any perceived conscious

control. This illusion, named after Chevreul, is a result of IDEOMOTOR MOVEMENT.

While this phenomenon was initially assumed to have a supernatural basis, it has been accepted for over 150 years that the movements are self-generated.

The ideomotor phenomenon is a psychological phenomenon wherein a subject makes motions unconsciously. Also called ideomotor response (or ideomotor reflex) and abbreviated to IMR, it is a concept in hypnosis and psychological research.[2] It is derived from the terms “ideo” (idea, or mental representation) and “motor” (muscular action). The phrase is most commonly used in reference to the process whereby a thought or mental image brings about a seemingly “reflexive” or automatic muscular reaction, often of minuscule degree, and potentially outside of the awareness of the subject.”  ( )

We magicians KNOW how these pendulums work. A little psychology, a few suggestions, a tad of encouragement.. and you’re looking at a minor miracle. This is one of those effects that WILL leave an indomitable impression on your spectator.

Perfect for small groups and anywhere you have room to lay a deck. Probably not ideal for a hall full of folks.. but well suited for parlor, walk around and restaurant work.. Everything you need is provided. No DIY, thank goodness, and priced very fairly for the reactions you’re bound to get…

$30.00       Available at Murphy’s Magic and their fellow dealers.

Rock, Paper, Lies – Jay Di Biase – A Review

Rock, Paper, Lies – Jay Di Biase – A Review

Rock, Paper, Lies – Jay Di Biase – A Review
Available as a DVD..

ROCK, PAPER, LIES. A classic Rock, Paper, Scissors game… gone mental!

The mentalist turns around while two spectators are playing rock, paper, scissors (or even an imaginary game), NO WAY he could know who won and what symbols were played, and yet using their body language he can reveal everything! Rock, Paper, Lies is a rock, paper, scissors game where you will not only be able to guess who is the winner, but also which symbol they played with and who is lying and who is telling the truth. Jay Di Biase gave a new life to a well known method creating a mind blowing, propless mentalism routine.


“Usually when someone says they have improved an effect they have only improved it in their mind to the detriment of the original routine or effect, in this case, this is not true. This improvement takes the liar logic problem into a whole new arena opening up doors for many more applications… well done.”

Jay Di Biase’s RPS is great! Based on Banachek’s liar/truthteller effect, Jay has taken the basic idea and added a wonderful take with the Rock, Paper, Scissor game. When he first showed me this in Italy last month, I was knocked for a loop even though I knew the original effect! It all seems so innocent and yet you know everything! It’s the perfect anytime/anyplace effect. If you need further recommendation, let me just say I have added this effect to my repertoire and I am doing it everywhere! I love it!
Richard Osterlind

This is the best application and improvement of the liar/truth teller method that I have ever seen! This is propless mentalism at its best!
Luca Volpe

My Thoughts:

ROCK PAPER LIES is a completely propless mentalism effect based on the classic Rock Paper Scissors game played around the world. It is based on Banachek’s ‘Ring Of Truth’ and improved upon by Jay Di Biase. Produced by Titanis Magic, it is a major uptick from the original.

Straight up.. Rock Paper Lies performs best when performed by a mentalist. It is not just a ‘trick’, it is a performance piece displaying the skill of the performer. Jay’s performances link it to the ‘body language’ method, which works well if you are establishing yourself with your audience as someone with great foresight and intuition. My opinion is.. simply performing Rock Paper Lies and then moving along to cups and balls is a disservice to Rock Paper Lies.

This is an effect that builds on your ‘skills’ as a mentalist. You will need two spectators, preferably familiar with rock paper scissors. It takes away from the effect when you have to teach the audience how to play the game.. in the midst of explaining the specifics of the effect. Keep things simple.. both for you and your spectators.

You will turn your back as the two spectators play a game of rock paper scissors. Both will designate themselves privately as a truth teller or a liar. This applies as you turn and ask both spectators a couple of questions. Both spectators are asked the SAME questions to alleviate suspicion by the audience you are pumping them for info. Since both are asked the same questions, and you do not know the liar or truth teller, you cannot possibly discern useful information from either.. right?

In truth.. you will know the truth tellers and/or the liars (they may both be the same); you will know who won the game; and you will know which of the objects each participant possessed. All this from simple questions.. as you ‘study’ their responses carefully for hints of nonverbal communication!

The effect is pure logic. It works every time, regardless of the spectators efforts to fool you. There is a small amount of methodology on the part of the performer. You must remember four simple rules, which become automatic after you play it out several times. Also, there is zero hyperbole in the ad copy. Everything is exactly as advertised.

Jay includes PDF files for anyone wanting to make visual aids for the audience. Although not necessary, it is a good tool to have. There is also one page with the ‘rules’ for the performer. If you want to make a simple cleat sheet, this is perfect. There is NO fine print. The entire cheat sheet is four lines, twenty words total.

There are additional instructions for using the same logic for a ‘which hand’ effect for two or three spectators. Once you have it committed to memory, it’s a breeze.

Overall, this is a ‘tool’ for mentalists. Richard Osterlind said he added this to his routine as soon as it was shown to him. That’s a good recommendation. Of course, anyone can perform this. I don’t want to pigeon-hole it. Audiences will be fooled and reputations will be enhanced.

The total running time of this DVD is about 25 minutes. Once the basics are explained, the rest is gravy. It is typical Titanis and Murphy’s Magic quality. As far as I know, it is NOT available as an instant download.. so you will receive a DVD in the mail. I like that..

I have a soft spot for propless magic and mentalism.. particularly if it leaves the audience clueless. I recommend ROCK PAPER LIES to my friends and readers!!

$24.95 From Murphy’s Magic and their associated dealers



DICEPTION by Haim Goldenberg & Matan Rosenberg – A Review
Instant Download / Review by Rick Carruth

This is the AD Copy.. followed by my Thoughts..

A quick new way to force for any number with the most organic of props that laymen recognize…Dice! Use one, two, three, four or even more dice!

Know with absolute certainty that the force will work.

The VOLUNTEER will ALWAYS stop you on the right number.

Read minds!

Make killer predictions!

Be ahead of your audiences. in routines like mental epic, book test, ACAAN where knowing a number in advance can make or break a routine –this knowledge is invaluable.

Two different methods, with countless variations full routines learnt, routines that will knock the socks off audiences.
No assistant
No special dice
No lighting issues.
Simple construction
Almost self working !
Could be taught to a layman in 3 minutes, it’s that easy and that effective
Two methods are provided allowing you to perform in all different types of ZOOM settings!

NO angle issues and all of the camera angles are solved for you!

One method works with the direct overhead camera setup only whilst the other works with all angles without restrictions.

Both methods are extremely easy to make and perform!

This is just perfect for ZOOM!

When we do get to do a live show again this method can work perfectly in a parlor setting or on stage with a projector and camera.

This method of forcing is essential whenever you need a quick almost procedure free choice of number

My Thoughts:

Despite the introduction of several electronic dice effects in the past year or two, I am a big fan of dice.. and all the seeming randomness you can achieve with dice. Everyone has heard of ‘loaded’ dice.. but few folks expect you to actually have loaded dice… and if they knew what we know.. they’d know loaded dice are very unpredictable.

Haim Goldenberg and Matan Rosenberg both have that same appreciation for dice, and recently decided to share their thoughts with one another.. which lead to this project and sharing their ideas with all of magic.

I really didn’t know what to expect when I read the ad copy and realized DICEPTION was an instant download. I was expecting magnets or some such, and not DIY. What I got was.. DIY.. combined with a plethora of heavy though. Folks who follow my reviews know I am not a big fan of DYI.. I think it is generally laziness on the part of the developer. That said.. after watching the Diception video, I understand why this has to be a DIY affair. Each ‘gimmick’ or prop will be created by the end user to suit their particular needs. It HAS to be this way.. unless you are content with an effect that forces one number only. With the instructions included with Diception, you will learn how to create your own props, and you can create multiple props capable of forcing multiple numbers.

Let me back up a little. Diception is designed with ZOOM performances in mind. And the props for the first effect taught will work ONLY on ZOOM. If you are performing online, this method is one heck of a method. You can force the numbers on however many dice you can get into the bottom of a glass.. and you can force the numbers with 100% accuracy. The prop is not hard to create.

The second prop is actually created with a paper cup instead of a glass.. and is my personal favorite of the two. This method.. and I’m sorry I can’t go into descriptive detail.. is ideal for ZOOM -and- live performances. The handling is quite easy, almost self-working, and can also be created easily- even by those of us who are DIY challenged.. This method is 100% effective also.

After teaching these two effects, Goldenberg and Rosenberg discuss several methods of using a forced number to achieve your goals. They use cups, books, coasters, nail writers and cards. They have some smart ideas related to using cards and dice together to pull off some fancy-do stuff…

I happy to say I don’t have a problem with Diception’s ad copy. Everything they claim is achievable. I might add that the claim of ‘no angle issues’ doesn’t apply to the first effect. There IS an angle issue.. but the issue is eliminated by the position of the camera.

I had a few reservations about the cost of this video. Most downloads are not $36.00. Then again.. most videos don’t include the number of effects in Diception. After watching the entire video and taking in everything taught.. I don’t have a problem any longer! When you take the possibilities into account, they could charge more and be justified. What they’re giving you are several valuable ‘tools’ to enable you to do some serious magic. I am a fan of Diception and recommend it to my Roadshow readers..
(This is not a paid review. I was furnished with a review copy and my recommendation is well-deserved)

This video runs almost fifty minutes and both the video and audio are typical of Murphy’s Magic products.

$36.00 Available from Murphy’s Magic and dealers who carry their line..

AGT Magician Called FAKE by Audience Members

AGT Magician Called FAKE by Audience Members

After watching Max Major’s magic act on episode three of the America’s Got Talent live shows, many were questioning if the act was fake. Miraculously, members of the virtual audience along with Howie Mandel all drew the same thing on a sheet of paper in which Max predicted would happen before the show. Now, virtual audience members are confirming that they were told what to draw before the act even started. Read more here…