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MAGIC ROADSHOW Journal of Magic #197… FREE!

MAGIC ROADSHOW Journal of Magic #197… FREE!

October 2018

Three more to go! Not that I’m overly excited about ending the Roadshow, but I AM excited to see what we’re going to do next. I know I’ll still be very involved in magic.. and I know I’m going to try to involve all the Roadshow readers… but I’m not sure in what direction we’ll coalesce. It WILL be rewarding.. I promise.

I’ll be at the TRICS convention in Charlotte NC the first weekend in November. If you’re there.. look for me. I’d love to meet you. I’ll be hanging close to my friends from our Asheville NC club and a couple of great guys from the Greenville SC club. There isn’t an ego amongst us, and we’d be thrilled to share a few tricks, a bunch of funny moments.. and a meal if you’re up to it…

Politics? Anyone want to talk politics? I’m about as sick of politics as imaginable. Had to unfriend some friends on FB just to get away from the incessant chatter. So, if you’re one of those guys.. it’s nothing personal… just wanted to go in another direction. I wanted to talk about my favorite TV shows, Netflix, old cars, cats, dogs, the beach, the mountains, magic, music, the blues, new inventions I don’t need.. but want, sharp cutlery, really old checks and documents, the expanding or shrinking universe, religion, and food… Not in that order. I considered writing a small autobiography about myself to include in the final issue, just so you guys can see what a really boring guy I can be, but I think I just covered everything… aside from my loved ones and my friends.

Folks.. there’s a small wealth of information in this Roadshow. Free PDF’s, instructional videos, lectures, reviews, auction information, and magic on TV now available online. Hurry through it if you want.. it’s your loss.. my friend.

Questions or comments? Email me at:

Download, Save or Copy as a PDF – MAGIC ROADSHOW 197
This issue is 42 pages (86 counting our PDF) and 11135 words..


-Metallic Attraction – An Effect by Paul Lelekis
-Eric Thompson – Magician, Comedian, Humanitarian… Article
-Mouth Coils by Opkoopjes – A Review by Rick Carruth
-Free 81 Page Mentalism ‘Sampler’ from Mentalistry – Free PDF
-Annie Abbott -The Little Georgia Magnet – David J O’Connor
-The Wealthy Magician: Manifesto for Professionals by Richy Roy
-Hobson’s Choice Magic Video Theater – Free Lecture Videos
-ROGUE Easy To Do Mentalism with Cards – Review by R. Carruth
-Pasteboard Revelations – by Paul Lelekis – A Review by R. Carruth
-Penn & Teller: Fool Us Season 4 and 5 – Links
-40 Masters of Illusion shows. – Links
-This Month’s FREE PDF – Bunches of Effects
-18 Magic Tricks For Kids – Video Tutorial
-Make Money APPEAR From Nowhere – Video Tutorial
-David Copperfield’s ‘Deck In Balloon’ Trick Revealed – Video Tutorial
-Is Hypnosis Fake? Watch This TEDX Video – Video
-25 Most Terrifying Halloween Costumes – List and Photos
-Grate. Pair. Share – Ghoulishly Good Halloween Treats
-10 Real Photos That Have Left Skeptics Stumped
-Golden Arm: A Probabilistic Study of Dice Control in Craps – Free PDF
-The History Channel Presents: The Dice Dominator – Video
-Potter & Potter Auctions’ – Johnny Fox’s Freakatorium.
-2018 Potter and Potter’s Magic Memorabilia Reference eBook
-Other Important Stuff…

“There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment.”
Norman Vincent Peale

“Logic only gives man what he needs… Magic gives him what he wants.”
Tom Robbins

“One man’s ‘magic’ is another man’s engineering. ‘Supernatural’ is a null word.”
Robert A. Heinlein


Paul A. Lelekis

EFFECT: Five coins are introduced – four half dollars and one copper British penny.
Two coins are placed into the left hand and two into the right. The copper coin is placed into the RH.

With a magic movement, the hands are opened to show that one of the silver coins has jumped from the left hand to the right!

The coins are returned to the beginning positions and this time BOTH silver coins jump from the left hand to the right! Five coins in the RH and none in the left! You’re left completely clean!

METHOD: Some may know this immediately as two of the best sleights in coin magic – Han Ping Chien and the Gallo Pitch. Both sleights have the same basic function – but with different outcomes. KNOW THE DIFFERENCES between these two sleights!

Place the two silver coins from the left side into the LH. Then pick up the other two silver coins into your RH.

The LH now picks up the copper coin with your left fingers and “suspiciously” places it into the RH fist to join the other two coins. You want a reason to “re-show” the coins ala Han Ping Chien!

Mechanics of Han Ping Chien:
Begin by secretly maneuvering one of the silver coins in your RH, into Classic Palm.
Pretend as if you need to show the coins again. Open your LH and turn it so that the two coins are dumped onto the working surface.

Pick up the two coins with your LH and arrange them so that one of the two coins is close to the edge of your palm (nearest the table).

Now bring attention to the RH by pointing to it with the left index finger. Display the three coins on your open RH.

Now turn your RH over and dump two of these coins (one silver and one copper coin – the third coin remains in Classic Palm) as you secretly release the silver coin in the LH that is closest to the table. It should appear as if you dumped the 3 coins in the RH onto the table.

There will now, secretly, be one silver coin in each hand!

Pick up the 3 coins with your RH being certain that you don’t “flash” the silver coin palmed there.

Do the magic and show that one silver coin has jumped from the LH into the RH! Claim that the copper coin caused the attraction.

Replace all of the coins back onto the table, exactly as they were in the beginning.

Begin by picking up two silver coins with the LH and then closing that hand. Then pick up the two silver coins – only – with RH.

Secretly place the two silver coins in the RH, into Classic Palm. Bring attention to the copper coin on the table. Repeat your patter that the copper “attracts” silver. Pick the copper coin up with the LH and insert it suspiciously, into the closed right fist. Act as if the spectators are suspicious of your actions!

Now you will “re-show” all of the coins via The Gallo Pitch.

Mechanics of the Gallo Pitch:
With the palm down LH, toss the two silver coins in the LH onto the table at a 45 degree angle, to your right.

As your LH retrieves the two coins, your RH begins the toss of its “three coins” (actually just the copper coin!). These two “tosses” should form the letter “X” on the table. The point where this imaginary “X”, intersects is where the “dirty” part occurs.

The LH hand (having just retrieved its coins), pulls back to its starting position and turns palm up as it secretly tosses its two coins off to its left, in line with the tossing RH. It should appear as if all 3 coins in the RH were tossed.

Reality check: After this toss, there will be no coins in the LH and two silver coins Classic Palmed in the RH!

There will now be three coins (one copper and two silver coins) on the table that have apparently been tossed from the RH.

Pick up the 3 coins on the table with the RH, without exposing the two Classic Palmed coins! Do the magic and show that the RH now holds all five coins and no coins in the LH.

This is very strong magic – you can tell by the “blank looks” on your spectators’ faces. Simple yet effective!

NOTE: I have been performing this particular routine for about 25 years now and it never ceases to amaze the spectators. It is sort of an assembly routine, but without the extra displays, shuttle passes, loads, etc. It is actually quite simple to perform and accentuates two of the most powerful (and unknown sleights) in coin magic. When I say “unknown”, I’m talking about unknown to lay people.

These two sleights are not difficult to master! They don’t require extensive “knuckle-busting” sleight-of-hand – but, instead, require finesse and fairly careful “routining”. A little bit of practice will show that this routine is pretty easy to perform – yet packs a BIG punch..
Paul Lelekis

** All of Paul’s ebooks can be found on .. Please check ’em out. ( I lost count of how many ebooks Paul has authored.. 53 is my best guess! and they’re ALL listed here.)



Eric Thompson – Magician, Comedian, Humanitarian… Article

Some of you may not know Eric. All of you should..

Aside from being a first rate magician and comedian, Eric is a full-time business owner and the proprietor of two comedy clubs in Ohio. If that doesn’t keep him busy, he has served on various committees in and around Warren, Ohio, served as an elected official, serves as a fireman and paramedic, performed across the United States as a comedian in comedy clubs and as a magician for corporate events and parties. Headlined shows with the like of Engelbert Humperdinck and George Carlin. Performed with Michael Stanley, Kenny Loggins, Peaches and Herb, Sly and the Family Stone, Peter Yarrow, and The Spinners.. among others.

I have to mention Eric was also listed in Who’s Who in The Midwest and Who’s Who in America, He’s in the Youth Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown as an umpire, recognized by U.S. Congress for community activism and business activism, and the list goes on…

But that isn’t Eric’s MOST important work…

Briefly, here is the story that earns Eric a big salute from the Magic Roadshow…
( Taken from his website at: )

While traveling abroad many years ago, Eric Thompson recognized that many families, especially those with children, lacked basic necessities that are often taken for granted in the United States. Hearing about the impoverished nations and actually seeing the suffering are two different perspectives.

The seed was planted when Eric thought about the people he saw who were lacking consistently clean water, basic nutritional needs, and access to any medical treatment, schools, and jobs. He continued to search for a way he could help when a long-time friend approached him and offered a seat on a plane heading to meet up with a missionary group in Latin America. Eric jumped at the chance and the group decided the best way to use Eric’s skills as an entertainer would be to organize shows in each of the many villages they would visit. The news of a professional American entertainer coming to perform for them brought out large crowds and anticipation in every village they visited.

The children fell in love with his humor and the magic tricks. In many villages he quickly became known as “Senor Mago Loco,” translated that’s Mr. Crazy Magician. The children would see his show at their school during the day and bring their entire family to the village center or a large church for a second show that evening. It was here that Eric had the opportunity to meet and talk at length with many of the people. He learned of their plight and how they worked to combat the problems associated with poverty and hunger.

Needless to say, these people touched Eric in a way that no one else could. Having shared their homes, food and fellowship, Eric knew what he would do to help. Upon returning to the United States, he began a campaign to raise money to buy not just a handout for his new friends in Latin America, but an opportunity to grow their own food, more than they could possibly consume and be able to sell or trade the extras at the market.

Eric quickly decided that this would become an obsession, and he named his program MILLION MILES MILLION SMILES. He made his promise to the world to visit as many remote and distressed destinations where people were void of joy and hope. Bringing his ability of magic and comedy performance, Eric helps them learn to laugh and forget their problems, even if just for a little while. At many of his MILLION MILES MILLION SMILES destinations he tries to arrange a donation of food for the families in his audiences to take home.

Eric raised thousands of dollars by performing benefit shows where portions of the proceeds went to the charity. These donations were surpassed by the many fraternal, religious and community organizations who have continued to support this cause with donations. Many of Eric’s oldest friends and clients have generously made private donations to some of Eric’s favorite mission groups.

Much of the money has gone to purchase pairs of chickens for families in Guatemala and West Africa. The families take care of the chickens, harvesting some of the eggs for food and allowing the others to hatch. Within a few months to a year, they have a flock that gives them an endless supply of protein via eggs and meat to feed their family as well as selling the other birds and eggs at the market. Eric’s passion and generosity has created dozens upon dozens of entrepreneurs in several nations around the world. This action is helping to eliminate poverty in many villages, one family at a time.

Eric has taken his talents to communities on several continents around the world in such far reaching places as Guatemala, Mexico, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, St. Maarten, The Bahamas, Martinique, Burkina Faso, West Africa and more.
Eric has also spent untold hours raising money and awareness for the less fortunate in the United States, too. He regularly performs in homeless shelters, churches and charities raising money and awareness for countless charities.

This past Christmas season, Eric wanted to send a few pairs of mating chickens to the families in Burkina Faso and Guatemala that befriended him during his time in their countries. Setting out to raise enough money to send two dozen pairs of chickens to each nation, Eric put the word out at a handful of his performances and via social media. Within a couple of weeks, he and his friends had collected enough money to purchase more than 220 chickens to help hundreds of people in the villages in Africa and Latin America where Eric spent time performing and making friends.

Eric continues to work with his old friends while he works to visit more countries. Over the next several years his plans include visits to perform and offer food assistance to people in China, South America, and India.

All of this travel and travel related expenses are done without donations or grants. Eric and his family pay for the trips and use any donations or offerings to directly benefit the people who need it most. There is ZERO administration cost deducted from the money Eric collects. MILLION MILES MILLION SMILES is an idea, a groundswell of compassion and generosity of Eric Thompson and a wide circle of his friends and family who want to help those who need it the most.

You can read more, see news articles, bios, press kits and videos, and contact Eric at:
News Stories…



Mouth Coils by Opkoopjes
Review by Rick Carruth

Hand made in Holland by Jan Kosters, Opkoopjes mouth coils are made by a professional, for the professional. Those of you who use mouth coils on a regular basis are probably familiar with the problems of typical inexpensive coils. Many tear. Some are so tight they refuse to extend properly. Others are only a fraction of the length of Opkoopjes.

These are made for performers who want to give their audience the ultimate effect. Each coil cost the performer roughly $2.50 to $2.90 per use, depending on which length they use. Opkoopjes coils come in 46 foot and 62 foot length, so you have a choice based on venue and stage size, as well as the size and age of your audience.

Each package comes with 12 coils.. ready for your performance. Jan has provided a PDF download for anyone not familiar with the use of coils. He also includes ten videos to help familiarize you with the use, care, personalization, color usage and specific do’s and don’ts of his product.

I understand the price will be a turn-off for some performers.. just as the price of a Vernet thumb tip or quality playing cards. Lets face it, some performers are willing to make do with lower quality products. I’m not being critical. Everyone is responsible for their own expenses and keeping their performances profitable. But… and those of you who have read this far probably already understand, there are a group of performers who insist on using quality products, as they feel it will reflect on their performances. I don’t think I have to sell you guys. You are probably already thinking of the possibilities and understand the importance of a quality product.

All coils are available in white, plus Christmas coils, Halloween, Patriotic and Rainbow. Jan will make your coils in custom colors with a minimum order of approx. 5 dozen. Also, any order of $50.00 or more will get free shipping from Jan -if- you are unable to find the coils through your favorite Murphy’s Magic dealer.

These coils are perfect for children’s shows and school assemblies. They are also perfect for that moment when you want to make a lasting impression on your audience, regardless the venue.

Comparing the quality of Opkoopjes Mouth Coils to competitor’s coils is sort of a no-brainer. Honestly, you get what you pay for.. and Opkoopjes is a perfect example.. If you google ‘mouth coils’, you’ll find most are listed for sale in the ‘toys’ section of large online stores. Opkoopjes are NOT toys. They are serious coils for serious performers. Nuff said…

46 Foot.. $29.95
64 Foot.. $34.95


Free 81 Page Mentalism ‘Sampler’ from Mentalistry – Free PDF

A new online Mentalism store called “Mentalistry”, as an introduction, is offering a free 81 page Mentalism PDF sampler involving their core authors. The book has a nice variety and gives a small taste of the creators involved. If you are a fan of mentalism, this will be one of your favorite, if not most favorite, free ebook of the year. I highly recommend it.. To quote from their site….

“Within these pages lies simple, direct, impactful, published and unpublished mentalism material written by a selection of authors who are considered, by many, as experts in their respective fields. These authors each have their own style; their own outlook on the art form and so, in theory, there should be at least something for everyone contained here.
Please take your time to read each piece thoroughly, practice and put in the effort and you will most definitely reap the reward. The pieces, presentations and plots that
follow are not to be simply disregarded; while the cost of this collection is zero, the same cannot be said for its value…”

-Table of Content-

PREFACE by Tom Wong
DIVERGENT by Craig Logan
NO LUCK NEEDED by Ever Elizalde
THE EYES OF THE SEER by Paul Voodini
MNEMORPHING by Nico Heinrich
BINOCULARS (Whisper In My Ear) by Steve Wachner
FLASH PIN by Adrien Lochon

All you need to do is go to their signup page and leave your email. In a flash, or two, the download link will magically appear in your inbox… Enjoy!

Signup here:



THE MAGIC OF ANNIE ABBOTT – The Little Georgia Magnet – Article
David J O’Connor

When we think of magic it often conjures up brightly decorated tubes, boxes, rabbits, doves and the usual magic tricks and paraphernalia that magicians normally use. However over the years there have been some performers who have resorted to other forms of magical entertainment.

And so for Dixie Annie Haygood (Nee Jarrett) born in 1861 in Baldwin County, Georgia U S A, she too was to become a magician who never used the traditional magicians props. Little Annie was to soon become known as,” Annie Abbott the Georgia Magnet” with an act that would take her right around the world.

While she never disclosed how her powers worked, she became known as a magicienne and top vaudeville entertainer. During this time there were a number of other imitators or magnetic performers, each copying the other. Hypnotism and electricity were new phenomena that offered the opportunity for performers to capitalize on these new found realities by suggesting that their powers were somehow related to electrical forces and hypnotic suggestion and magnetism.

In 1884 Annie and her husband witnessed a strange act on their local town hall stage by a woman named Lulu Hurst. Lulu it appeared could cause a group of men to lift her up when she wanted them to, and then when the men tried to lift her again, they were unable to do so. It was this performance by Lulu that triggered Annie to work out how it was done and then by 1884 she presented her own version to the public.

Being such a petite lady only 5ft tall and weighing less than 100 lbs, she immediately made a hit, as Lulu Hurst was a much heavier lady. Annie’s act consisted of holding a billiard cue in one hand while a group of men tried to force the billiard cue to the ground but were unable to do so. Somehow Annie had developed above-normal strength. Four men would try to lift her off her feet but again were unable to budge her. Again the four would try to lift her and failed but when Annie willed it, they then found they could. Then by placing her hand on a man’s head she was able to lift the man off his feet seemingly with no effort at all, yet four men could not do the same with her. Holding a billiard cue out in front of her, the same group of strong fellows were unable to move her backwards.

After her husband was shot dead Annie decided to perform her new found skill in order to support her 3 children and became a master of self-promotion. She began to tour around the U S A and soon became sought after on the vaudeville circuit.

With a good manager and agent, she was invited to demonstrate her powers in England. After a very successful 6 week run at a London theatre, she began a 2 year tour of Europe performing for royalty and heads of state. Harry Houdini who witnessed her act said “Annie Abbott was one of the greatest vaudeville acts in England”, while the renowned British illusionist John Nevil Maskelyne also praised her act highly.

After Annie was introduced on stage, her manager would at great length describe her strange powers whereby she could overpower the energy of any strong men in the audience. Claims were made and then shown how she could lift as many as 4 or 6 men at the same time, yet they were unable to lift her. She was repeatedly often examined by doctors on stage who were quite mystified at her supposed powers. She even knew how to slow and stop her pulse, (a common magician’s trick) but one that fooled the physicians. In reality Annie Abbott had an uncanny knowledge of physics and how it related to leverage, balance, force and a person’s centre of gravity.

After her European tour she performed all over Japan and New Zealand. She had some bad press in New Zealand when some newspapers tried to discredit her act by disclosing how some of her performance was done but this did not deter her ongoing success. Annie’s magnetic act was quite novel and unique for the period. Dynamo has succeeded recently in performing one of Annie Abbott’s feats where a very strong champion boxer failed to lift him off the ground. If this whole act was performed on stage today, it would hold little interest for an audience, because it is by its nature, is a long winded performance and quite drawn out, despite what the Georgia Magnet could do.

She also by suggestion implied that she could transmit her power to children and this she demonstrated. Then began a series of disclosures made by a few different newspapers, all claiming how her effects were done. Yet despite these bold disclosures her popularity increased, as even men of science had no explanation for how she could resist the strength of heavier, stronger men, yet was able to lift a man by placing her hand on his head. When the occasion arose Annie Abbott would sometimes infer that she was also a spirit medium and thus had a great following from among spiritualists.

Some of you may have tried those party tricks where a person stands near a wall with their arms outstretched against the wall. A group of people are then invited to push that person from behind, as hard as they can, yet the person will remain firm and unable to be pushed against the wall. Another trick is to have a person sit on a chair surrounded by four others who place their hands on top of the seated persons head, all pushing downwards on their head. After a few minutes each person places just their fingers under the seated person legs and lift upwards. The seated person will be lifted up effortlessly.

In 2003 the International Brotherhood of Magicians wrote a fascinating article in their magazine The Linking Ring with Annie’s photograph on the cover, thus giving her full recognition as a successful, magical performer. In Annie’s case she did not use magic tricks we are familiar with but instead men and children from her audiences. She will be long remembered as an unusual act that never the less caught the attention of the Victorian age she lived in.

Recently well-known author Susan J. Harrington (PhD) has written the book, Annie Abbott “The Little Georgia Magnet & the True Story of Dixie Haygood” (ISBN # 3781452847306) A book I highly recommend. It’s about women in magic and vaudeville, spiritualism, theatre and the difficulties associated with being on the road to bring their entertainments to the world.

Annie Abbott the little Georgia Magnet lies at rest in the town of Milledgeville Georgia, the same town she was born in. Her act is acknowledged by the magic fraternity to be worthy enough to be remembered in our magic archives. She died on November 21st 1915. One lesson we can learn from Annie was her enormous success at self-promotion and having an act that was so different became successful. Is your act different?

Article from.. “A Journey Through A History of Magic“, by David J O’Connor
Most of you are familiar with the articles I’ve published on the history of various magicians. I’ve received many great comments from readers who both enjoyed and appreciated the articles and pictures. Now, David J O’Connor, the author of all the articles, has compiled them into one ebook featuring about 60 different present and past performers. I have the ebook.. and I highly encourage you to spend the ten dollars and buy the entire collection… Now available at for instant download……


The Wealthy Magician: Manifesto for Professionals by Richy Roy
Master the Business of Magic
Review by Rick Carruth

I’m a marketing junkie. I’ve published articles and newsletters for years detailing marketing techniques. That said.. when I received The Wealthy Magician, I couldn’t wait to dig in and see what Mr. Roy had to say about marketing and magic. Here is the ad copy…

“Start living your dream as a professional entertainer by learning the strategies and tools used by leaders all around the world, as it applies specifically to magicians of all types. The skills and abilities gained from this book will give you the edge over your competitors and bolster your finances.

The best part is, you don’t need to be a grand illusionist or have to travel the world to become a full-time working professional magician. Also, you certainly don’t need to perform in cruise ships, casinos, or sold-out theaters to earn a six-figure income as an entertainer. You can take these developed strategies to start building your sustainable business in your own hometown, regardless of its size or how much competition works in your area. Learn what you are truly worth and why you’re not charging nearly enough for your services, regardless of what type of magician you are.”

You will learn:

– What your price tag should be
– Why you’re not charging enough
– Why you’re worth every dollar
– How to add value to your services
– How to master social media marketing
– The best way to negotiate higher prices
– And so much more!

My Take….

At 331 pages and 85 chapters.. THE WEALTHY MAGICIAN is quite an undertaking. Then again, marketing is quite the subject. Richy is determined to help everyone, and willing to tackle almost every subject you can think of concerning our art.

I’ve read many a book on marketing, whether it was marketing yourself, a product, or a cause. Many of the same techniques that apply to selling a product, for example, apply to selling yourself. And, as magicians, that’s exactly what we do. Why should someone hire me over the magician on the other side of town? What can he offer that I can’t? Unfortunately, many magicians think it comes down to price and who is more affordable? That could be true, but if you know anything about marketing, you understand that good marketing takes price out of the equation. Our ‘goal’ of offering the best price is perhaps our biggest downfall.

The Wealthy Magician is divided into three parts: (1) Pricing your Act. (2) Marketing your Act. and (3) Selling your Act.

Richy is a firm proponent of getting the highest price possible for your act. He spends page upon page guiding you in how to value yourself. Unfortunately, most magicians undervalue themselves out of fear. They are afraid of asking for what they want.. and instead ask for what they think they can get. Richy feels the typical magician is caught in a mindset of what he thinks he should be worth, as opposed to what he’s actually worth. Unfortunately, many magicians arrive at the figure of what they ‘think’ they’re worth based on what lesser magicians charge for their services. Richy goes into great detail with examples and real life stories to prove his points.

The marketing portion is equally as detailed. Once you determine your true value, it’s time to put yourself out there and get recognition. There are so many ways to market yourself, and I know from experience Richy hits the nail on the head with many of his chapters… particularly ” Be Uncommon” and “Create realistic, specific, and demanding goals..” You aren’t David Copperfield.. but you also aren’t the magician down the street anymore. You’re a special performer.. a professional.. and you deserve to be treated like one.

Probably the one area magicians don’t understand most is.. selling. You HAVE to sell yourself. You have to set yourself above other locals. You have to show your clients why they should contract with you. What’s in it for them? Why are you worth your fee?

I’m so glad Richy Roy took time to go deep. At $49.95 THE WEALTHY MAGICIAN isn’t cheap, but he has made it worth the price. If you can learn to raise your fee even ten to twenty percent.. how much more will you make next year? This isn’t an investment in your magic library, it’s an investment in yourself and your future.

Honestly, if you can’t profit from this book, I don’t think you’re intended for the world of magic. Continue to give free and/or inexpensive shows and be happy. Don’t think about money. Not everyone should be a professional performer. But, if that’s your goal, and if you’re not going to rest until you’re making a good living as a magician, invest 50 bucks in your future. Don’t think twice…

$49.95 from dealers who carry the Murphy’s Magic line of products..

Promo video



Hobson’s Choice Magic Video Theater – Free Lecture Videos

Jeff is a friend of the Magic Roadshow, having provided several wonderful effects for Roadshow readers. ( See this month’s free PDF for several of the effects..) Aside from being a highly popular guy who tours the world with The Illusionists, Jeff sells a few very personal items, like egg bags for example, that he uses, or has used, for years. He also provides detailed, sometimes hour long, video on their use. He also publishes a private video theater on his site that is only accessible to folks like yourself who sign up for his once-a-blue-moon emails.

“Become a member to receive your password to access Jeff Hobson’s private video theater FREE OF CHARGE! Many videos you will never see anywhere else PLUS all of the classic Lecture Network interviews and lectures by magic’s biggest names (we are currently adding videos). You’ll also get special offers and discounts only available to members.”

His latest add is a lecture by David Shimshi.. a very good lecture at that.. particularly if you enjoy card magic.. All the lectures and videos are published on his site, and you do not need to download anything. Just scan the lectures and click on what you want to watch. Most of the lectures are an hour to an hour and a half. Some of the other lectures and/or interviews include:

Walter Blaney
Stan Allen
Ali Bongo
Gerry McCambridge
Cyril Takayama
Channing Pollock
Jimmy Grippo
Peter Reveen
Hans Klok
John Calvert (full show)
..and more –

Everything is FREE. All you have to do is sign up. Jeff will send you a follow-up email about once every two or three months.. I look forward to them… Look for the blue box near the top.



ROGUE Easy To Do Mentalism with Cards
Steven Palmer and Bigblindmedia
Review by Rick Carruth

A new product by Bigblindmedia, ROGUE, uses a unique set-up to create mental miracles with cards. Here’s the Ad Copy….

On ROGUE Steven Palmer teaches you how to use a pack of cards to perform absolute miracles. With Steven’s brilliant psychological chicanery and a handful of easily achievable moves you will be armed and ready to unleash what looks like REAL mindreading powers.

Central to this project is VOID – Steven’s acclaimed ‘thought-of-card’ revelation. This is a true POWERHOUSE of a trick. It might just be the fairest ‘think a card’ you will ever do with a normal deck. ‘Void’ gives you all the power of the ‘Koran Deck’ or the ‘Mind Power Deck’ but with a (slightly tweaked) regular deck of cards!

Key points to remember:
Easy set up
A regular deck with no gaffs or duplicates – just some simple tweaks!
Quick reset – ideal for strolling performers
Suitable for ALL skill levels
Looks incredibly fair
A reliable method!!!
You’ll also learn the DEVIANT SHUFFLE – Steven’s patented false shuffle that looks ridiculously fair but keeps everything exactly where you need it. AND then you’ll master the breather crimp with Steven’s ingenious touches and extra layers which take a great tool and make it indispensable.

And that is just the start – ROGUE features another SEVEN brilliant routines!

Void (Version I and II)
Thought of Monte
Heroes & Villains
Technically Missing
Out of My Sight

My Take:

I am such a fan of mental magic.. and I call this ‘mental magic’ as opposed to ‘mentalism’ in deference to a couple of friends who are full-time mentalists. Regardless, Steven has produced a well-thought-out video, almost 2 hours and 30 minutes long, full of fresh and original thinking. It’s difficult to be truly original, but I would say ROGUE is on the right side of that debate by leaps and bounds.

First.. Steven goes to lengths to help buyers understand the physical side of his effects. I do notice the ad copy states ‘no gaffs or duplicates’. That’s a slightly grey area, as a gaffed card IS used.. but it’s not a part of the 52 card deck. It’s a Joker that’s modified to help set up VOID. Not a big deal.. but it is something you’ll need to take a few minutes to create. Another card will be, as they say, ‘tweaked’. I think it’s fair to call a card with a breather crimp ‘tweaked’. I’m not being picky here. Just letting you know that a couple of small modifications are employed to achieve big effects.

Just as with other mind reading decks, a set-up is used. The set-up is what makes the impossible… possible. Steven’s Deviant Shuffle, a false shuffle, makes everything totally fair and disarms the spectator, allowing you to work your magic.

I really like the premise behind VOID, and VOID provides the set-up for the other seven effects. There is a common thread here, and it’s not complicated to learn or remember. Most important is a brief statement that subconsciously directs the spectator in a certain direction and makes your work so much easier. I wish I could tell you more, but…

The basis of VOID allows the performer to know the exact card selected by the spectator from a stack of approximately ten to twelve cards. Several of the effects expand on this premise, but use the same basic method. VOID also allows you to work with a stacked deck that has been ‘almost’ freely shuffled before the effect begins. The only bit of subterfuge on your part is being able to release a few cards from one stack before the cards begin to interlace.. Simple stuff.

MEDLEY is probably my favorite. It’s presented as a gambling demonstration, but still has the mental magic feel, plus a rapid fire presentation that keeps the spectator off-kilter and confused… in a good way. Everyone will have their own favorite.

As for the video, it’s typical BigBlindMedia quality… filmed in what appears to be a studio of some sort, with help from Liam and a few female spectators. Lighting is fine, camera angles are fine.. and multiple cameras are used.. and aside from a slight echo, audio is good. No complaints and no reason to NOT buy the DVD for technical reasons. (The head shot on the back wall is a little disturbing.. in a cool way.)

There is nothing required of consumers beyond advanced beginner moves. If you’re reading this, chances are you are more than qualified to perform all eight of these effects. If you would like to add several strong mental magic effects to your repertoire, I recommend ROGUE.

Available from magic dealers who carry the Murphy’s Magic line of products..
$30.00 – Available instantly as a two part video download…


Pasteboard Revelations – by Paul Lelekis – A Review
by Rick Carruth

PASTEBOARD REVELATIONS is like the big brother of the past several ebooks by Paul Lelekis. Certain books strike me certain ways, and Pasteboard Revelations strikes me as one of my very favorite of Paul’s many magical ebooks.

There is definitely something for everyone. The ebook begins with an effect that, when performed properly, will stand out in the minds of both lay people and magicians alike. Videos are provided to cover a couple of false shuffles and cement the visual aspects.

Another two effects use a killer cyclical stack that has fallen from popular grace simply because another cyclical stack ‘seems’ a tad easier.. although it’s not.

Mathedology and Nuclear Fusion both use different methods to reveal cards selected by two different spectators. These are ideal for couples.

Cardbox Magic uses a simple technique I’ve used for many years.. and I can attest to its power when performed for lay folks. It’s ideal for walk-around and restaurant work, as a table is not needed.

Marlo Poker Deal is different. A table IS needed.. but you’ll certainly get a ton of bang for your buck.. Paul has simplified this deal from the original to both make it easier and, in my opinion, more visual.

I recommend Pasteboard Revelations to anyone who wants several professional effects for near nothing..

Table of Contents…

WOW! – A deck is shuffled and a card chosen and returned. The performer shuffles the deck well…yet all the red cards are separated from the black cards and the “red chosen selection” is amongst the blacks! Videos are provided to help you master the false shuffles.

RIVERBOAT STACK – TWO EFFECTS INCLUDED! Learn the best cyclical stack known, with an ESP effect, and another impossible effect.. Like the Stebbins Stack.. except better…

NUCLEAR FUSION – A fusion effect for couples or friends that will give them a ‘forever’ souvenir for “good-luck”! This is the best and most logical fusion effect ever! Perfect for restaurants..

CARD BOX MAGIC – This quick effect seems impossible! Have a card signed and lost in the deck. Place the deck into the card box. Place the cased deck under a hanky or in your shirt pocket and INSTANTLY remove the signed selection! Don’t let its simplicity fool you, I’ve used it successfully for years..

MATHEDOLOGY – Yet another great effect to play for a couple or friends! This is a coincidence effect that NO ONE will ever think is mathematically based…but it is! Very clever! One of those effects you don’t believe will work… until it does..

MARLO POKER DEAL – An ingeniously clever Poker Deal that is SO easy to do, you won’t believe it! A spectator picks out ANY five cards he wants from a deck of cards and the
performer “explains” how to deal out a winning hand! The five cards picked out by the spectator turn up to be a Royal Flush in Spades! NO PACKET SWITCHES! Just clever as hell! Get your patter down, and you’ll use this over and over..

This PDF is $10.00 at:



Penn & Teller: Fool Us Season 4 and 5 -Plus- 40 Masters of Illusion shows.

2018, Season 5
Click the link at the end of this list to watch any of these shows.. I have provided the names of each of the four performers on every show to make it easy to find a particular performer.. Say “Thank you, Rick !”

Episode 13 October 1, 2018
Let’s Hear it for the Kids
Kiko Pastur, close-up magician, Spanish
Jason Palter, comedy magician, Canadian
Michael Gee, card magician, British
Bryan Saint, illusionist, American

Episode 12 September 24, 2018
Never Trust a Magician
Alexandra Duvivier, card magician, French
Christine Barger & Darlene Hollywood, mentalists, American
Jamie Allan, close-up illusionist, British
Christopher Grace, mentalist, Irish-American

Episode 11 September 3, 2018
The Fool Us Zone
Tyler Twombly, close-up illusionist, American
Dr. Michael Rubinstein, coin magician, American
Anastasia Synn, illusionist, American
Adam Cheyer, card magician, American

Episode 10 August 27, 2018
Penn & Teller Keep You in Suspense
Simon Pierro, illusionist, German
Nicholas Wallace, stunt mentalist, Canadian
Darcy Oake, close-up/card magician, Canadian
Alex Geiser, coin magician, American

Episode 9 August 20, 2018
Teller’s Gambling Problem
Will Bradshaw, stunt magician, American
Eric Dittelman, comedy mentalist, American
Christian Engblom, close-up/card magician, Finnish
Compagnie des Dragonfly, illusionist group, French

Episode 8 August 13, 2018
Here Lie Penn & Teller
Damien James, mentalist/ventriloquist, Canadian
Kelvin Chow, close-up/card magician, Chinese
Joshua Lozoff, mentalist, American
Murray Sawchuck, illusionist, Canadian

Episode 7 August 6, 2018
Imagine (Magic) Dragons
Erik Tait, comedy magician, American
Rebecca Herrera, mentalist, British
TanBA, danger magician, Japanese
Ian Stewart, stunt magician/hypnotist, Canadian

Episode 6 July 30, 2018
Penn & Teller Against the World
Taijyu Fujiyama, close-up/stage magician, Japanese
Pit Hartling, close-up/card magician, German
Helen Coghlan, illusionist, Australian
Menny Lindenfeld, mentalist, Israeli

Episode 5 July 23, 2018
Emily Victoria, mentalist, American
Patrick Folkerts, illusionist, German
Migz, close-up/card magician, American
Seth Grabel, escape artist, American

Episode 4 July 16, 2018
Here Comes the Magic
Danny Cole, illusionist, American
Kostya Kimlat, card magician, Ukrainian-American
Håkan Berg, comedy magician, Swedish
John Hinton, close-up magician, American

Episode 3 July 9, 2018
Penn & Teller Get Loopy
Ryan Chandler, close-up magician, American
Ryan Hayashi, samurai/coin magician, Asian-Canadian
Dirk Losander, illusionist, German
Ed Ripley, close-up magician, American

Episode 2 July 2, 2018
The Rematch – Magicians who previously fooled Penn & Teller return to see if they can do so again.
Vinny Grosso, comedy magician, American
Morgan & West, close-up and stage, British
Paul Gertner, close-up/card magician, American
Eric Jones, coin magician, American

Episode 1 June 25, 2018
Penn the Magic Dragon
Matt Marcy, comedy magician, American
The Sentimentalists, mentalism, Canadian
Andrew Evans, illusionist, American
Dom Chambers, close-up magician, Australian

2017 Season 4……………..

1 “Penn & Teller Teach You a Trick” 13 July 2017
Richard Turner, card mechanic, American
Young & Strange, illusionist, British
Kayla Drescher, illusionist, American
Mike Super, mentalist, American

2 “Penn, Teller and a Mind Reading Chicken” 20 July 2017
Jonathan Burns, comedy magician, American
Jo De Rijck, mentalist, Belgian
David Caserta, illusionist, American
Jimmy Ichihana, close-up/card magician, American

3 “Teller Flips a Bird” 27 July 2017
Misty Lee, close-up magician, American
Shin Lim[a], close-up magician, American
Andi Gladwin, comedy magician, British
Hatfields, illusionist, Canadian

4 “50/50 Chance” 3 August 2017
Matt Johnson, escape artist, Canadian
Siegfried Tieber, close-up/card magician, Ecuadorian
Jason Fields, close-up/coin magician, American
Jessica Jane Peterson, illusionist, American

5 “Does This Trick Ring a Bell?” 10 August 2017
Dyno Staats, illusionist, American
Aiden Sinclair, mentalist, American
Axel Adler, illusionist, Swedish
David Parr, close-up/card magician, American

6 “Something Fishy This Way Comes” 17 August 2017
Dan Sperry, illusionist, American
Jean-Pierre Parent[b], comedy magician, Canadian
Naathan Phan, illusionist, British
Richard Forget, illusionist, Canadian

7 “A Big Round of Applause for Alyson” 24 August 2017
Riccardo Berdini, mentalist, Italian
Yan Markson, close-up magician, Russian-Canadian
Ondrej Pšenicka, close-up magician, Czech
Glenn Morphew, close-up/card magician, American

8 “I Dream of Genie Tube” 7 September 2017
Dennis Watkins, mentalist, American
Jeff McBride, manipulation, American
Kevin Li, close-up illusionist, American
Steve Marshall, dice stacking magician, American

9 “Penn & Teller Are Full of Hot Air” 14 September 2017
Liberty Larsen, close-up/card and magician, N/A
Jorge Blass, close-up/card and magician, Spanish
Paul Gertner, close-up/card and magician, American
Sergio Starman, close-up magician, Italian

10 “Monkey Business” 21 September 2017
Sean-Paul, close-up/card and magician, American
Jason Andrews, illusionist, American
Eric Mead, close-up and magician, American
Reza Borchardt, American

11 “Penn Does the Heavy Lifting” 25 September 2017
Stuart MacDonald, close-up magician, American
Kyle Littleton, card magician, American
Lion Fludd, close-up/card magician, American
The Beckers, illusionists, American

12 “Penn & Teller & Dracula” 28 September 2017
Mike Bliss, comedy magician, American
Ekaterina, mentalist, Canadian
Javi Benitez, close-up/card and magician, Spanish
Ran Gafner, mentalist, Israeli

13 “Hanging Out with Penn & Teller” 30 November 2017]
Patrik Kuffs, close-up/card and magician, N/A
Todd Lamanske, American
Adam Wilber, close-up/card and magician, American
Hector, close-up illusionist, Spanish
Jen Kramer and AmberLynn Walker

You can watch all the season 5 shows.. -plus- all the season 4 shows.. -plus- 40 Masters of Illusion shows. Look for the links…. All the shows stream online… Nothing to download….


This Month’s FREE PDF – Bunches of Effects

This is the seventh PDF in a series of ten. First, you’ll find 44 pages full of effects from wonderful contributors. Secondly, you’ll find 30 different effects that cover a wide variety of styles. These are all effects featured in the Magic Roadshow through the years. I REALLY think you’ll enjoy this..! Actually.. I KNOW you’ll enjoy this..

Look for effects by:
David John O’Connor
Mick Ayres
Paul Lelekis
Jeff Hobson
Eliyahu Wincelberg
Ed Marlo
Seth Grabel
Stewart James
John Murray
Jerry Mentzer
U.F. Grant
Rick Carruth


18 Magic Tricks For Kids – Video Tutorial

This nice little 5 minute video details 18 different tricks, most involving crafts, that’s ideal for kids. Nothing shocking or new.. but definitely something to remind you of a couple of tricks I’ll bet you’ve forgotten..


Make Money APPEAR From Nowhere – Video Tutorial

Jay Sankey teaches you how to make a number of coins ‘appear’ from nowhere.. It uses a classic of magic.. in a new way. Even if you aren’t a big coin guy, you CAN do this..
I like it…


David Copperfield’s ‘Deck In Balloon’ Trick Revealed – Video Tutorial

Jay Sankey created the original Deck In Balloon trick back in the ’80s. Known then as ‘Airtight’ .. Jay gave David permission to use the trick. Now, he gives YOU permission to use the trick. It’s NOT self-working.. but it’s not beyond you.

I like this.. too..


Is Hypnosis Fake? Watch This TEDX Video – Video

Everyone has their own thoughts. Watch this interesting 25 minute video performance and lecture.


25 Most Terrifying Halloween Costumes – List and Photos

While most people wear silly or iconic costumes for Halloween, others put on terrifying costumes and scare the guts out of their friends. We’re talking about scary ghouls, demons, zombies, mummies, and a host of other bizarre creature-like things! Are you thinking about which Halloween costume you will wear this year? If so, you should check out our list. From the living dead to the bizarre, these are the 25 Most Terrifying Halloween Costumes.


Grate. Pair. Share – Ghoulishly Good Halloween Treats

Nice, free, PDF for the foodies amongst you. Full of Halloween treats


10 Real Photos That Have Left Skeptics Stumped

In celebration of Halloween.. I’ve included a video of 10 strange photos found on the internet in years past. No promises.. no guarantees.. just weird. Almost 14 minutes in length.


Golden Arm: A Probabilistic Study of Dice Control in Craps – Free PDF
by Donald R. Smith & Robert Scott III

“Wine loved I deeply, dice dearly…..”
(William Shakespeare, King Lear, Act 3, Scene 4)

I truly enjoy coming up with something different for the Roadshow. The internet can be a wonderful resource -if- you’re lucky enough to run across the right combination of key words during a search. This was one of those searches….

“Craps is a unique casino game because the shooter directly affects (i.e., picks up and throws) the gambling instruments (dice). Craps players, more than other casino gamblers, may be the most susceptible to Langer’s (1975) illusion of control where they think they can control the outcome of a random game. In James Henslin’s article “Craps and Magic” (1967) subjects were asked to roll a die. He found that when they wanted high numbers they threw hard and when the wanted low numbers they threw softly.

“If one were going to try to exert control over a chance event, one would exert
influence before the outcome of the event was determined. […]

This paper calculates how much control a craps shooter must possess on dice outcomes to eliminate the house advantage. A golden arm is someone who has dice control (or a rhythm roller or dice influencer). There are various strategies for dice control in craps. We discuss several possibilities of dice control that would result in several different mathematical models of control

We outline the most common dice control methods to measure the exact change in outcomes needed to overcome the house’s advantage in a pass line bet in craps. We discuss several possibilities of dice control that would result in several different mathematical models of control. We do not assert whether dice control is possible or not (there is a lack of published evidence). However, after studying casino-legal methods described by dice-control advocates, we can see only one realistic mathematical model that describes the resulting possible dice control, that in which the four faces on a rotating (horizontal) axis are favored. This is the model that we analyze in this paper. We develop a deterministic model that yields solutions with static conditions. This information can be used in two ways: First, it gives dice controllers a specific minimum goal required to beat the traditional house advantage. Second, it provides estimates for how likely these outcomes are in random play.”


The History Channel Presents: The Dice Dominator – Video
A One Hour Special You Can Watch Online…

The story behind the man called the Dominator ( Dominic LoRiggio )

From the physics behind the flight of dice to the eight critical steps to mastering the act of tossing two dice, we reveal the true story behind the Dominator’s phenomenal rise to riches through a seemingly impossible challenge – to control the outcome of a craps game with the flick of a wrist.


Potter & Potter Auctions’ Can’t-Miss Late Fall Sales Event To Present
The Full Contents of Johnny Fox’s Freakatorium.

Fox’s Barnumesque museum featured natural and unnatural oddities, many related to circus sideshow performers and attractions, as well as historical objects d’art, stage illusions, photographs, and tabloid style ephemera.

Chicago, Il, October 18, 2018- Potter & Potter Auctions is pleased to announce their almost 700 lot Freakatorium: The Collection of Johnny Fox Auction to be held on Saturday, November 10, 2018 starting at 10am at the company’s gallery, located at 3759 N. Ravenswood Ave., Chicago, IL 60613. Renowned sword swallower, magician, and performer John Robert Fox (1953-2017) amassed a huge spectrum of grotesque, bizarro, and surreal curiosities which he displayed at his Freakatorium, “El Museo Loco,” in New York City from 1999-2005. All of these wonders will be on display and available for preview on Thursday, November 8th and Friday, November 9th from 10:00am to 5:00pm in the Potter & Potter facility.

Many of the sale’s top lots are associated with the big top and other traveling entertainment venues of the 19th and 20th century. Lot #1, a brightly painted sideshow banner by the “Picasso” of circus art Fred Johnson (1892-1990) is estimated at $4,000-6,000. Titled Freaks Past and Present, this c. 1950 piece from the O’Henry Tent & Awning Company of Chicago measures 115” x 316” and depicts an array of famous sideshow acts, including a three-legged man, a two-headed man, a frog boy, and others. The images are flanked by bright panels of text. Lot #15, a Snap Wyatt Studios c. 1945 Freaks. Alive entrance-type canvas sideshow banner is estimated at $3,000-5,000. This 100-½” x 342” masterpiece features sideshow attractions such as the alligator skin lady, a conehead, a sword swallower, and more. It is branded with two stenciled Snap Wyatt logos. Lot #338, a color lithograph depicting Jumbo the elephant giving kids rides on his back is estimated at $3,000-5,000. This c. 1882 linen backed poster measures 37” x 31” and was produced by Strobridge of Cincinnati. Lot #334, a linen backed color lithograph entitled P.T. Barnum’s and Great London Combined. Santa Claus in His Royal Chariot of State is estimated at $1,200-1,500. This c. 1880s example, also by Strobridge, shows Father Christmas distributing toys to a crowd of children, along with two reindeer and a driver. It measures 35-¼” x 29-¼”. And lot #56, thirteen signs for the Freakatorium – based on legacy circus and sideshow themes – are estimated at $400-600. These sheet metal signs were painted by Adrian Clara and include a 39” x 53” “Cabinet of Curiosities” sign and a dozen smaller exhibition placards.

Fox’s New York City Freakatorium museum remarkably showcased over 1,000 oddities within a 500 square foot venue. These objects ranged from antique to modern, organic to configured, and functional to made purely for shock value.

Items featuring human or animal body parts have a leg up in this collection. Lot #559, a c. 16th century pre-Columbian human skull from Oaxaca, Mexico is estimated at $1,000-1,500. Its eyes are covered in seashell discs. The skull is believed to be of the Zapotec culture, an indigenous pre-Columbian civilization that flourished in the Valley of Oaxaca in Mesoamerica over 2,500 years ago. Lot #293, a collection of seven life sized wax arms and hands from various museum wax figures is estimated at $80-125. These were likely made by Gems of London in Great Britain in the 1960s. Lot #645, a human head on a sword sideshow illusion, is estimated at $500-1,000. This curiosity features a disembodied human head – alive, talking, and moving – sitting on the blade of a sword resting across the arms of a large wooden chair. And lot #281, a 12” long “Fiji Mermaid” made by Mark Frierson of Tampa in c. 1999 is estimated at $300-400. This desiccated, mythical creature – first introduced to the world in 1842 by P.T. Barnum at his Barnum’s American Museum – is assembled from a hairy man’s head, human arms, lizard like claws, a torso with exterior ribbing, and a fish tail.

Can’t-look-away antiquities, props, and artifacts from the Freakatorium are certain to also capture worldwide attention through this sale. Lot #282, a collection of various wooden items carved by Charles Tripp (1855-1930) using his feet is estimated at $1,000-1,500. Tripp was born without arms, but nevertheless managed to become a skilled carpenter and calligrapher. The lot includes two pairs of wooden scissors, a wooden chain with twenty-six links and a three-piece clasp, two carpenter’s dividers, a monogram for James H. Boyer – the person for whom the items were carved – as well as two postcards and a cabinet photo. Lot #533, a 1763 coffin-shaped wood container for holy relics, is estimated at $800-1,200. This reliquary is decorated with a glass front bounded by gilt roping and oval compartments and includes ex-ossibus relics of eight saints. Its back features an attestation from the Abbott of St. Matthias’ Church Parish in Genoa, Italy, dated August 14, 1763, indicating that the relics were authenticated on April 11, 1619 by Abbott D. Fabiano Richerio. Lot #247, a finely made miniature boot reportedly owned by Charles S. Stratton, better known as Tom Thumb (1838-1883) is estimated at $500-750. The footwear is detailed with rose-colored leather lining and a floral pattern stamped in the sole. It measures about 6-¾” high and 4-¾” long and is accompanied by a typed exhibit card bearing a brief bio of Tom Thumb, and stating, “This boot was worn by him.” And lot #650, Fox’s “Cracker Shooting” helmet prop, is estimated at $400-600. This repurposed WWI helmet was used by Fox for his version of the stunt made famous by Vaudeville showman Kar-Mi (Joseph Hallworth, 1872-1956), in which the performer swallows a loaded gun barrel, then shoots a cracker off of the head of an audience volunteer with the bullet.

This Freakatorium auction, like many of Potter & Potter’s world-class events, includes a number of important archives. These collections of primary source materials are ideal for academic institutions, historical societies, specialty museums, or independent researchers. Lot #261, an archive of materials from Robert Marshall, better known as Marshall the Mystic (1876-1943) is estimated at $2,000-3,000. Marshall performed variously as a hat juggler, magician, pantomimist, and medical lecturer. This collection includes approximately 100 photographs, as well as snapshots, postcards, glass negatives, drawings, and about 100 additional pieces of performance ephemera. Lot #39, an archive of Johnny Eck “Half Boy” materials from the 1920s -60s is estimated at $800-1,200. John Eckhardt (1911-1991) was born without the lower half of his torso yet managed to overcome this enormous disability to become a world-famous sideshow performer, as well as a movie actor, artist, musician, photographer, illusionist, penny arcade owner, Punch and Judy operator, and expert model maker. Eck’s archive includes thirteen original photographs, two original typed signed letters, and additional photocopied letters. And lot #264, an archive of research on human oddities collected by William Woodworth of Cambridge, Massachusetts, is estimated at $800-1,200. This cache, collected over the 1880s-1920s timeframe, includes manuscripts, clippings, photographs, cabinet cards, and letters detailing Woodworth’s study of human oddities, including Siamese twin and humans with missing legs and other mutations.

Books, photographs, drawings, and other ephemeral items helped the Freakatorium tell its stories through these time-capsule materials. Lot #241, a book entitled Greatest Wonder On Earth. Jo! Jo! The Dog Faced Man. published in c. 1882 by Popular Publishing of New York is estimated at $250-350. This rare, eight page book features hand-colored pictorial wrappers and was most likely sold after Jo Jo’s (Fedor Adrianovich Jeftichew, 1868-1904) performances on the Barnum, Bailey & Hutchinson circus sideshow. Lot #94, two silver prints of albino sword swallower Lady Sandra Reed from c. 1970, are estimated at $1,000-1,500. They are attributed to photographer Diane Arbus (1923-1971) and include one shot of the performer kneeling and the second with a sword raised in preparation for the attempt. The prints are believed to be unique, and are accompanied by a note of provenance by Reed. Reed held the world’s record for the number of swords swallowed by a woman. And lot #390, a whiteprint plan for Coney Island’s famous “The Whip” carnival ride, is estimated at $600-800. Originally patented and manufactured in 1915, this plan details the 1918 iteration of W.F. Mangels’ most famous ride invention. This sale includes about ten early 20th century ride plans created by Mangels for Coney Island’s emerging entertainment business.

This grand event rounds out with robust offerings of taxidermy, antiques, artwork, and selections that simply defy conventional categories. Lot #245, a brass “Champion Strong Woman of the World “ trophy belt presented to Minerva (Josephine Blatt., c. 1869-1923) by Richard K. Fox of The Police Gazette in 1893 New York is estimated at $3,000-5,000. Lot #43, a detailed illustration of a barber and wig shop, executed entirely in human hair, is estimated at $600-900. This French work, dating from the 19th century, measures 26” x 22-½” and features a distracted barber with straight razor in hand, a wary customer, a wig restorer at work, and other characters. And bidders are certain to lock horns over lot #287, a “unicorn skull” made by artist Mark Frierson in 1999. It was the displayed at the Freakatorium under a banner reading “skulls are extremely rare and this particular specimen is only one of a handful known to exist in the world today. It was uncovered from beneath the ruins of an ancient medieval castle in Europe.” The unicorn skull is estimated at $500-700 and includes its original Freakatorium signage.

According to Gabe Fajuri, President at Potter & Potter Auctions, “Johnny Fox was a true lover of the sideshow, circus, and traveling showbiz life he lived, paying homage to and studying the stories of his predecessors at his museum and through his collection. That shows through on every page of the auction catalog, which is as much a tribute to Johnny himself as it is a sale of unusual artifacts. Johnny’s collection was truly unusual and defies categorization, which means there is something for every lover of the unusual in this sale, from banners and broadsides, to chupacabra dioramas, tattooed man photos, sideshow banners, and relics from the best of Barnum’s circus sideshows. This is one sale without comparison – and that’s no ballyhoo.”

Potter & Potter, founded in 2007, is a Chicago area auction house specializing in paper Americana, vintage advertising, rare books, playing cards, gambling memorabilia, posters, fine prints, vintage toys, and magicana – antiques and collectibles related to magic and magicians. The company’s next sale, featuring hundreds of important vintage travel posters, will be held on December 1, 2018. For more information, please see Follow us on Facebook (potterandpotterauctions), Twitter (PnPAuctions), and Instagram (potterauctions).

Media contact:
Gabe Fajuri
President, Potter & Potter Auctions or 773- 472- 1442

Low Est.
High Est.

Freaks Past and Present

Freaks Alive

Johnny Eck “Half Boy” Archive

The Barbershop Lesson, French Hair Art

Hand-Painted Signs for Johnny Fox’s Freakatorium

Albino Sword Swallower

Greatest Wonder On Earth. Jo! Jo! The Dog Faced Man

Minerva Champion Strong Woman Trophy Belt

Tom Thumb’s Leather Boot

Marshall the Mystic Archive

Archive of Research on Human Oddities

Fiji Mermaid

Charles Tripp “Armless Wonder” Carvings and Correspondence

Unicorn Skull

Arms and Hands for Wax Museum Figures

P.T. Barnum’s and Great London Combined

Jumbo the Pride of the British Heart

Plan Number 2 “The Whip” Whiteprint

A 1763 Coffin-Shaped Reliquary

Pre-Columbian Human Skull

Head on Sword Sideshow Illusion

Johnny Fox’s “Cracker Shooting” Helmet


2018 Potter and Potter’s Magic Memorabilia Reference eBook
Published on Jul 22, 2018

About 130 pages consisting of over a thousand magic related books. Description and estimated value of each book included. Wonderful reference book. View and read online…

“Our summer sale of magicana is set to include collectibles in all familiar categories, including vintage posters, apparatus, antiquarian books, and ephemera. Highlights include rarities advertising the shows of the Hanlon Brothers, early and uncommon conjuring catalogs, and relics from the career of Howard Thurston.”



Remember.. signing up for the Magic Roadshow Journal of Magic is Totally FREE. There is NO obligation and your email is 100% safe. (I don’t even share it with my closes fellow magicians..) You will be notified periodically as new material publishes to the Magic Roadshow site and you can unsubscribe with one click.

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Hundreds and hundreds of magic tutorial videos at:

Card Tricks and Magical Mysteries video blog..
Magic Roadshow Video Blog


That does it for this issue. I hope you found something to help your magic along. Remember, if you have something you would like to see published on the Magic Roadshow site.. send it to:

Be Blessed!

Rick Carruth / Editor

Professor – Camelard College of Conjuring of Chemmis, Egypt

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science.”
Albert Einstein


ROGUE – Easy To Do Mentalism with Cards – A Review

ROGUE – Easy To Do Mentalism with Cards – A Review

ROGUE Easy To Do Mentalism with Cards

by Steven Palmer and Bigblindmedia:

A new product by Bigblindmedia, ROGUE, uses a unique set-up to create mental miracles with cards. Here’s the Ad Copy….Product Image

On ROGUE Steven Palmer teaches you how to use a pack of cards to perform absolute miracles. With Steven’s brilliant psychological chicanery and a handful of easily achievable moves you will be armed and ready to unleash what looks like REAL mindreading powers.

Central to this project is VOID – Steven’s acclaimed ‘thought-of-card’ revelation. This is a true POWERHOUSE of a trick. It might just be the fairest ‘think a card’ you will ever do with a normal deck. ‘Void’ gives you all the power of the ‘Koran Deck’ or the ‘Mind Power Deck’ but with a (slightly tweaked) regular deck of cards!

Key points to remember:
Easy set up
A regular deck with no gaffs or duplicates – just some simple tweaks!
Quick reset – ideal for strolling performers
Suitable for ALL skill levels
Looks incredibly fair
A reliable method!!!
You’ll also learn the DEVIANT SHUFFLE – Steven’s patented false shuffle that looks ridiculously fair but keeps everything exactly where you need it. AND then you’ll master the breather crimp with Steven’s ingenious touches and extra layers which take a great tool and make it indispensable.

And that is just the start – ROGUE features another SEVEN brilliant routines!

Void (Version I and II)
Thought of Monte
Heroes & Villains
Technically Missing
Out of My Sight

My Take:

I am such a fan of mental magic.. and I call this ‘mental magic’ as opposed to ‘mentalism’ in deference to a couple of friends who are full-time mentalists. Regardless, Steven has produced a well-thought-out video, almost 2 hours and 30 minutes long, full of fresh and original thinking. It’s difficult to be truly original, but I would say ROGUE is on the right side of that debate by leaps and bounds.

First.. Steven goes to lengths to help buyers understand the physical side of his effects. I do notice the ad copy states ‘no gaffs or duplicates’. That’s a slightly grey area, as a gaffed card IS used.. but it’s not a part of the 52 card deck. It’s a Joker that’s modified to help set up VOID. Not a big deal.. but it is something you’ll need to take a few minutes to create. Another card will be, as they say, ‘tweaked’. I think it’s fair to call a card with a breather crimp ‘tweaked’. I’m not being picky here. Just letting you know that a couple of small modifications are employed to achieve big effects.

Just as with other mind reading decks, a set-up is used. The set-up is what makes the impossible… possible. Steven’s Deviant Shuffle, a false shuffle, makes everything totally fair and disarms the spectator, allowing you to work your magic.

I really like the premise behind VOID, and VOID provides the set-up for the other seven effects. There is a common thread here, and it’s not complicated to learn or remember. Most important is a brief statement that subconsciously directs the spectator in a certain direction and makes your work so much easier. I wish I could tell you more, but…

The basis of VOID allows the performer to know the exact card selected by the spectator from a stack of approximately ten to twelve cards. Several of the effects expand on this premise, but use the same basic method. VOID also allows you to work with a stacked deck that has been ‘almost’ freely shuffled before the effect begins. The only bit of subterfuge on your part is being able to release a few cards from one stack before the cards begin to interlace.. Simple stuff.

MEDLEY is probably my favorite. It’s presented as a gambling demonstration, but still has the mental magic feel, plus a rapid fire presentation that keeps the spectator off-kilter and confused… in a good way. Everyone will have their own favorite.

As for the video, it’s typical BigBlindMedia quality… filmed in what appears to be a studio of some sort, with help from Liam and a few female spectators. Lighting is fine, camera angles are fine.. and multiple cameras are used.. and aside from a slight echo, audio is good. No complaints and no reason to NOT buy the DVD for technical reasons. (The head shot on the back wall is a little disturbing.. in a cool way.)

There is nothing required of consumers beyond advanced beginner moves. If you’re reading this, chances are you are more than qualified to perform all eight of these effects. If you would like to add several strong mental magic effects to your repertoire, I recommend ROGUE.

Available from magic dealers who carry the Murphy’s Magic line of products..
$30.00 – Available instantly as a two part video download…

JANUS – A Review

JANUS – A Review

JANUS by Kevin Casaretto and Paul Lelekis – A Review
Rick Carruth

Janus is the card magic of Kevin Casaretto of Salisbury, South Australia.. as told by Paul Lelekis. Kevin compiled this exceptional collection of original effects through years of hard work and recently contacted Paul with the enviable task of putting everything together into an ebook.
There are a total of ten effects and all effects use a combination of gaff cards.

I understand the reluctance of some magicians to use gaff cards… but that reluctance usually stems from either a lack of familiarity with gaffs on the part of the magician, or, a fear that once the audience knows you used gaffs, your perceived acceptance as a full-fledged magi will be diminished.

First.. if you do not use gaffs, you are limited in your repertoire. Yes, there are many effects that do not require gaffs, but, if you do not use gaffs, you will forever be denying yourself an array of effects that are virtually impossible using conventional cards.

Second.. Why the heck would the audience know you are using gaffs? Are you planning on dropping the deck? I wish I could tell you the number of current effects.. by internationally known magicians.. that employ gaffs. If a magician has a ‘signature’ effect he refuses to tip… chances are there’s a gaff involved. He is capable of pulling off a seemingly miraculous effect, a reputation builder, with a gaff… and he doesn’t want you to know. Can you blame him?

Now that we’ve cleared that up…

JANUS uses a simple combination of gaffs; double backers, double facers, and red/blue backed cards. Nothing is used that you could not create in a minute or two with regular cards and a roll of double backed tape or rub on and/or white children’s glue. Of course, you can buy gaffs at most magic shops and online.. and they are very affordable.

Here’s a brief description of what’s included.. ( By Paul and myself )

1) JANUS – A sandwiched transposition! Cards on the table and a card in the deck change places right under the spectators nose..
2) Signed, Sealed, and Delivered – A very simplistic, yet powerful transposition of signed selections! Two signed cards change places in two different envelopes.. and SO simple to perform .
3) 2-Card Monte – The “con game” made easy! Quickly establish your inner cheat with this demonstration of gambling skills. The super easy move is taught in video.
4) Five Colour Twist – The Aces turn face-up and facedown, then their backs change color three times!
5) Magazine Mental Test – A very cool, easy to do, feat of ESP! You’re going to LOVE this ingenious effect! Plus learn a very usable force.
6) Card to Wallet – Signed card flies to wallet and then changes its back color…TWICE!
7) Changing Back – An excellent variation of a Dai Vernon classic of magic!
8) It Can’t Be Done – A very clever “Do As I Do” effect with three phases.
9) One At A Time Aces – Kevin’s own take on a Marlo trick…the Aces travel and then change colour! One of my personal favorites.
10) Turn-Over Cards – A display of 8 cards, turning face up and face down under impossible conditions! Additional video instructions included..

I recommend JANUS. It is both well written and full of interesting effects perfect for any level performer. Aside from one or two moves that are taught on video by Paul Lelekis (included), and will require a small bit of practice.. nothing is beyond the beginner or those not accustomed to using gaffs. Lots of bang for your bucks…

$12.00 instant download at

A New MAGIC ROADSHOW Journal of Magic

A New MAGIC ROADSHOW Journal of Magic

Magic Roadshow #195
July 2018

Hello Friends

This is our mid-summer issue of the Magic Roadshow. It’s so hot outside, what else am I suppose to do? Maybe you’ll be inspired by my musings and want to turn the air up, kick back, and learn a little something magical. Those of you in Australia can turn the heat up and enjoy this issue too !

I wish I had a lot to write about.. but I don’t. I can’t think of any magic news I found particularly interesting.. and maybe that’s a good thing. My friends and I get together and discuss contestants on Penn and Teller’s FOOL US… and how we think they performed their magic. So far, I think I’ve been right 100% of the time, or not…..

I have a bunch of free stuff in this issue. I took some of my summertime to search Google for resources I could pass along to you guys and ladies. I always find a ton of items that are copyrighted.. but I’m not going that route. I try to make sure everything is either freely shared or.. in the public domain and quality material. That’s a difficult combination.. but I think we do as good a job as anyone filling that criteria for our friends and readers.

Questions or comments? Email me at:

Download this issue as a PDF file..

20 pages and 5564 words…


Easy Card Tricks – Free PDF by Rufus Steele
Another Ring On Wand – Effect from Paul Lelekis
The Timeless Project – A Review – by R.Carruth
Four King Miracle – Henri White – A Review by R.Carruth
Professor Numbers – aka Ray Blum Hospital Magician – Free eBook
The “52 Cycling Cards” Trick Using Modular Arithmetic – Yutaka Nishiyama
Si Stebbins Stacked Deck – Advanced Methods
Over 100 Card Tricks That You Can Do – Harry Maurer – Free PDF
Harry Houdini – The Legend of the World’s Greatest Escape Artist
Book More Shows! Ten Easy Actions you can do Right Now – Free eBook
Multiply Your Merchandising – Free eBook
MagicCoach Newsletter – Free Resource
Routine For Rascals – Complete Routine for Families and Children (Ad)
Free Music Archives – Free Music For Your Videos
In The Hand Riffle Shuffle – Detailed Tutorial
Easiest Card Trick Ever – Mismag822
India’s Street Magic Once Captivated the World – Article
Thomas Edison
Justin Johnson – Youtube Video
Important Stuff….

“There is a real magic in enthusiasm. It spells the difference between mediocrity and accomplishment. Norman Vincent Peale

“Logic only gives man what he needs… Magic gives him what he wants.”
Tom Robbins

“One man’s ‘magic’ is another man’s engineering. ‘Supernatural’ is a null word.”
Robert A. Heinlein

“Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.”
Robert H. Schuller


Easy Card Tricks – Free PDF by Rufus Steele

“Tricks with a pack of cards afford one of the easiest and most interesting forms of entertainment in existence. They are amazing and mysterious to those who witness them, yet they are within the ability of everyone.

The idea that long practice and exceptional skill are necessary in the performance of card tricks is erroneous. Some of the cleverest and most bewildering tricks are made possible by the use of subtle principles and unique methods that are easily learned, yet which are capable of deceiving
the keenest and most intelligent spectator.

Such are the methods explained in this booklet. These tricks have been devised by experienced performers of card tricks—men who understand the psychology of deception and who know that a clever, well-developed principle can be used to create an amazing mystery.” (The URL in our PDF copy of this issue is incorrect.. Please use this one..)


Another Ring On Wand – Effect from Paul Lelekis

I’ve always loved this effect and have performed it many times. The old method can be a little unsettling to the performing magician, so I have created a new method that relies on old techniques.

I think that many will like this method because it is much easier to perform and, I believe, even stronger than the old method.

EFFECT: A ring is examined and placed within a hanky. The spectator holds the ring and hanky over a magic wand, held by two spectators. The hanky is whisked away and the ring is found spinning on the wand!

SET UP: A large opaque hanky or scarf has a duplicate ring, sewn into one of the corners. (Don’t worry about how this corner looks…it won’t be seen!) You also need a magic wand and a ring that is similar to the ring sewn within the hanky.

NOTE: I am against borrowing rings from the spectators. There’s always a good chance that you may not find the proper ring and I have had the stone from the borrowed ring fall out before….NOT GOOD!

METHOD: Display the ring and hand it out for inspection. Display the large hanky (the corner with the sewn-in ring is in the right hand), holding it out at both corners. Place the wand under your left armpit. Ask for a volunteer to assist you.

Hold the ring in your left hand. The hanky is held by the corner that has the duplicate ring sewn in, with your right hand.

Place the ring in your left hand, displaying it prominently. Drape the hanky over your left hand. The right hand now secretly comes up to where the ring and left hand are.

The duplicate sewn-in ring is brought up to the center of the hanky, as the ring in the left hand is secretly placed into right-hand finger palm. All this occurs under the hanky…it only takes two or three seconds.

The left hand comes out from under the hanky and then grasps the “ring” (duplicate) by the center of the hanky.

The right hand now comes out from beneath the hanky and then immediately goes to the wand beneath your left armpit.

The ring is then easily “threaded” onto the wand! Tap the ring (the duplicate under the hanky) with the wand.

Now ask another volunteer to join you as you move each spectator to your right and left sides.

Have each spectator grasp one end of the wand as your right hand and the hidden ring, moves to the center of the wand. This ‘moving to the center of the wand’ is done with the only right hand – it’s easy to do.

Now hold the hanky (still held by the right hand) over the right hand and wand. At this point it appears impossible to get the ring onto the wand since both ends are being held by the spectators.

Have one of the two spectators (each still holding one end of the wand) grasp the “ring” that is under the hanky with her free hand, using only her thumb and one finger.

You then “do your magic” and grasp a corner of the hanky with your left hand…remember that the right hand is still holding the wand and the ring at the middle of the wand.

Whisk the hanky away from the spectator’s grasp as your right hand quickly moves away from the wand, spinning the ring on the wand!

The spinning of the ring on the wand as the hanky is whisked away, adds a dynamic to your magic and looks really nice!

All attention will be on the ring, spinning on the wand, as your right hand finds the hidden ring, sewn into the hanky, and holds it.

Then the left hand grasps another corner of the hanky and you then quickly display the hanky on both sides and then casually place the hanky into one of your pockets.

There will be no emphasis on the hanky, so just place it casually into your pocket…out of sight, out of mind!

This is a very nice effect and is pleasing “eye-candy” to the spectators! Remember…don’t run if you’re not being chased! No one will ask to inspect the hanky!

Paul recently published his 51st book of magic. What an accomplishment!  With 28 years of steady restaurant work, 35 years of bar experience, corporate shows, community shows, many, many 3-day festivals – and of course, hundreds and hundreds of children’s birthday parties Paul has quite a bit of experience to share.  View all 51 ebooks at:


The Timeless Project – A Review – by R.Carruth
Russ Stevens, Bill Thompson & Gary Jones

The Timeless Project is a very sophisticated multi-effect deck(s) that takes card magic to a higher level. First.. here is the developer’s ad copy.. then, we’ll go from there.

“Welcome to The Timeless Project featuring five amazing routines utilizing the hidden secrets of the RSVP deck of cards of the same name. Join your hosts Gary Jones and Russ Stevens as they show you five brand new routines that are unique to this very special deck of cards. All are easy to do and pack a killer punch!

Contents Include:

Second Hand – The magician asks the spectator to merely think of any time — there is no force, it’s never written down or said to anyone. The magician now takes the Timeless Deck (that has been on the table in full view throughout) and spreads the cards, showing that there is one card reversed in the entire deck. For the first time, the spectator names their time. When the card is turned over, that card has their time printed on it! This is a reputation-making routine that really is worth the price of the whole project.

Miracle Clock – A spectator again thinks of their favorite time of the day. Without telling anyone or writing it down, the magician is again able to know the exact time they’re thinking of and reveals it in an unusual and amazing way.

Duel Time – Two cards are selected by two spectators. The magician now takes the first card and shows the face to be holding a timepiece in their hand. He places the card onto the spectator’s hand and asks them to slam their hand down onto the card. When it’s turned over, the clock face is now broken! Taking the card, the magician shakes the card and magically restores it back to its original condition. The second card is turned over and shows a card holding a clock set at ten o’clock. The magician takes the card and moves it slowly in front of the spectator, where it seems to visibly change to another time (this can be a prediction if desired). Utilizing the special printing ideas on some of the Timeless cards, this is a really cool effect.

Just a Second – The magician shows a selected card to be holding a time and the card is placed face down on the table. The magician now shows his wrist watch and asks the spectator to pull the pin out and set the watch to any time. He tells them that their time will match the time on the face down card sitting on the table throughout. The watch is turned over to reveal an hour and the card turned over… the times don’t match! Taking the card, the magician asks the spectator to turn an invisible winder at the side of the card, as if moving the hands on the printed face. When it’s turned over, the time on the card now matches the time on the watch. Truly amazing stuff!

The instructional DVD is in full HD (1920x1080p), runs for 50 minutes and is worldwide playback. Please note that due the manufacturing of the special deck included, this is a very limited run and that the DVD is a DVDR.”

My review…

The Timeless Project is a masterwork from RSVP Magic. The name comes from clocks printed on each court card, very fashionably I might add, and the effects that are possible using the concept of time and cards. I wish I could explain the complete concept.. but that would be a bit unfair. I will say this… all the court cards are printed with a clock.. all 12 of the court cards. Each court card has a clock with a different time and each court card is aligned in a specific order, easily remembered. This serves as the basis for some very extravagant magic.

I am generally not a big fan of radical changes to my standard Bicycle design. I don’t mind changes to the backs, but the faces are sort of sacred, in my humble opinion. The Timeless Project is the off-shoot of the Timeless Deck, developed several years ago by Russ Stevens and based on a premise by the late Bill Thompson, and one of the few exceptions I’ll allow… design wise. Like my friend Jim Canaday said.. the cards are ..” very reminiscent of both comic book art and steam punk.” I am a big fan of steam punk, and if you’re going to change my beloved Bikes.. change ’em to an intelligent steam punk design. The design of the clocks are integrated into the faces to create a very pleasing look.

The Timeless Deck was first sold several years ago by RSVP. They sold out completely, and for the past four years were not reissued. They are only being reissued now to be sold in conjunction with the Timeless Project, which itself is in very limited production. I don’t fully understand the concept of ‘limited edition’ and ‘limited production’.. if there is a large demand.. but I’m sure there’s a very good reason.

Each Timeless Project comes with two Timeless decks.. one normal and one gaffed. The normal deck is actually a very slick-handling deck. Although not a linen finish, I could perform nice faros straight out the pack. Folks on the Cafe and in other reviews raved about the quality. That doesn’t carry a lot of weight with me.. but my personal handling of the deck does. I REALLY like it..

Both decks are USPCC, smooth cut, and exactly what you would expect from an effect of this price. You’ll also get a 50 minute DVD taught by Gary Jones.. again very indicative of the cost of the project. Russ Stevens and Gary Jones are to be congratulated.

You read the creator’s description of several effects, and I want to add something to the descriptions to give you a hint or two.

Miracle Clock… uses a popular method with the ancient clock routine to arrive at a selection which is revealed in a method best described as ” The Clock Routine On Steroids”. What’s important is that two different classics of magic are used, using methods you are already very familiar with… to create a new ending not even YOU saw coming..

Duel Time… Uses the normal Timeless deck, along with a couple of additional cards supplied with the deck. There is a minor sleight or two used to make everything work.. (think ‘double lift’.)
This is a very visual effect that makes two spectators wish they’d paid much closer attention..

Just a Second… Again uses the normal Timeless deck. You also use your watch, which may or may not be a special watch, it’s all explained.. Another minor sleight is used, along with a duplicate card, to befuddle any spectator.

The Second Hand… This is a very unique effect, brazen almost, that uses a method I’ve never seen used in all of magic.. to arrive at a time thought of by the spectator. Unlike all it’s cousins, you DO NOT get the spectator to verbally reveal their secret in order to know where to dig in the deck to find their thought-of card. This effect is one slick magician fooler. I use the method taught for the public.. and a variation of my own to fool those know-it-all magic guys. Oh, I wish I could tell you the secret, and I wish I got a commission for every Timeless Project sold from this point on… but I don’t get either. I DO get the satisfaction of recommending this superlative combination of effects, worth far more than its price -if- you will take time to study the DVD and learn these carefully chosen effects.

Although not important to the effects, the Timeless Project DVD has the best intro of any magic related DVD I’ve ever watched. A photo by Filipino photographer and digital graphics artist Norvz Austria and music inspired by Evanescence create a visual I’ve watched many times. Now my sensitive side is showing… and I appreciate the designers thought there were folks like myself who would, and could, appreciate their efforts.

Everything you need (almost ) is here. One effect does require a special deck many of you will undoubtably already own. If you don’t own one, you can make one.. not a big deal. Another effect will require a watch with a second hand or display. Celebrate that you can buy an effect like this for $45.00. Having seen what some magicians attempt to sell as ‘miracles’, ‘revolutionary magic’, ‘groundbreaking’ etc. I think I have a good point of reference. Buy the Timeless Project and truly enjoy magic again. I’m excited to attach my name to a product with so many possibilities.

$45.00.. Available from shops selling the Murphy’s Magic line of quality products.


Four King Miracle – Henri White – A Review by R.Carruth
In conjunction with.. World Magic Shop

From the creator of The Souvenir, Henri White Presents Four King Miracle …

Two jokers are shown front and back. Visually, one at a time, the first two Kings appear in between two Jokers. As a finale, the final two cards also change into Kings. The Jokers have vanished from the packet!

This leaves you with a Four King Miracle.

The effect is easy to perform, and you will receive custom printed cards so you can start astonishing others with this great little packet trick.

My Review…

Yes, this is a packet trick. I am not generally a big fan of packet tricks.. don’t ask me why.. I’m just more comfortable with a pack of cards in my hands. Now that I’ve expressed my lame excuse, let me say that I’m going to make an exception for Four King Miracle.

When I first received this effect, I felt a little slighted.. excuse the pun. I felt that I should have received more, aside from four cards and some online instructions. But, after watching the video a couple of times..(just over ten minutes) I saw the possibility.

This is a sandwich type effect using two Jokers. The two Jokers, one by one, very visually change into four Kings. It’s one of those effects that you could perform with no patter.. if so inclined. The magic speaks for itself.

I played with the packet for a solid three days, and in addition to learning to perform the effect exactly as taught, I added several twists to the moves along with an interesting story. Now, I’m to the point where I can’t wait to show this to friends in the know.

Will it fool them? Well, since they’re all magicians, probably not… but I suspect they will see what I see… a chance to really fool a lay audience.

If you go to Murphy’s and watch the video, you’ll probably have a general idea how the effect works, although you probably won’t catch the specifics. Without giving away too much, you’re on the right track, but you won’t figure the handling… and the handling is worth the price.

At just over ten minutes, the online video can be inhaled quickly, and you’ll be ready to perform shortly after receiving Four King Miracle. I found that breaking the cards in to my satisfaction aided my performance considerably. So, take a day and work with the cards.

This is definitely something that can be performed by dedicated beginners who are willing to look at the effect as a whole and work on the little things.. although there are not many of those. Because of the nature of the cards, there is a certain ‘touch’ that’s needed to make everything visually appealing, but it’s in the handling.

The effect itself is NOT angle sensitive, so it’s ideal for walk around and close up. You can reset the effect in an instant, right in front of the spectator. The only negative, so to speak, is the spectator cannot handle the cards. A simple method is taught on the video to allow you to show all four cards as ‘normal’… and pocket the packet.

You will receive four cards, all gaffed in one way or another, and a link to the online video. The gaffs should last quite some time, depending on use of course, and you can make your own gaffed cards from a regular deck of cards containing four Kings and two Jokers.

Four King Miracle is available at dealers who carry the Murphy’s Magic line of products. $19.00


Professor Numbers – aka Ray Blum Hospital Magician – Free eBook

Professor Numbers, now retired, wrote at least eight mathematically oriented books, including one with Bob Longe, basically for children ages eight and over. Aside from being a hospital magician, he performed many school shows.. up to five a day and fifty minutes each.

This free ebook is taken from several other works and is very good to be a children’s book. I spent way too much time writing this up and looking through the ebook. I actually saw a couple of things I can use on smarty-pants magicians….

Ray says feel free to print out the ebook.. all 125 pages. Plenty of illustrations and just plain fun stuff… Very recommended.


Yutaka Nishiyama – Osaka University of Economics

I’m not sure how you can use this.. but I am sure some of you intelligent gents and ladies will see the possibilities. This stack cycles through ALL 52 cards and allows you to know the next card in the deck. Unlike the Stebbins stack, which you can’t ‘look at..’ too long without seeing the secret, this cycle is NOT detectable and does not alternate colors…

“Abstract: Ordering 52 playing cards according to a particular rule allows one to perform a certain magic trick. By learning the rule, after viewing a given card the performer will be able to predict the next card in the deck. The key to the trick is an application of modular arithmetic, one that the author hopes will lend itself as an interesting device for mathematics education.?


Si Stebbins Stacked Deck – Advanced Methods

Most of us know how to use the Si Stebbins stack.. but… do you know how to look at the top or bottom card of a Stebbins stack and know the location of ANY card in the deck? Well, here’s the formula..


Harry Maurer presents… Over 100 Card Tricks That You Can Do – Free PDF

Magic is a lot of fun, but carrying a bunch of magic equipment around with you can be awkward!
Presenting tricks with a deck of cards is easy and can be performed almost anywhere by anyone! You will find that most of the tricks below can even be presented with a borrowed deck of cards — that way you can entertain your friends and family at a moment’s notice!

The card tricks contained in this book are “easy to learn” tricks that, if presented properly, will fool your family and friends. You will find that they will amaze older children as well as adults. But just because they are simple tricks does not mean that you can simply read through the instructions once and perform them! You will have to practice each trick over and over again until you can present it without thinking about what you have to do next and so that you know exactly what you are going to say at each stage of the trick.


Harry Houdini – The Legend of the World’s Greatest Escape Artist

This is another educational site, designed for teachers and students, that takes a fairly deep dive into magic and one of the primary figures in magic – Harry Houdini. The Houdini PDF is written in a style to appeal to middle school students, but contains a number of interesting facts and obscure photos. I enjoyed reading the PDF.

Complete course in magic, including a number of teaching videos.


Book More Shows! Ten Easy Actions you can do Right Now – Free eBook

This Top Ten Tips report has been downloaded by thousands of magicians all over the globe who want to improve their business. Join them. We will also send you a copy of our recently updated 40 page eBook …

Multiply Your Merchandising – Free eBook

Merchandising for Entertainers. Many magicians double or triple the amount of money they make at every show through some form of merchandising. But there are a lot more reasons to do it than just the money. We explain Why you should do it, What you can sell & How to do it.

MagicCoach Newsletter – Free Resource

We also include a free subscription to our monthly Tips & Techniques newsletter that goes out around the world to nearly 2000 subscribers. ?If you ?change your mind at any time, you can unsubscribe with one click via the link provided ?in each newsletter.



Routine For Rascals – Complete Routine for Families and Children (Ad)

This eBook, ready for instant Download, contains 5 dynamic professional routines from the MagicCoach himself, Timothy Hyde. These routines are no pipe dreams from an armchair theorist. They have all been performed in hundreds if not thousands of performances in his 35 years as a full time mystery performer.

These are all High Impact, Stage Filling Audience Participation effects suitable for Children’s and Family Shows. Most of the routines are also suitable for roving / walkabout engagements and can be performed surrounded at picnic, social days, fairs and other outside events.



Free Music Archives – Free Music For Your Videos

A gazillion free music tracks from ALL genre’s of music. Generally, all that’s required to use these tracks is an attribution…

“The Free Music Archive is an interactive library of high-quality, legal audio downloads directed by WFMU, the most renowned freeform radio station in America. Radio has always offered the public free access to new music. The Free Music Archive is a continuation of that purpose, designed for the age of the internet. It was launched in 2009.

Every MP3 you discover on The Free Music Archive is pre-cleared for certain types of uses that would otherwise be prohibited by copyright laws that were not designed for the digital era.

The Free Music Archive is a platform for collaboration between curators and artists, including radio stations, netlabels, venues, artist collectives, museums, music festivals and more. The site combines the curatorial approach that these organizations have played for the last few decades, with the community generated approach of many current online music sites.

Inspired by Creative Commons and the open source software movement, the FMA provides a legal and technological framework for curators, artists, and listeners to harness the potential of music sharing. Every artist page will have a bio and links to the artists’ home page for users to learn more about the music they discover via the Free Music Archive. We also seek to compensate artists directly where possible. Artist, album and song profiles may contain links to buy the full album from the artist and/or label’s preferred vendor(s). Users can also “tip” an artist if they like what they hear, sending a donation directly to the artists’ PayPal account. Artist profiles can include tour dates, encouraging users to step away from the glowing computer screen and see some real live music.”


In The Hand Riffle Shuffle – Detailed Tutorial

From Pro Magic Live.. this 16+ minute tutorial is very thorough and very informative. Although the standard Riffle Shuffle is known by most magicians.. the In The Hand Riffle Shuffle is slightly harder to master. This tutorial teaches some of the finer points that should have you well on the road to a shuffle you’ll use over and over.


Easiest Card Trick Ever – Mismag822

I won’t say this is the ‘easiest’ trick ever.. but it’s certainly easy enough. Plus, it’s impressive enough you can perform it for fellow magicians and get a nice response…

“This is a revised card trick I did 3 years ago. It’s a great beginner card trick because It requires NO SETUP, NO SLEIGHT OF HAND … and it will fool almost EVERYBODY. ”


This Months FREE PDF – Bunches of Effects

Mysterio Cinco – A Predict-A-Card Effect with Five Cards
The Trick That Can’t Be Explained!
Magic For The Blind – A Twist
Magic On The Six – A Two Man Effect
Voodoo Curse – A Business Card Effect
Climax – Henry Christ
Oil and The Clean Water Act
Triple Revelation
I Case You Didn’t Know
Torn And Restored Exposed!
Colombini Coincidence – An Effect from Vi
It’s Time – An Effect
Signed 2 Card Transpo
Synchronicity – A Card Effect for Couples
The Ten Card Trick
Clock It – A Simple Mentalism Effect
Impromptu Book Test

Another massive collection of effects from our friends.. and a few from yours truly. I think I counted 19 total effects in this PDF. About 46% are from my partner in crime/magic, Paul A Lelekis.. Another 46% are from me.. and one is from my Aruban buddy.. Vi Frank, and a Halloween effect from my Dutch mate Vincent and Jay Sankey…

This is definitely one of my very favorite of the ten PDF’s I’ll share. Most of the effects are several pages long, and very commercial oriented. I think you’ll like this…


India’s Street Magic Once Captivated the World, Including Houdini Himself – Article

“In 1893, years before he made his name as a legendary escapologist, a 19-year-old Harry Houdini sought to entertain visitors at the Chicago World Fair. So he darkened his face with makeup, put on a white robe, and posed as a “Hindu fakir.”

Houdini was capitalising on the growing fascination with the mysticism and magic of India which had sparked what one commentator described as a “fakir invasion” in the West. Indeed, he was following in the footsteps of many Western magicians who gave themselves titles like “The Fakir of Shimla” and “Fakir of Jeypoor.” These artistes dressed up in outlandish outfits, muddled together tricks from across the world, and passed them all off as Indian.

“…Science was able to explain everything, yet the East held out the promise that there were things out there tat might not be explicable, that there might be a place where real magic existed. So Western magicians were very keen to exploit this belief,” said John Zubrzycki, the Australian author of the new book, Jadoowallahs, Jugglers and Jinns.” Read more at:








Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison gave the world electric light, microphones, storage batteries, sound films, phonographs, and a thousand other inventions. Here are the principles he lived by:
(1) Work to obtain all the knowledge you can about what you want to achieve.
(2) Fix your mind on your purpose. The trouble with most people is they quit before they start.
(3) Keep searching, no matter how many times you meet with disappointment.
(4) Refuse to be influenced by the fact that someone else tried the same thing and failed.
(5) Stay “sold” on the idea that somewhere a solution to the problem exists, and you’ll find it.
P.O.Box 2110 • Spartanburg, SC 29304


Justin Johnson – Youtube Music Video

Justin is an excellent guitar player, one of the best in the country, and specializes in blues and boogie… two of my favorites. I know this has little to do with magic… but it has a LOT to do with being very good at your craft..

Heavy Swamp Blues On Fretless 6-String

Bootleg Turn



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Hundreds and hundreds of magic tutorial videos at:

Card Tricks and Magical Mysteries video blog..
Magic Roadshow Video Blog…


That does it for this issue. I hope you found something to help your magic along. Remember, if you have something you would like to see published on the Magic Roadshow site.. send it to:

Be Blessed!
Rick Carruth / Editor

Professor – Camelard College of Conjuring of Chemmis, Egypt

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science.”
Albert Einstein
